The New Crazy:


Veteran Expediter
Really? This is what it has come down to? Whatever it takes to make this President look bad, including our military committing treason? Disgusting.

For the few in the Soapbox that have "copy" and "pasted" this womens articles in the past and defended her nonsense, you are the unamerican ones, not the President. Yeah, yeah, I know, you don't care if anything about the President is true or not, as long as it put's him a bad light it's just hunky dory for you. Just because you admit to being an *sshole, doesn't give you the right to be one.

Have fun defending this one.

link: The New Crazy: Military "Overruled" Obama On Osama Kill Mission | Media Matters for America

Military "Overruled" Obama on Osama Kill Mission
May 03, 2011 1:03 pm ET by Simon Maloy

It's come to this: Islamophobic crank Pam Geller (last seen on Fox Business lying about President Obama's "photoshopped" birth certificate) is now reporting that Obama didn't actually want to kill Osama bin Laden, but the military "overruled" the Commander-in-Chief and conducted the mission anyway.

As anyone familiar with the Constitution and the concept of civilian control of the military can tell you: it doesn't work that way.

Her source for this shockingly stupid report is, which claims to have received a "communication" from their "long time D.C. Insider" in which intimate details of the most closely-guarded national security deliberations in recent memory are laid out, portraying the president as weak, vacillating, and overly concerned with politics -- basically, the right-wing caricature of Obama.

Here's the key part of the "D.C. Insider's" message [emphasis in original]:

IMPORTANT SPECIFIC: When 48 hour go order issued, CoC was told, not requested. Administration scrambled to abort. That order was overruled. This order did not originate from CoC. Repeat - this order did not originate from CoC. He complied, but did not originate.

Independent military contacts have confirmed. Stories corroborate one another. This is legit.

The killing of Osama Bin Laden was in fact a Coup within Obama WH.

Got that? A "Coup."

And just in case you doubt the veracity of this steaming pile of truth, the good people at NewsFlavor have done a little analysis of the now-famous photo of Obama and his national security team watching video of the Bin Laden raid:


Geller says this story "is deeply disturbing but hardly surprising." There certainly is something disturbed at work here, I'll give her that.

UPDATE: As several commenters have pointed out, what Geller is describing is, essentially, sedition. According to the Uniform Code of Military Justice:


(a) Any person subject to this chapter who--

(1) with intent to usurp or override lawful military authority, refuses, in concert with any other person, to obey orders or otherwise do his duty or creates any violence or disturbance is guilty of mutiny;

(2) with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of lawful civil authority, creates, in concert with any other person, revolt, violence, or disturbance against that authority is guilty of sedition;

(3) fails to do his utmost to prevent and suppress a mutiny or sedition being committed in his presence, or fails to take all reasonable means to inform his superior commissioned officer or commanding officer of a mutiny or sedition which he knows or has reason to believe is taking place, is guilty of a failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition.

(b) A person who is found guilty of attempted mutiny, mutiny, sedition, or failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition shall be punished by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct.


Expert Expediter
Are you actually out looking for articles like this, or did you just happen to run across this article out of the blue??

I find some of the stuff you come up with extremely disturbing. You don't have to come up with an opinion on everything you read online.

If I happened to run across this article, or one like it, while I'm searching the web, I'd have just ignored it. It would've been a waste of my time to even consider sharing it here just as you have now wasted our time by sharing it here.


Veteran Expediter
Are you actually out looking for articles like this, or did you just happen to run across this article out of the blue??

I find some of the stuff you come up with extremely disturbing. You don't have to come up with an opinion on everything you read online.

If I happened to run across this article, or one like it, while I'm searching the web, I'd have just ignored it. It would've been a waste of my time to even consider sharing it here just as you have now wasted our time by sharing it here.

Do you know who Pam Geller is?


Veteran Expediter
Are you actually out looking for articles like this, or did you just happen to run across this article out of the blue??

I find some of the stuff you come up with extremely disturbing. You don't have to come up with an opinion on everything you read online.

If I happened to run across this article, or one like it, while I'm searching the web, I'd have just ignored it. It would've been a waste of my time to even consider sharing it here just as you have now wasted our time by sharing it here.

