The southern border.


Veteran Expediter
I didn't say there was. My comment was directed at dandy dan.
Like I said, go back in to your cave.
Teachers have been in short supply since 1992 when I graduated.....they are very under paid and treated like slaves....they have to use part of their own pay to buy supplies for their classes. And yes classes are 50 plus students to a classroom for 1 teacher and 1 assistant if they are lucky. Now add in children that can not speak English at all and the teacher is now overwhelmed.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yes, there's been a teacher shortage for years and the quality of the remaining teachers is diminishing as well. This is exacerbated by the swelling ranks of students, many of whom are non-English speaking and functionally illiterate in their native language. So the teacher pool is moving inversely to the growing student population: the textbook definition of "overwhelmed".
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Veteran Expediter
At least have the balls to answer yourself. Smh
Your anger issues are not my problem....your not my monkey and not part of my circus......and you don't pay rent in my are of no consequence.
There is nothing your hate filled mind can say to hurt me.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
This could very well be the most important issue of the next election and the mainstream media has ignored it since the day Biden took office. Our culture and our country is being turned over to the Mexican cartels and hoards of invaders from third world countries who come in record numbers every year. Large sanctuary cities like New York and Chicago are now having to deal with this disaster they invited, and the Democrat administration responds by opening the gates even wider.

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
By legacy media “covering” it meaning with a thick shiny gloss.
Their "coverage" is about the numbers of illegal aliens coming into the big blue cities and the problems they're having providing sanctuary courtesy of the state taxpayers. They're not talking about the cause, which is the Biden open border policy. They never mention an aggressive solution like sending troops to close the border and take action against the cartels.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The only things I ever hear are how evil Abbott and DeSantis are for shipping ILLEGALS to the liberal left cities who are declared sanctuaries for them and who defend their being here. Then from those bastions how terrible it is they've been sent there and how they can't afford them and how we should have kept them. IOW, nothing but BS from DUMBER THAN DIRT LEFTIST MORONS in both the media and blue administrations.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The flood of illiterate criminals is bad enough, but it's not the only problem the open borders policy creates. During the past year an estimated 18K Chinese nationals have crossed, many of them single men of military age. No other civilized country in the world allows its enemies and anyone else to walk into their country unencumbered.

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It's too bad those who have knowingly committed treason don't magically drop dead tomorrow. It would be a good lesson to those remaining and to those lacking the intelligence to properly pick leaders.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The flood of illiterate criminals is bad enough, but it's not the only problem the open borders policy creates. During the past year an estimated 18K Chinese nationals have crossed, many of them single men of military age. No other civilized country in the world allows its enemies and anyone else to walk into their country unencumbered.

Interesting tidbit I found when researching the actual truth this article didnt contain.

58 percent of Chinese asylum seekers claims are approved, compared to under 10% from other countries. Guess they actually show up for their court hearings?
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Veteran Expediter
It's too bad those who have knowingly committed treason don't magically drop dead tomorrow. It would be a good lesson to those remaining and to those lacking the intelligence to properly pick leaders.

Would no doubt save the DOJ and the court system all kinds of time, effort, and expense ... by way of not having to prosecute, try, and incarcerate all the guilty domestic terrorists from Jan 6th.




Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
58 percent of Chinese asylum seekers claims are approved, compared to under 10% from other countries. Guess they actually show up for their court hearings?
That's because the Chinese are 58% more likely to have legitimate asylum claims than the others. That leaves the other 42% to worry about. Not very good odds when our borders are wide open to anybody.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Elon Musk has created quite a stir on social media with the livestreaming of his visit to the Southern Border on X and talking to the locals about the invasion of illegal aliens through their area around Eagle Pass and into the rest of the country. Hearing the local sheriffs' reports makes this situation really strike home, because soon they'll be everywhere - not just NYC and other sanctuary cities. The video is well worth taking the time to watch.



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Biden has decided we need the border wall after all - 20 miles worth - in direct conflict with his open borders policy. No doubt the distressed legal citizens of NYC and Chicago are greatly relieved. Meanwhile, the cartels will have to re-route a few of their caravans.

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Veteran Expediter
Biden has decided we need the border wall after all - 20 miles worth - in direct conflict with his open borders policy. No doubt the distressed legal citizens of NYC and Chicago are greatly relieved. Meanwhile, the cartels will have to re-route a few of their caravans.

They had to by pass 26 laws put in place to stop any construction of the wall.......26 laws