Hmm Jim and WildBill, lets see... Canada, that socialist country to the north. Home of the near-do-wells, gun control nazis ( they have begun taking away one of your sacred rights). The land where, granted, it is beautiful but so was Russia if you discounted the red-kneck communists. The place where the farmers of the western provinces
beg to become U.S. citizens so their crops don't go dormant in the fields since no markets exist for their abundance of some of the finest grain, wheat-products and cash crops. Yes, the people on balance are a fine lot like the many of the world (even the hard core Quebeqers that have a hard time being polite in the face of an Albertan that only speaks english or an American of the same). The place where the universities and high schools are some of the best in the world, but also teach that you should be watching your neighbors and turn them in if you suspect something. Hmmm, no thanks to your country on that basis, take your politics and do like the Nunavut people did, and say "no thanks". Yes we have factions that would like to head in a more controlled direction here in the U.S. But we have a great check and balance. We vote. sooner or later if the ones in charge become real bums' and not just playboy or playgirls, we vote'em out.
In Canada you get so hung up on the trivial, you can't see the selling of your country down the Yukon River if you were on it. Here in the states we continue to be the great experiment and bend, pull contract and progressively move into the future at light speed. When was the last time in most recent modern times Canada said " hey world come on over and give it a try; we have open arms, a few rules and if you can cut it you can stay",? Never. The states are still wide open, it's just we have more sensational news personalities that need to create more news to have a job tomorrow. Oh well, at least it's not force fed by the CBC.
beg to become U.S. citizens so their crops don't go dormant in the fields since no markets exist for their abundance of some of the finest grain, wheat-products and cash crops. Yes, the people on balance are a fine lot like the many of the world (even the hard core Quebeqers that have a hard time being polite in the face of an Albertan that only speaks english or an American of the same). The place where the universities and high schools are some of the best in the world, but also teach that you should be watching your neighbors and turn them in if you suspect something. Hmmm, no thanks to your country on that basis, take your politics and do like the Nunavut people did, and say "no thanks". Yes we have factions that would like to head in a more controlled direction here in the U.S. But we have a great check and balance. We vote. sooner or later if the ones in charge become real bums' and not just playboy or playgirls, we vote'em out.
In Canada you get so hung up on the trivial, you can't see the selling of your country down the Yukon River if you were on it. Here in the states we continue to be the great experiment and bend, pull contract and progressively move into the future at light speed. When was the last time in most recent modern times Canada said " hey world come on over and give it a try; we have open arms, a few rules and if you can cut it you can stay",? Never. The states are still wide open, it's just we have more sensational news personalities that need to create more news to have a job tomorrow. Oh well, at least it's not force fed by the CBC.