Third Party is among us.

Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
Third Party is here to Stay!

With the first 100 days of Obama’s rule behind us, I have notice the “Third Party” emerging. 90 percent of current democrats can form this party anytime they want to. Not until, however, they move themselves closer to this party. After all, they need as many followers as they can get before they branch out to this “Third Party”. It’s in the works, and is getting stronger everyday. Not until they branch off the Democrat party will this new “Third Party” come forth into the light. Acorn is playing a huge part in this “Third Party” ACLU, Bill Ayers, and others know it’s coming, and are all rejoicing in the “Third Party”. Americans are trying to be silence in town hall meetings, and are being portrayed as “Nut Cases”, all part of the plan.

One reason this “Third Party” has been hiding in plain site is they have not convinced enough blind followers just yet. We see it, but seem unable to do anything about it. Next years balance elections will be hard fought with the democrats imbedded “Third Party”. The loss of their power is at state here folks, and they will throw everything at us and continue to lie to us, over and over. Over and over the Obamabotts will follow blindly and believe in these lies.
Here’s to our new “Third Part”

“The New American Socialist Party”

Com’on, what are they afraid of. Lets call a fish a fish here. Most of us see this, they know it. Stop hiding and get this New American Socialist Party out in the open, so the remaining democrats can also move along and get back to their old good ways of olden days.


Veteran Expediter
"... why do you allow these men who are in power to rob you step by step, openly and in secret, of one domain of your rights after another, until one day nothing, nothing at all will be left but a mechanised state system presided over by criminals and drunks? Is your spirit already so crushed by abuse that you forget it is your right - or rather, your moral duty - to eliminate this system?" (From Leaflet No. 3, The White Rose)


Veteran Expediter
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" Benjamin Franklin


Veteran Expediter
The third Pamphlet in it's entirety is worth the read, the little snippet tells very little.

Salus publica suprema lex
All ideal forms of government are utopias. A state cannot be constructed on a purely theoretical basis; rather, it must grow and ripen in the way an individual human being matures. But we must not forget that at the starting point of every civilisation the state was already there in rudimentary form. The family is as old as man himself, and out of this initial bond man, endowed with reason, created for himself a state founded on justice, whose highest law was the common good. The state should exist as a parallel to the divine order, and the highest of all utopias, the civitas dei, is the model which in the end it should approximate. Here we will not pass judgment on the many possible forms of the state - democracy, constitutional monarchy, and so on. But one matter needs to be brought out clearly and unambiguously. Every individual human being has a claim to a useful and just state, a state which secures freedom of the individual as well as the good of the whole. For, according to God's will, man is intended to pursue his natural goal, his earthly happiness, in self-reliance and self-chosen activity, freely and independently within the community of life and work of the nation.

But our present "state" is the dictatorship of evil. "Oh, we've known that for a long time," I hear you object, "and it isn't necessary to bring that to our attention again." But, I ask you, if you know that, why do you not bestir yourselves, why do you allow these men who are in power to rob you step by step, openly and in secret, of one domain of your rights after another, until one day nothing, nothing at all will be left but a mechanized state system presided over by criminals and drunks? Is your spirit already so crushed by abuse that you forget it is your right - or rather, your moral duty - to eliminate this system? But if a man no longer can summon the strength to demand his right, then it is absolutely certain that he will perish. We would deserve to be dispersed through the earth like dust before the wind if we do not muster our powers at this late hour and finally find the courage which up to now we have lacked. Do not hide your cowardice behind a cloak of expediency, for with every new day that you hesitate, failing to oppose this offspring of Hell, your guilt, as in a parabolic curve, grows higher and higher.

