The shape of things to come


Veteran Expediter
I have said over and over again that the present election is about race but should never be. If we allow it to be, than we have stepped back to an age where we are forced to look at people by the color of their skin and now we have come to the point that everything in every day life from cable prices to the use of proper scientific terms are all deemed racist.
We fell for the idea that no one is created equal but we have to make them equal. We no longer want people to achieve in life but be a victim to some sort of discrimination which then we put them up above others to appear we are helping them.

This has been more of a problem now that Obama is running, many are thinking that we are making history that it is time to right an injustice but they are part of a bigger problem by stifling the individual, the people who want to continue to improve the country not become robots. We have in a sense become overly sensitive of the issue of Obama, we judge those who speak of his past as racist, we judge those who question his patriotism as racist, we judge anyone who does not agree with him as racist. We indeed deserve what we get if we can’t stand up against this form of suppression through guilt.

Just speaking about one issue, I have heard several times that because we question Obama’s patriotism, there is some form of racism. The net result has been a campaign to redefine patriotism which now many will say it is not putting your country first but questioning your country and opposing it.

In Texas, there was meeting of the Dallas County Commission the other day.
During the meeting one of the white commissioners made a comment about ticket collection system – “It sounds like central collections has become a black hole”. Commissioner John Wiley Price said that this was a racist comment and then went on a rather livid tirade demanding an apology over the term Black Hole.

He seems to be sticking to his comments that the term "black hole," is racist. Price also says language such as "angel food cake" and "devil's food cake" is also racially insensitive.

No where is this form of thinking more prevalent than in the city of Detroit. We see a mayor who is corrupt with a city council who cares more about themselves than the people but no one wants to do much about it. If we, the suburbanites complain about it, we are racist. If we the people of the state want our governor to fix the problem, we are racists. We have been there and done all that with this city but now it is the countries turn to see what it is like. Commissioner Price is a prefect example, I really think that we all deserve this way of thinking for the country.


Retired Expediter
Greg..I found this about Detroit you might like...

In a recent survey, people from Detroit have proved to be the most likely to have had sex in the shower!

In the survey, carried out for leading toiletries firm 'Brut', a huge
86% of Detroit residents said that they have enjoyed sex in the shower.

The other 14% said they hadn't been to prison .... yet.....:D


Veteran Expediter
The race thing is getting trite. It seems like the only one that keeps bringing this into the news is this site.