>I'd like to know, what is a person with a new truck suppose
>to do? Everywhere I have purchased fuel says not to use
>this fuel in a 07 or newer engine. Does this apply to aux
>gen systems as well? If it is a 07 or newer deisel engine
>then would I need a sepatate tank for fuel to run my
>generator? Where can I get new fuel for new engines? Is
>the deisel fuel for autos ok? I could just see big rigs
>pulling up to auto islands to get fuel LOL.
we have 3 1980s era mb diesel autos so this is interesting to me on other levels but let me throw this out from Transportation Topics week of June 5th on the front cover the article says, ..."ULSD is needed for lower emission 2007 engines to run properly. Using higher sulpher fuel will clog the particulate filter".
In the following issue dated June 12th,...."Mike Tunnell, dir of environmental research with ATA said ULSD are more stringent in Calif. and refiners found it easier to meet the aromatics requirement by reducin the amount of sulpher in the fuel. So Calif is not in the same 'phase-in' schedule t5he rest of the country is in." They already have ULSD and you might have already used it. Additionally, Rick Rainey of Kinder Morgan Energy, Calif. only common carrier pipeline said, ALL the hiway diesel in their pipelines meets ULSD requirements.
Worrying about contamination from the delivery pipelines, and there are over 50K miles of petroleum pilelines under ground,...." The National Assoc. of Truck Stop Owners said diesel retailers will not begin selling ULSD until mid-October when the EPA regs require them to do so." MIndy Long, mouthpiece for NATSO says, "After investing in a transition tank for ULSD retailers do not want to contaminate it with hi sulpher fuel." BUT, she also is quoted as saying, "Not all pipeline will ship ULSD to ALL terminals in the USA. There could be some shortages"
A spokeman for Marathon says that he thinks the pipelines will be switched faster than people think and that there will be on-spec fuel by Oct 15th.
hope that helps a little.
My bosses subscription must have run out because that is the last issue I can find on his desk and he is not a truck/diesel guy. he drives bimmers and a mini.
Jack Berry