Veteran Expediter
Such a belief about a man, and specifically about President Barack Obama, was cultivated among us in only the last few years. The objective of this speech is not a thorough evaluation of President Obama’s life and activity. Concerning President Obama merits, an entirely sufficient number of books, pamphlets and studies had already been written in his lifetime. President Obama role of President Obama in the preparation and execution of the revolution of change, in this new form of civil war, and in the fight for the construction of utopia in our country while destroying capitalism, is universally known. Everyone knows it well.
Comrades, the United States justly is considered a model multinational state because we have assured in practice the equality and friendship of all of the peoples living in our great land. We are a beacon of hope for a lot of capitalist oppressed people but we lack true leadership.
I recall the first days when the conflict between the United States and Iran began to be blown up artificially. Once, when I came from Chicago to Washington, I was invited to visit President Obama, who, pointing to the copy of a letter recently sent to Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, asked me, "Have you read this?"
Not waiting for my reply, he answered, "I will shake my little finger - and there will be no more problems with Iran, the UN will jump, we will demand condemnation of the country and they will capitulate or we will destroy them. Either way we will solve this problem."
We have paid dearly for this "shaking of the little finger". This statement reflected President Obama’s mania for greatness, but he acted just that way: "I will shake my little finger - and there will be no General Motors"; "I will shake my little finger once more and Bank of America and Exxon will be no more"; "I will shake my little finger again - and General Dynamics, Boeing and many others will disappear."
Is this the leadership we need at this junction of our history?
Comrades! The cult of the individual acquired such monstrous size chiefly because President Barack Obama himself, using all conceivable methods, supported the glorification of his own person with help of a willing press. This is supported by numerous facts. One of the most characteristic examples of President Obama’s self-glorification and of his lack of even elementary modesty is the edition of his elaborate Biography.
This book is an expression of the most dissolute flattery, an example of making a man into a godhead, of transforming him into an infallible sage, "the greatest leader, sublime strategist of all times and nations." Finally, no other words could be found with which to lift President Obama up to the heavens.
We need not give here examples of the loathsome adulation filling this book. All we need to add is that they all were approved and edited by President Obama personally. Some of them were added in his own handwriting to the draft text of the book.
What did President Obama consider essential to write into this book?
Did he want to cool the ardor of the flatterers who were composing his elaborate Biography?
He marked the very places where he thought that the praise of his services was insufficient. Here are some examples characterizing President Obama's activity, added in President Obama’s own hand: "In this fight against the skeptics and capitulators, the Capitalists, Libertarians, Greenies and Independents, there was definitely welded together, after 7 years of Bush, we must change the course of our country, change we can beleive in ... that upheld the great banner of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson the great defenders of the people, rallied the party behind Howard Dean’s behests, and bring the people as I did as a community organizer onto the broad paths of change in the country and collectivizing the economy for all the people. The leader of this core and the guiding force of the party and the state is to be Barack Obama."
Thus writes President Obama himself! Then he adds:
"Although he performed his tasks as a great leader of the people with consummate skill, and enjoyed the unreserved support of the entire people, Barack Obama never allowed his work to be marred by the slightest hint of vanity, conceit or self-adulation."
Where and when could a leader so praise himself?
Is this worthy of a leader of the Marxist type?
Precisely against this did Marx and Engels take such a strong position, and Ayres and others would not have approved. This always was sharply condemned by Alinsky.
In the draft text of President Obama’s book appeared the following sentence: "Barack Obama is the Alinsky of today." This sentence appeared to President Obama to be too weak. Thus, in his own handwriting, he changed it to read: "Barack Obama is the worthy continuer of Alinsky’s work, or, as it is said in our Party, Barack Obama is the Alinsky of today." You see how well it is said, not by the nation but by President Obama himself.
It is possible to offer many such self-praising appraisals written into the draft text of that book in President Obama’s hand. He showers himself especially generously with praises regarding his military genius and his talent for strategy. I will cite one more insertion made by Barack Obama on the theme: "The advanced science received further development," he writes, "at President Obama’s hands. Barack Obama elaborated the theory of the permanent operating factors that decide the issue of war, of active defense and the laws of counteroffensive and offensive, of the cooperation of all services and arms in modern warfare, of the role of cutting edge technology in modern war, and of the smart weapons as the most formidable of the armed services. At various stages of the war, President Obama’s genius found correct solutions that took into account all the circumstances of the situation."
Comrades! The cult of the individual caused the employment of faulty principles in party work and in economic activity. It brought about rude violation of internal party and democracy, sterile administration, deviations of all sorts, cover-ups of shortcomings, and vanishings of reality within our congress. Our nation bore forth many flatterers and specialists in false optimism and deceit.