You know what I find quite amusing about your post? That you took the time to try and delegitimize me and what I post. I'm glad you find the things I post extremely disturbing , because that is what your fellow Soapboxer's are soaking up everyday and I have to agree with you, it is quite disturbing.


Veteran Expediter
Pamela Geller: The Looniest Blogger Ever |

"Looniest Blogger Ever" are NOT my words........

Hey man, you're preaching to the choir. If only some of the other members here in the Soapbox had a clue like you and I. With that said, you would think legitimate news stations such as Fox and CNN would have a clue also.

I am sure there are few in here that are dissapointed I posted this, since I am sure they had the "copy" and "paste" of the original story from Atlas Shrugged ready to go.


Expert Expediter
I am sure there are few in here that are dissapointed I posted this, since I am sure they had the "copy" and "paste" of the original story from Atlas Shrugged ready to go.


In a sense, we both may have shut them up by revealing who the real Pamela Geller was.

But, this is the SOAPBOX where 1 or 2 "Loons" using multiple names post willy-nilly articles as they probably do across several dozen other discussion boards day in and day out.

Will this make a difference? Nah...and that's why my time is becoming less and less prevalent down here. Just not worth it, IMO of course.


Veteran Expediter

Strike three your outta here. :D

I think she comes under the heading of, " Kill them all and let God sort it out."


Expert Expediter
so when you go buy a vehicle you just call the dealer/ owner .buy it then you go pick it up . you don't look it over and see if it has the things you want , and every thing is in good shape .because we all know the car dealers are trust worthy people .

and from what i have been hearing/seeing people say .we need to believe what ever the government tells us .because the government will never lie to we the people

i have seen 2 shots in left eye ,2 shots one in eye one in chest . i have seen he was unarmed .so why shoot him. why wasn't saddem shot then . no we gave saddem a trial . i have seen he used his wife to block and i have seen it was not his wife , i have seen pictures of the before compound was built and after . i have seen pictures of a 7,10 12, ft wall then i hear it was a 15 ft wall was told one chopper was down but not crashed . from the pictures i have seen of the said chopper half is on one side of a wall the other half on other side . seen pictures of it being hauled away on 3 trucks all covered up . not 1 piece was uncovered . and it was not being hauled away by any US people . so why would they worry if it was covered or not . i saw it was 12 seals and a cia agent . then i saw it was 40 seals . how many seals can fit in 2 special Blackhawks. and how many flew out in the only chopper left . plus everything they took from the compound .and the bodies . all in one chopper . they can post terriest cutting the heads off the USA citizens but they cant show a picture off a dead terriest that all of the USA would like to see dead

they still have not found DB Cooper .

why did the president have to say anything about if and when they got bin laden . bin laden has been a wanted man with a reward . so when the police see a wanted man they need to call their captain to see they should arrest him or not . boy how many criminals would still be free if that was the way .

so when i watch TV or the movie i should believe every thing i see . just like the news . i wont use my brain and think first i will just believe what i see and hear . it is time you get out of your fairy tail and start living a real life

the ones that make the laws should obey the laws they make . just the same way they want us too .


Veteran Expediter

In a sense, we both may have shut them up by revealing who the real Pamela Geller was.

Well, I am not trying to shut anyone up. I think most know who she is and what her agenda is, but most in here simply ignore it because it speaks to them. Know what I mean?

But, this is the SOAPBOX where 1 or 2 "Loons" using multiple names post willy-nilly articles as they probably do across several dozen other discussion boards day in and day out.

Unfortunately, those 1 or 2 "Loons" as you so eloquently put it :D, seem to be the loudest and most influential here in the Soapbox and not asked to follow the so called "Code of Conduct".

Using multiple names in EO? Is that a violation of the "Code of Conduct" as well? To be honest I am not sure, and I will be looking it up, but I recall people getting banned because of that. If what you say is true, then I think Admin should be looking into this and taking corrective action.

Will this make a difference? Nah....

I don't know.....I would like to think that it may. For those that only watch and want to brag about FoxNews, it's pundits ratings, the conservative talk radio shows, cable news in general and the "National Enquirer" type websites and blogs (such as Ms. Geller's) and repeat their nonsense here in the Soapbox, maybe some of the information I put out will make them think or at least look it up to see if it is fact or not. I feel as if I am doing my part and helping out humanity. <sarcasm>

There are a lot of "lurkers" out there also, that do not participate in the conversations here in the Soapbox (can you blame them?). At least they don't see just the few "Loons" we have in here spouting off and not being questioned or bringing up an opposing view.

and that's why my time is becoming less and less prevalent down here. Just not worth it, IMO of course.

