The Obama Record Continues


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Barack Hussein Obama continues to add to his legacy of becoming the most failed president in our lifetimes, and possibly the history of the country. His latest milestone is his approval rating (using the term loosely), which is now below that of Jimmy Carter at the stage of his first term.
President Obama's slow ride down Gallup's daily presidential job approval index has finally passed below Jimmy Carter, earning Obama the worst job approval rating of any president at this stage of his term in modern political history.
Since March, Obama's job approval rating has hovered above Carter's, considered among the 20th century's worst presidents, but today Obama's punctured Carter's dismal job approval line. On their comparison chart, Gallup put Obama's job approval rating at 43 percent compared to Carter's 51 percent.

Obama's Job Approval Drops Below Carter's - Washington Whispers (

Yet in spite of these record negatives, the MSM continues to promote the template that none of the GOP candidates could beat him in an election if one were held tomorrow - what utter nonsense! If this were a Republican president with these kinds of negatives he would already have been declared a dead man walking into his re-election.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
That would be an interesting debate. Newt is exponentially superior to Obama in intelligence and speaking ability. Then again, my 18 month old grandson may also be, in intelligence if not yet in speaking ability but give him a year or two and he'll be there.


Veteran Expediter
You know I don't get how this is happening when Fox was talking about how great the markets are doing and how we are seeing records being reached in the markets. While this is going on, they seem to be on the same bandwagon as everyone else with the same comments and same talking head format shows.

I think that many missed an important point today, the EU is having serious issues and it is again the US who has come to the rescue, while not one republican has stepped forward and said how wrong some of these things are while Daniel Hannan, MP of the EU has explained more than once that there is no way out of the EU crisis without rethinking the Union and it will pull the US economy down quick unless some of the members rid themselves of the Euro.

What that has to do with the subject at hand is that Obama would be just like Bush and anyone else in the WH - clueless.


Veteran Expediter
That would be an interesting debate. Newt is exponentially superior to Obama in intelligence and speaking ability.

Really Leo, you put that much faith into a person who help start all of this mess and than accuses everyone else of being the problem.

Newt is an idiot who doesn't know what the word retire means.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Really Leo, you put that much faith into a person who help start all of this mess and than accuses everyone else of being the problem.
For those of us in the unwashed masses, maybe you could elaborate on the above assertion
Newt is an idiot who doesn't know what the word retire means.
Now that's a bit rash, don't you think? An idiot with a PhD from Tulane, author of 23 books, has served on countless commissions and successfully undertaken several business ventures among other things - his resume is really more impressive than people realize. Granted, he's had some ups and downs during his career but his accomplishments far outweigh his failures.

Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the purposes of the GOP nomination, he's vastly superior in accomplishments, experience and intellect to the current occupent of the Oval Office. As the primary process moves forward we'll probably see the Cain supporters move to Newt and he'll go on to duke it out with Romney as the also-rans in single digits gradually fall off the screen. At least that's what my crystal ball is telling me at 12:45AM - I'm outta here.


Veteran Expediter
For those of us in the unwashed masses, maybe you could elaborate on the above assertion

Elaborate on the obvious?


This guy was in charge of the house when Clinton was in office and compromised on a lot of things that helped not only the liberals in congress out but set us up for the problems we have today. It was Newt's policies in the house that were changed that allowed the oversight of things like banks and freddie/fannie to be shifted to the twilight zone and he, like many other republicans increased spending along the same lines as the democrats. TO even speak about cutting taxes and spending is as hypocritical as one can get.

Now that's a bit rash, don't you think?

Nope, he is an idiot.

An idiot with a PhD from Tulane, author of 23 books, has served on countless commissions and successfully undertaken several business ventures among other things - his resume is really more impressive than people realize.

Being educated has nothing to do with being an idiot, you can be highly educated and still be an idiot - if you want proof, look at any campus and either graduate students or tenured professors.

Having "authored" books means little, I don't recall one of them and I don't have one in my collection anywhere.

