The sad story of Madeleine McCann


Veteran Expediter
This is one of my insensitive threads, and not 100% sure but I think that many will agree with me.

I am sick of parents who just have kids as some sort of accessory and don’t take steps to protect them. My feelings may have been enhanced by the fact of two 4/5 year olds running around Sam’s club Saturday when the parents were no where to be found and following the kids around while my wife went for the manager, they were no where in sight at all. The manager took the kids and called the police.

I find the story of Madeleine McCann truly sad and illustrate something wrong with the world when these things happen.

This is not a case where a parent or parents are at the park and they lose track of their kid or a case where someone breaks into a home a take a kid but what we should consider inexcusable behavior on the parents.

If you don’t know, Madeleine McCann is a UK toddler that has been missing in southern Portugal since May 3.

Now the McCanns are highly educated and physicians and should be more diligent about things like this. For what ever purpose it served, it seems that the McCann’s left their kids, two 2 year olds and Madeleine in a bedroom of a ‘holiday’ apartment. They went out to a near by restaurant but claim to check on the kids periodically. When they returned for the night, the windows and door was open and the place empty.

It is tragic enough but the circumstances of the disappearance really bothers me and I feel that this time the parents need to be completely and totally held accountable for her disappearance beside who ever took her. I am outraged at a lack of any idea to hold them accountable regardless of their grief and think that their remaining kids should be removed but this is me and my insensitive attitude toward protecting kids and stupid parents.

I really pray that they find her alive and well but I also pray that people like this don’t ever have kids. To me and my wife, leaving kids in the hotel room and going to eat is the same as a parent who beats their kid. Abuse is Abuse.


Retired Expediter
greg.. I coached little league for 4 years 7-9 yr olds and T-ball for 2 years 4-5 yrs old...believe me I've some some parents that should have been spayed and neutered in puberty!
I agree abuse takes shape in many forms.
ie: One father yelled at his son while at bat" come on son hit that ball shes "only" a girl" girl pitcher 8 yrs old, boy 7yrs old.
I asked the dad to tone it down that his derogatory remarks toward the female players was unacceptable. He says outloud "WTF you gay or somethin???" If not for the kids I held back not cold c##king him. But had park security escort him out for using profanity.


Seasoned Expediter
And they claim rednecks are only from the south...

You showed great restraint OVM. The guy needed to know what a foul ball feels like...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I'd have pulled the son from the at bat, sat the son on the bench for the remainder of that game, and informed the dad that his son would start each game and play until the dad was inappropriate, as he had just been, at which point the boy was through playing for the remainder of that game. Then when he was profane I'd have him ejected just as you did.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Expert Expediter
>I'd have pulled the son from the at bat, sat the son on the
>bench for the remainder of that game, and informed the dad
>that his son would start each game and play until the dad
>was inappropriate, as he had just been, at which point the
>boy was through playing for the remainder of that game. Then
>when he was profane I'd have him ejected just as you did.
>Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
>Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
>Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
>EO Forum Moderator
>Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you

No sense in punishing the kid for his father being stupid. Sounds like the kid probably has it bad enough without being punished for his dads screw ups...