Again.....preaching to the choir my friend. And you are not the only one, there are a lot of members and potential members that feel like you and I, and they are leaving or not sticking around.


Veteran Expediter
so when you go buy a vehicle you just call the dealer/ owner .buy it then you go pick it up . you don't look it over and see if it has the things you want , and every thing is in good shape .because we all know the car dealers are trust worthy people.

Is this question for me? If so, you are asking ME if I conduct business like this, you're asking me if I do my "due dilegence" in checking out the "facts", if they are a "credible" source, person or business before I buy from? Seriously?

I see where you are going with this. To be honest I don't think you should be asking me that question. Others here in the Soapbox? Absolutely, but not me.

A better analogy if you will, would be you, whom I know I can't trust because of your credibilty, telling me I should buy this vehicle, from this particular person or dealership. If I know you cannot be trusted, I would take your suggestion with a grain of salt and do my due diligence before I made a decision on whether to buy this vehicle or not. Or, just dismiss what your opinion is, which is probably what I would do, knowing that you have no credibility. Or, maybe you have listened to others saying that the person or dealership selling vehicles are crooks and dishonest, but you haven't dealt with them personally. You are only repeating what you have heard, and bad mouthing them to me, because that is what you have been told without knowing the actual facts. Also, I wouldn't repeat your opinion to others on this subject, since I know that you are not a legitimate source of information.

Make sense?

and from what i have been hearing/seeing people say .we need to believe what ever the government tells us .because the government will never lie to we the people

Let's keep this within the Soapbox. Who in the Soapbox has said that?

i have seen 2 shots in left eye ,2 shots one in eye one in chest . i have seen he was unarmed .so why shoot him. why wasn't saddem shot then . no we gave saddem a trial . i have seen he used his wife to block and i have seen it was not his wife , i have seen pictures of the before compound was built and after . i have seen pictures of a 7,10 12, ft wall then i hear it was a 15 ft wall was told one chopper was down but not crashed . from the pictures i have seen of the said chopper half is on one side of a wall the other half on other side . seen pictures of it being hauled away on 3 trucks all covered up . not 1 piece was uncovered . and it was not being hauled away by any US people . so why would they worry if it was covered or not . i saw it was 12 seals and a cia agent . then i saw it was 40 seals . how many seals can fit in 2 special Blackhawks. and how many flew out in the only chopper left . plus everything they took from the compound .and the bodies . all in one chopper . they can post terriest cutting the heads off the USA citizens but they cant show a picture off a dead terriest that all of the USA would like to see dead

All valid questions. But that is not what the thread is about. The thread was about a report that the military overruled the President scrambled to abort the mission to take out Bin Laden. In other words, as mentioned in the article, a "Coup" wich is "Sedition" not only does this story do it's best to deligitimize our President, but it also accuses our military men and women of "Treason".

why did the president have to say anything about if and when they got bin laden . bin laden has been a wanted man with a reward . so when the police see a wanted man they need to call their captain to see they should arrest him or not . boy how many criminals would still be free if that was the way .

Is that how you think it works.........really?

so when i watch TV or the movie i should believe every thing i see . just like the news . i wont use my brain and think first i will just believe what i see and hear . it is time you get out of your fairy tail and start living a real life

You don't even know it, but you are making my point.

the ones that make the laws should obey the laws they make . just the same way they want us too.

So do you think we should've went into a sovereign nation without permission from that Government, and performed a military action on a known mass murderer?


Expert Expediter
"Is this question for me?
for anybody who doesnt stop and think . for the ones that don't have one once of common sense. for the ones that only remember a few words that they read .not every word and what is being said .

"If so, you are asking ME if I conduct business like this, you're asking me if I do my "due dilegence" in checking out the "facts", if they are a "credible" source, person or business before I buy from? "
Ok do you check the facts out first . do you stop and think about it before you make up your mind on what you believe and it does not have to do with business . . i see allot that say they check the vehicle out real good the( condition , buying price and loan information )before they buy it . but a soon as they see something in the news they don't check it out and see if it was true. they automatically believe what they see , hear , read . but as soon as some body says something different they don't think about it and find out which is the true facts .

so if they believe what a politician says then why don't they believe what the sales man says . because it is a known fact that they both are highly trusted group of people . both groups have never had a Watergate , or sold flood cars .