We should also not forget that, due to the numerous arrests of our economy, the stifling of opposition and economic leaders with the full cooperation of the press, many workers began to work uncertainly, showed over cautiousness, feared all which was new, feared their own shadows, and began to show less initiative in their work.
Is this the change we truly need, the fearful worker?
Take, for instance, Congress legislation and White House resolutions. They were prepared in a routine manner, often without considering the concrete situation, without debate or even reading the legislation and resolutions to understand the impact of what has just been created. This went so far that congressional members, even during the smallest sessions, read prepared speeches and voting without listening to their constituents but President Obama then blaming the people for the mistakes that they made. All this produced the danger of formalizing the Congress and White House work and of bureaucratizing the whole apparatus while removing the rights of the individual worker to have a voice.
President Obama’s reluctance to consider life's realities and the fact that he was not aware of the real state of affairs our great nation but only those which the press uses to further his legacy. It can be illustrated by his direction of our economy through deficit spending and increasing the debt to levels we never seen before. He knew the country and economy only from films, union propaganda and the press. And these sources were all dressed up and beautified the existing situation in the economy from a unions point of view. Many pictured Union Life such that tables groaned from the weight of food while American made cars made by American compaines sitting in the driveway. Evidently, President Obama thought that it was actually so.
President Bush, President Clinton and others looked at life differently. They always were close to the people. They used to receive citizens and often spoke at gatherings. They understood the needs of the people and talk to them on their level.
President Obama separated himself from the people and never went anywhere unless there was a photo opportunity or some form a gain to his legacy.
How then could he have known the situation in our great country?
Once, President Obama was told during a discussion that our situation in our factories was a difficult one and that the situation in having our jobs go to foreign countries was especially bad. From there came a commission charged with the preparation of a resolution called "Measures toward the further development of job outsourcing" We worked out this project with several committees, using labor resources but getting absolute guidance from President Obama who then decided to put in charge GE to produce a report for him to decide on a course of action.
Of course, our proposals at that time did not cover all the possibilities and his involvement led us to feel we could not understand his great mind and what we could have missed. However we did chart ways in which job outsourcing could be done within the country, and union membership could be boosted. We proposed to allow the Mexicans to become citizens so as to create incentives for them to join the unions. But our project was not accepted, it was laid aside entirely.
What is more, while reviewing this project Obama proposed that the taxes paid by the Rich and by some workers should be raised by 40 billion dollars to help with citizenship and union programs for the Mexican truck drivers who are already here. According to President Obama, the Rich were well off and some workers would need to work only a few more hours a week to pay his tax in full.
Think about what this implied. Forty billion Dollars is a sum which these workers did not realize is money going to end their jobs in the long run. For instance, the workers received 26 billion dollars for all the overtime they worked and they would not afford the opportunity to work any more over time if someone could come in and be a union member doing the same job.
Did President Obama’s position, then, rest on data of any sort whatever?
Of course not!
In such cases facts and figures did not interest him. If President Obama said anything, it meant it was so - after all, he was a "genius," and a genius does not need to count, he only needs to look and can immediately tell how it should be. When he expresses his opinion, everyone has to repeat it and to admire his wisdom.
But how much wisdom was contained in the proposal to raise a worker’s tax by 40 billion dollars?
None, absolutely none, because the proposal was not based on an actual assessment of the situation but on the fantastic ideas of a person divorced from reality.
We are currently beginning slowly to work our way out of a difficult economic situation. The speeches of the members of congress please us all; they show that they really care about the people. We are glad that many congressional members have delivered speeches to the effect that conditions exist for fulfilling the plan for economic recovery, not in five years, but within two to three years. We are certain that the commitments of the new economic recovery plan will be accomplished successfully.
Comrades! If we sharply criticize today the cult of the individual which was so widespread during the last few years, and if we speak about the many negative phenomena generated by this cult which is so alien to the spirit of America, some may ask: How could it be?
President Obama never headed anything or the country and many victories were gained during his lifetime were never victories in the first place. Can we deny this?
In my opinion, the question can be asked in this manner only by those who are blinded and hopelessly hypnotized by the cult of the individual, only by those who do not understand the essence of the United States or that the office of the president is not the office of a God. Only by those who do not understand, in any manner, the role of the government should be of our nation in the development of the society we will never realize the true American dream until we rebuild our utopia without the cult of the individual.