Many, perhaps most, of the readers of these leaflets do not see clearly how they can practice an effective opposition. They do not see any avenues open to them. We want to try to show them that everyone is in a position to contribute to the overthrow of this system. It is not possible through solitary withdrawal, in the manner of embittered hermits, to prepare the ground for the overturn of this "government" or bring about the revolution at the earliest possible moment. No, it can be done only by the cooperation of many convinced, energetic people - people who are agreed as to the means they must use to attain their goal. We have no great number of choices as to these means. The only one available is passive resistance. The meaning and the goal of passive resistance is to topple National Socialism, and in this struggle we must not recoil from any course, any action, whatever its nature. At all points we must oppose National Socialism, wherever it is open to attack. We must soon bring this monster of a state to an end. A victory of fascist Germany in this war would have immeasurable, frightful consequences. The military victory over Bolshevism dare not become the primary concern of the Germans. The defeat of the Nazis must unconditionally be the first order of business, the greater necessity of this latter requirement will be discussed in one of our forthcoming leaflets.

And now every convinced opponent of National Socialism must ask himself how he can fight against the present "state" in the most effective way, how he can strike it the most telling blows. Through passive resistance, without a doubt. We cannot provide each man with the blueprint for his acts, we can only suggest them in general terms, and he alone will find the way of achieving this end:

Sabotage in armament plants and war industries, sabotage at all gatherings, rallies, public ceremonies, and organisations of the National Socialist Party. Obstruction of the smooth functioning of the war machine (a machine for war that goes on solely to shore up and perpetuate the National Socialist Party and its dictatorship). Sabotage in all the areas of science and scholarship which further the continuation of the war - whether in universities, technical schools, laboratories, research institutes, or technical bureaus. Sabotage in all cultural institutions which could potentially enhance the "prestige" of the fascists among the people. Sabotage in all branches of the arts which have even the slightest dependence on National Socialism or render it service.

Sabotage in all publications, all newspapers, that are in the pay of the "government" and that defend its ideology and aid in disseminating the brown lie. Do not give a penny to public drives (even when they are conducted under the pretense of charity). For this is only a disguise. In reality the proceeds aid neither the Red Cross nor the needy. The government does not need this money; it is not financially interested in these money drives. After all, the presses run continuously to manufacture any desired amount of paper currency. But the populace must be kept constantly under tension, the pressure of the bit must not be allowed to slacken! Do not contribute to the collections of metal, textiles, and the like. Try to convince all your acquaintances, including those in the lower social classes, of the senselessness of continuing, of the hopelessness of this war; of our spiritual and economic enslavement at the hands of the National Socialists; of the destruction of all moral and religious values; and urge them to passive resistance!

Aristotle, Politics: "... and further, it is part [of the nature of tyranny] to strive to see to it that nothing is kept hidden of that which any subject says or does, but that everywhere he will be spied upon, ... and further, to set man against the privileged and the wealthy. Also it is part of these tyrannical measures, to keep the subjects poor, in order to pay the guards and soldiers, and so that they will be occupied with earning their livelihood and will have neither leisure nor opportunity to engage in conspiratorial acts.... Further, [to levy] such taxes on income as were imposed in Syracuse, for under Dionysius the citizens gladly paid out their whole fortunes in taxes within five years. Also, the tyrant is inclined constantly to foment wars."

Note that there are a few key issues with this translation, mainly it was done for the use in socialist circles but it is one of the few English translations that is close to the original intent.


Veteran Expediter
The third Pamphlet in it's entirety is worth the read, the little snippet tells very little.
You are correct - the pamphlet is worth a read in it's entirety ....

As far as the snippet goes, it wasn't supposed to "tell" anything - just ask the questions that it asked.

Note that there are a few key issues with this translation, mainly it was done for the use in socialist circles but it is one of the few English translations that is close to the original intent.
You are of course, saying that the translation - and not the pamphlet itself - was done for use in socialist circles ....

The pamphlets were composed, printed, and distributed by small group of idealistic young university students (1942 - 43) in opposition to the Nazi regime then in power. Their opposition was based largely on moral grounds, not ideological.

And a good many them paid with their lives - being tried, found guilty, and then guillotined, after being caught and arrested by the Gestapo.

Indeed, pamphlet no. 6 was smuggled to the Allied forces who edited it, and then air-dropped millions of copies over Germany.

White Rose
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