What business ventures? I mean I have not read about anything but think tanks and consulting firms, where's the manufacturing plant or the fast food places he owns?

Impressive resumes mean little to those who are unemployed or to a country that is looking for leadership qualities in a person to actually restore confidence in the country and the economy. He is not a leader, he doesn't inspire anyone to do much of anything and to think that this is the best that can be had among those who call themselves conservative, you would think that "conservatives" would get a clue.

<<sigh>> but alas most conservatives don't get that they act like liberals anyway.

Granted, he's had some ups and downs during his career but his accomplishments far outweigh his failures.

Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Granted that his accomplishments are not as well known as his failures but we must ask ourselves an important question - doesn't his failures reflect a lack of intelligence on the practical end of life?

For the purposes of the GOP nomination, he's vastly superior in accomplishments, experience and intellect to the current occupent of the Oval Office.

I don't know about that, I see it this way, Gingrich is a hasbeen who has lost confidence of his own party while he was running the house which is not anywhere near superior because Obama is in the WH and not Gingrich.

As the primary process moves forward we'll probably see the Cain supporters move to Newt and he'll go on to duke it out with Romney as the also-rans in single digits gradually fall off the screen. At least that's what my crystal ball is telling me at 12:45AM - I'm outta here.

Well that's pretty pathetic when you examine it without the conservative glasses on. I mean IF cain steps out of the race, which he should stick to it, then Cain's supporters are just fishing for somewhere to vote - Cain is nothing like either of those two and to think that his supporters are going to run to Gingrich because there is nothing left, means that they can't think.


Veteran Expediter
The man (Newt) has 100% recall. He remembers everything and that to me is amazing. Yes he is a true conservative and of the list thats running he is probably the most qualified. He also has not said one negative word against the rest of the field. Now that doesn't mean I like him but he's the only one thats come out with ideas and will put Reagons policies back in and get the economy going. I remember when he started working with Clinton, our economy turned and trucking was really good those years (80's).

I might ad, words cannot describe my feeling about Obama. At least none that you can print.


Veteran Expediter
Yes he is a true conservative

Anyone that would proclaim the above is evidently utterly unfamiliar with the Old Right and what true conservatism actually is ...

Newt is a neo-con .... plain and simple ....

That putrid, murderous ideology came from a fetid swamp of (supposedly former) Socialists, Trotskyists, and Marxists.

Bad trees don't bear good fruit.

Learn history ... so you don't repeat it.
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Veteran Expediter

Anyone that would proclaim the above is evidently utterly unfamiliar with the Old Right and what true conservatism actually is ...

Newt is a neo-con .... plain and simple ....

That putrid, murderous ideology came from a fetid swamp of (supposedly former) Socialists, Trotskyists, and Marxists.

Bad trees don't bear good fruit.

Learn history ... so you don't repeat it.

We need a Like button on the tapatalk version.

Nope, and the idea that Newt is a genuine conservative is ludicrous. Pat Buchanan is, Ron Paul is, Paul Craig Roberts is... I'm running out.


You know the problem with bad cops? They make the other 5% look bad.


Veteran Expediter

Anyone that would proclaim the above is evidently utterly unfamiliar with the Old Right and what true conservatism actually is ...

Newt is a neo-con .... plain and simple ....

That putrid, murderous ideology came from a fetid swamp of (supposedly former) Socialists, Trotskyists, and Marxists.

Bad trees don't bear good fruit.

Learn history ... so you don't repeat it.

You and your Obama friends are making all kinds of history.:D


Veteran Expediter
The man (Newt) has 100% recall.

So did Stalin and Lenin but does that mean much with the issues at hand?


He remembers everything and that to me is amazing.

Ever talk to him?

I bet he has some way of remembering things but this isn't an asset, ever hear of Plausible deniability?

Yes he is a true conservative and of the list thats running he is probably the most qualified.

Don't take this wrong but what in the hell is a "true conservative"?

There seems to be an issue with the moniker to begin with, being hijacked by liberals for the last 40 or 50 years, we seem to be looking at liberals and thinking that they are conservatives.

