There has to be accountability!


Not a Member
Here is the deal, sat in line twice this week for 2 hours trying to get through the one cash box on the I-80 east bound side south of Chicago, get to the toll booth and there are only 2 collectors! The more I think of the wasted time and fuel inching up those 4-5 miles the angrier I get!
My question is this... I-80 is a state toll road granted but because of the construction and "greed" isn't the delay of interstate commerce an issue for the federal highway administration? Yeah I know "stupid question" but for crying out loud didn't IL just advance some anti idling legislation into law? Great improvement plans and Kudos for open road tolling but Damnit don't create a double standard because of your greed...Put in more toll collectors open more lanes or suspend tolls till you can advance interstate commerce at a reasonable pace!
Oh I almost forgot...My question is who can I write and complain to?
Mike and Cyn}>


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
As our California friend would say this is also the fault of the Bush adminstation. Waiting in line for 4-5 miles means you burned more fuel thus making VP ##### Cheney and the Haliburton guys wealthier.


Veteran Expediter
My question is this;

Were the ezpass lanes open? I did this once in Chicago and since then I have ezpass. I don't see why Ohio Turnpike does not use it.


Not a Member
Rich you da man! Yes Greg they had an EZ pass lane open which we have but you can't get to that lane till 50' away from the plaza by then you have burned 2 hours. T hawk your probably right about the Ezpass and that brings up another sore subject why have Prepass any more? Scales hardly ever have the transponder on might as well save the $$ and just hit the scales man I'm p'oed today!
Mike and Cyn}>

highway star

Veteran Expediter
I ran into that with the same name. I'll bet a person could type other slang words that would get through. Like schlo... Well, I guess I won't stir things up.


Expert Expediter
>Are we that censored that we cannot say the word #####? News
>to me.

Sadly, this is often the result when "good intentions" slam into reality.

You could have typed "VP Richard Cheney", but he would still be a #####.



Expert Expediter
>My question is this;
>Were the ezpass lanes open? I did this once in Chicago and
>since then I have ezpass. I don't see why Ohio Turnpike does
>not use it.

OH TPK is trying to push it's own version of EZ-Pass. I picked up a flyer a month or so ago at a toll booth. IIRC, it's not really an option for a single CMV O/O as there is a bond posting requirement.

By doing their own thing, the TPK Commission doesn't have to give EZ-Pass a piece of the action.

OHIO = Okay, Hand It Over......after all, there's a reputation to protect, we are the 3rd most taxed state population!

If elected, Ken Blackwell aims to make us #1!



Veteran Expediter
>OH TPK is trying to push it's own version of EZ-Pass. I
>picked up a flyer a month or so ago at a toll booth. IIRC,
>it's not really an option for a single CMV O/O as there is
>a bond posting requirement.
>By doing their own thing, the TPK Commission doesn't have to
>give EZ-Pass a piece of the action.

Well I think that Ohio should join the other states that accept it, I bet that they will see an increase in revenue by just eliminating staffing. Right now I know a number of people who avoid using Ohio turn pike.

I heard that they will have a credit card type system where you have to swipe the card, so backwards and dumb.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
>>Are we that censored that we cannot say the word #####? News
>>to me.
>Sadly, this is often the result when "good intentions" slam
>into reality.
>You could have typed "VP Richard Cheney", but he would still
>be a #####.


Yes, because the system can't differentiate when it's being used as a nickname and when it's being used as an insult, as the example above illustrates.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5507, 5508, 5509
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
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