Our revolution of change was attained by the working class and by the poor peasantry with the partial support of middle-class peasants. It was attained by the people under the leadership of a great party leader, Howard Dean. His great service consisted of the fact that he reaffirmed a party of the working class, but he was armed with Marxist understanding of the laws of social development and with the science of propaganda victory in the fight against capitalism and liberties, and he steeled this party in the crucible of the revolutionary struggle of the masses of the people and gave us the president we fear today – Barack Hussein Obama
Comrades, the United States justly is considered a model multinational state because we have assured in practice the equality and friendship of all of the peoples living in our great land. We are a beacon of hope for a lot of capitalist oppressed people but we lack true leadership.
I recall the first days when the conflict between the United States and Iran began to be blown up artificially. Once, when I came from Chicago to Washington, I was invited to visit President Obama, who, pointing to the copy of a letter recently sent to Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, asked me, "Have you read this?"
Not waiting for my reply, he answered, "I will shake my little finger - and there will be no more problems with Iran, the UN will jump, we will demand condemnation of the country and they will capitulate or we will destroy them. Either way we will solve this problem."
We have paid dearly for this "shaking of the little finger". This statement reflected President Obama’s mania for greatness, but he acted just that way: "I will shake my little finger - and there will be no General Motors"; "I will shake my little finger once more and Bank of America and Exxon will be no more"; "I will shake my little finger again - and General Dynamics, Boeing and many others will disappear."
Is this the leadership we need at this junction of our history?
Comrades! The cult of the individual acquired such monstrous size chiefly because President Barack Obama himself, using all conceivable methods, supported the glorification of his own person with help of a willing press. This is supported by numerous facts. One of the most characteristic examples of President Obama’s self-glorification and of his lack of even elementary modesty is the edition of his elaborate Biography.
This book is an expression of the most dissolute flattery, an example of making a man into a godhead, of transforming him into an infallible sage, "the greatest leader, sublime strategist of all times and nations." Finally, no other words could be found with which to lift President Obama up to the heavens.
We need not give here examples of the loathsome adulation filling this book. All we need to add is that they all were approved and edited by President Obama personally. Some of them were added in his own handwriting to the draft text of the book.
What did President Obama consider essential to write into this book?
Did he want to cool the ardor of the flatterers who were composing his elaborate Biography?
He marked the very places where he thought that the praise of his services was insufficient. Here are some examples characterizing President Obama's activity, added in President Obama’s own hand: "In this fight against the skeptics and capitulators, the Capitalists, Libertarians, Greenies and Independents, there was definitely welded together, after 7 years of Bush, we must change the course of our country, change we can beleive in ... that upheld the great banner of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson the great defenders of the people, rallied the party behind Howard Dean’s behests, and bring the people as I did as a community organizer onto the broad paths of change in the country and collectivizing the economy for all the people. The leader of this core and the guiding force of the party and the state is to be Barack Obama."
Thus writes President Obama himself! Then he adds:
"Although he performed his tasks as a great leader of the people with consummate skill, and enjoyed the unreserved support of the entire people, Barack Obama never allowed his work to be marred by the slightest hint of vanity, conceit or self-adulation."
Where and when could a leader so praise himself?
Is this worthy of a leader of the Marxist type?
Precisely against this did Marx and Engels take such a strong position, and Ayres and others would not have approved. This always was sharply condemned by Alinsky.
In the draft text of President Obama’s book appeared the following sentence: "Barack Obama is the Alinsky of today." This sentence appeared to President Obama to be too weak. Thus, in his own handwriting, he changed it to read: "Barack Obama is the worthy continuer of Alinsky’s work, or, as it is said in our Party, Barack Obama is the Alinsky of today." You see how well it is said, not by the nation but by President Obama himself.
It is possible to offer many such self-praising appraisals written into the draft text of that book in President Obama’s hand. He showers himself especially generously with praises regarding his military genius and his talent for strategy. I will cite one more insertion made by Barack Obama on the theme: "The advanced science received further development," he writes, "at President Obama’s hands. Barack Obama elaborated the theory of the permanent operating factors that decide the issue of war, of active defense and the laws of counteroffensive and offensive, of the cooperation of all services and arms in modern warfare, of the role of cutting edge technology in modern war, and of the smart weapons as the most formidable of the armed services. At various stages of the war, President Obama’s genius found correct solutions that took into account all the circumstances of the situation."
Comrades! The cult of the individual caused the employment of faulty principles in party work and in economic activity. It brought about rude violation of internal party and democracy, sterile administration, deviations of all sorts, cover-ups of shortcomings, and vanishings of reality within our congress. Our nation bore forth many flatterers and specialists in false optimism and deceit.
We should also not forget that, due to the numerous arrests of our economy, the stifling of opposition and economic leaders with the full cooperation of the press, many workers began to work uncertainly, showed over cautiousness, feared all which was new, feared their own shadows, and began to show less initiative in their work.