He also has not said one negative word against the rest of the field.

I think McCain also did something like this but he wasn't elected either.

Now that doesn't mean I like him but he's the only one thats come out with ideas and will put Reagons policies back in and get the economy going.

Oh boy, guess what?

His ideas are old and ANY reagan policies that may be considered need to be shelved because this is not the same economy as it was in 1980. More importantly is the fact that Obama, among Bush and others tried to use Reagan's policies and it has been a failure - something like using the same thing that was done in FDR's time to fix things, they didn't work.

I remember when he started working with Clinton, our economy turned and trucking was really good those years (80's).

Different economy, different trucks.

I might ad, words cannot describe my feeling about Obama. At least none that you can print.

I don't understand how we can have a discussion of politics on a site where we work in an industry that has such language used by those who otherwise would be docile and not be able to express our feelings.


Veteran Expediter
Newt reminds me of Richard Nixon. Oversized brain. Mean, nasty, tough. Imperfect, but imminently competent. Definitely right-of-center. Carries more personal baggage than a Barney Frank concubine. Some conservatives are giddy for Newt. We haven't had a real meanie in the White House since Nixon. Maybe he is right for the times we endure. Folks accused Reagan of meanness, but Newt's the real deal. No more nice guys. Root for Newt!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
For those of us in the unwashed masses, maybe you could elaborate on the above assertion

Elaborate on the obvious?
This guy was in charge of the house when Clinton was in office and compromised on a lot of things that helped not only the liberals in congress out but set us up for the problems we have today.
Another vague assertion - what things?? - be specific. That statement doesn't offer us a single substantiated fact.
It was Newt's policies in the house that were changed that allowed the oversight of things like banks and freddie/fannie to be shifted to the twilight zone...
That tells us that Newt's policies shouldn't have been changed. What policies? What changes?
Nope, he is an idiot.
Being educated has nothing to do with being an idiot, you can be highly educated and still be an idiot - if you want proof, look at any campus and either graduate students or tenured professors.
Nope, they're not idiots - they're just people that live in a world of theory instead of reality and consequently have no real world experience to combine with their education. Sometimes they try to venture out of their bubble for the first time and get flattened by reality - sort of like the current resident of the White House. Gingrich is not an idiot, and the name-calling suggests the lack of a substantive argument.
Having "authored" books means little, I don't recall one of them and I don't have one in my collection anywhere.
As I survey the authors in my library (while enjoying a snifter of Cognac Tesseron #29):rolleyes: I realize he's not among my collection either. So what? Fact is, he's authored a lot of books and sold a lot of books written on topics of substance.
What business ventures? I mean I have not read about anything but think tanks and consulting firms, where's the manufacturing plant or the fast food places he owns?
" After leaving Congress in 1999, Gingrich started a number of for-profit companies:[97] Between 2001 and 2010, the companies he and his wife owned in full or part had revenues of almost $100 million.[98]"
Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well that's pretty pathetic when you examine it without the conservative glasses on. I mean IF cain steps out of the race, which he should stick to it, then Cain's supporters are just fishing for somewhere to vote - Cain is nothing like either of those two and to think that his supporters are going to run to Gingrich because there is nothing left, means that they can't think.
Not hardly - they're just in the narrowing down process. I agree that Cain shouldn't quit just because some psycho-bimbo comes out of the woodwork at the behest of some political underworld figure that's probably slipping her a suitcase full of small denomination unmarked bills. If Cain drops out the credible candidates remaining are Romney and Gingrich - that's all. Perry flamed out early, and the others were never in the race to begin with.



Senior Moderator
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I'll go with someones other post. A Gringrich-Obama debate might be fun to watch.


Veteran Expediter
I'll go with someones other post. A Gringrich-Obama debate might be fun to watch.
But what would be the point - to see which one of these vain, self-absorbed, disingenious, immoral pols could flip-flop the most ..... thereby suckering in the most number of sheeple by telling them what they want to hear ?