Yes plus blood pressure meds also.
I've had to learn hope to do a lot of things differently. it affected my whole left side. I've learned how to walk again. On walker. I'm still learning how to get my arm and fingers to work also.
Thank goodness it didn't affect my right side.
I have some hope for you Jason. My neighbor was hit with a really bad stroke 6 years ago. He could barely move his one side. He fought and now he can walk without a cane, and even ride his bicycle again. The only lingering effects he has now is having to try harder to get his hand to release things he grips. Sometimes his fingers do not release fast enough on his affected side. But he went from the walker, to the cane, to being almost 100 percent.
I'm on two blood pressure meds now too. I have a very weird condition called POTS where your heart rate and blood pressure go extremely high, but only when standing. I can go into the ER and be 117/76 BP and them saying how good my BP is. Then, as soon as I stand up, my BP will be 170/120, just like that and stay high until I sit back down. yesterday before meds, my sitting heart rate was 70 BPM, stand heart rate was 125 BPM. This makes you dizzy and unwell. Meds smooth everything out for 12 hours. I don't take meds at night, because I am not standing a lot at night. I have had BP as high as 180/130 with pulse rate of 155 BPM. That was before meds. I could not figure out why I could not tolerate standing up. I couldn't even stand in line at the DMV to get my drivers license renewed without feeling like I was dying and having to take a seat.
Any how, I'm glad you are getting better. It takes time. 7 years ago, if you told me I would be able to stand up for 5 hours a few days a week on my bad leg and work, I would have laughed at you. Now I am getting better, but you have to sometimes set realistic limitations. It is what they call a new normal. You might not be able to go back to 100 percent, but you will have a new 100 percent for you and your own situation. Hang in there. It does get better.