It's likely that very few people are aware that this happened recently. Maybe these guys up North are on to something. Maybe it could actually happen here in the US before Barack Hussein Obama does away with our right to peaceable assembly.
Iceland - Example for a new American Revolution | Washington Times Communities
Related to the above is another article that seems to accurately describe today's politicians from both parties. When I read this I immediately thought of Lamar Alexander (R-TN) who is up for re-election this Fall, along with several other useless incumbents that have thoroughly entrenched themselves in office by making their own rules.
Perfidious politicians: Our leaders consistently disappoint | Washington Times Communities
Maybe if the American people got off their collective duffs and did something besides complain we could get rid of old crooks like Pelosi, Reid, McCain and Lamar.
Iceland - Example for a new American Revolution | Washington Times Communities
Related to the above is another article that seems to accurately describe today's politicians from both parties. When I read this I immediately thought of Lamar Alexander (R-TN) who is up for re-election this Fall, along with several other useless incumbents that have thoroughly entrenched themselves in office by making their own rules.
Perfidious politicians: Our leaders consistently disappoint | Washington Times Communities
Maybe if the American people got off their collective duffs and did something besides complain we could get rid of old crooks like Pelosi, Reid, McCain and Lamar.