Is this the change we truly need, the fearful worker?
Take, for instance, Congress legislation and White House resolutions. They were prepared in a routine manner, often without considering the concrete situation, without debate or even reading the legislation and resolutions to understand the impact of what has just been created. This went so far that congressional members, even during the smallest sessions, read prepared speeches and voting without listening to their constituents but President Obama then blaming the people for the mistakes that they made. All this produced the danger of formalizing the Congress and White House work and of bureaucratizing the whole apparatus while removing the rights of the individual worker to have a voice.
President Obama’s reluctance to consider life's realities and the fact that he was not aware of the real state of affairs our great nation but only those which the press uses to further his legacy. It can be illustrated by his direction of our economy through deficit spending and increasing the debt to levels we never seen before. He knew the country and economy only from films, union propaganda and the press. And these sources were all dressed up and beautified the existing situation in the economy from a unions point of view. Many pictured Union Life such that tables groaned from the weight of food while American made cars made by American compaines sitting in the driveway. Evidently, President Obama thought that it was actually so.
President Bush, President Clinton and others looked at life differently. They always were close to the people. They used to receive citizens and often spoke at gatherings. They understood the needs of the people and talk to them on their level.
President Obama separated himself from the people and never went anywhere unless there was a photo opportunity or some form a gain to his legacy.
How then could he have known the situation in our great country?
Once, President Obama was told during a discussion that our situation in our factories was a difficult one and that the situation in having our jobs go to foreign countries was especially bad. From there came a commission charged with the preparation of a resolution called "Measures toward the further development of job outsourcing" We worked out this project with several committees, using labor resources but getting absolute guidance from President Obama who then decided to put in charge GE to produce a report for him to decide on a course of action.
Of course, our proposals at that time did not cover all the possibilities and his involvement led us to feel we could not understand his great mind and what we could have missed. However we did chart ways in which job outsourcing could be done within the country, and union membership could be boosted. We proposed to allow the Mexicans to become citizens so as to create incentives for them to join the unions. But our project was not accepted, it was laid aside entirely.
What is more, while reviewing this project Obama proposed that the taxes paid by the Rich and by some workers should be raised by 40 billion dollars to help with citizenship and union programs for the Mexican truck drivers who are already here. According to President Obama, the Rich were well off and some workers would need to work only a few more hours a week to pay his tax in full.
Think about what this implied. Forty billion Dollars is a sum which these workers did not realize is money going to end their jobs in the long run. For instance, the workers received 26 billion dollars for all the overtime they worked and they would not afford the opportunity to work any more over time if someone could come in and be a union member doing the same job.
Did President Obama’s position, then, rest on data of any sort whatever?
Of course not!
In such cases facts and figures did not interest him. If President Obama said anything, it meant it was so - after all, he was a "genius," and a genius does not need to count, he only needs to look and can immediately tell how it should be. When he expresses his opinion, everyone has to repeat it and to admire his wisdom.
But how much wisdom was contained in the proposal to raise a worker’s tax by 40 billion dollars?
None, absolutely none, because the proposal was not based on an actual assessment of the situation but on the fantastic ideas of a person divorced from reality.
We are currently beginning slowly to work our way out of a difficult economic situation. The speeches of the members of congress please us all; they show that they really care about the people. We are glad that many congressional members have delivered speeches to the effect that conditions exist for fulfilling the plan for economic recovery, not in five years, but within two to three years. We are certain that the commitments of the new economic recovery plan will be accomplished successfully.
Comrades! If we sharply criticize today the cult of the individual which was so widespread during the last few years, and if we speak about the many negative phenomena generated by this cult which is so alien to the spirit of America, some may ask: How could it be?
President Obama never headed anything or the country and many victories were gained during his lifetime were never victories in the first place. Can we deny this?
In my opinion, the question can be asked in this manner only by those who are blinded and hopelessly hypnotized by the cult of the individual, only by those who do not understand the essence of the United States or that the office of the president is not the office of a God. Only by those who do not understand, in any manner, the role of the government should be of our nation in the development of the society we will never realize the true American dream until we rebuild our utopia without the cult of the individual.
Our revolution of change was attained by the working class and by the poor peasantry with the partial support of middle-class peasants. It was attained by the people under the leadership of a great party leader, Howard Dean. His great service consisted of the fact that he reaffirmed a party of the working class, but he was armed with Marxist understanding of the laws of social development and with the science of propaganda victory in the fight against capitalism and liberties, and he steeled this party in the crucible of the revolutionary struggle of the masses of the people and gave us the president we fear today – Barack Hussein Obama