""Also, I wouldn't repeat your opinion to others on this subject, since I know that you are not a legitimate source of information. ""
how do you know i am not legitimate source of information. you don't know me any more then you know that sales man or the politician in office .but you will believe the politician over me because WHY . he has more money then me . because he is on TV . ??? i ask WHY

""Let's keep this within the Soapbox. Who in the Soapbox has said that? ""
why just keep it here . isn't this stuff happening outside of the Soapbox .
if you haven't noticed i don't need to tell you . who .

"All valid questions. But that is not what the thread is about. The thread was about a report that the military overruled the President scrambled to abort the mission to take out Bin Laden. In other words, as mentioned in the article, a "Coup" wich is "Sedition" not only does this story do it's best to deligitimize our President, but it also accuses our military men and women of "Treason".

"For the few in the Soapbox that have "copy" and "pasted" this womens articles in the past and defended her nonsense, you are the unamerican ones, not the President. Yeah, yeah, I know, you don't care if anything about the President is true or not, as long as it put's him a bad light it's just hunky dory for you. Just because you admit to being an *sshole, doesn't give you the right to be one."

To me it looks like it was to bash Pam Geller which i don't know or read any of her stuff yet . and it looks like you do a good job at "copy" and "pasted" what other people said

""Is that how you think it works.........really? ""
did you even read what i wrote and think about what i was saying .
""bin laden has been a wanted man with a reward .so when the police see a wanted man they need to call their captain to see they should arrest him or not . "" so a known mass murderer should get special treatment

""You don't even know it, but you are making my point. """

so you are also telling me that Watergate never happened . that the Mafia is fake and is only in the movies . that people treat all other people with respect . that the government has never killed anybody to keep things secret .

""So do you think we should've went into a sovereign nation without permission from that Government, and performed a military action on a known mass murderer? ""

well if our law say that we should we should . we followed the Muslim tradition and buried him quickly . so the government only need to follow the law when it suits them . but we the people need to follow it all the time .

buried at sea U.S. moves quickly to bury slain al Qaeda leader in accordance with Muslim tradition


"""Just because you admit to being an *sshole, doesn't give you the right to be one.""'


Veteran Expediter
"Is this question for me?
for anybody who doesnt stop and think . for the ones that don't have one once of common sense. for the ones that only remember a few words that they read .not every word and what is being said .

"If so, you are asking ME if I conduct business like this, you're asking me if I do my "due dilegence" in checking out the "facts", if they are a "credible" source, person or business before I buy from? "
Ok do you check the facts out first . do you stop and think about it before you make up your mind on what you believe and it does not have to do with business . . i see allot that say they check the vehicle out real good the( condition , buying price and loan information )before they buy it . but a soon as they see something in the news they don't check it out and see if it was true. they automatically believe what they see , hear , read . but as soon as some body says something different they don't think about it and find out which is the true facts .

so if they believe what a politician says then why don't they believe what the sales man says . because it is a known fact that they both are highly trusted group of people . both groups have never had a Watergate , or sold flood cars .

""Also, I wouldn't repeat your opinion to others on this subject, since I know that you are not a legitimate source of information. ""
how do you know i am not legitimate source of information. you don't know me any more then you know that sales man or the politician in office .but you will believe the politician over me because WHY . he has more money then me . because he is on TV . ??? i ask WHY

""Let's keep this within the Soapbox. Who in the Soapbox has said that? ""
why just keep it here . isn't this stuff happening outside of the Soapbox .
if you haven't noticed i don't need to tell you . who .

"All valid questions. But that is not what the thread is about. The thread was about a report that the military overruled the President scrambled to abort the mission to take out Bin Laden. In other words, as mentioned in the article, a "Coup" wich is "Sedition" not only does this story do it's best to deligitimize our President, but it also accuses our military men and women of "Treason".

"For the few in the Soapbox that have "copy" and "pasted" this womens articles in the past and defended her nonsense, you are the unamerican ones, not the President. Yeah, yeah, I know, you don't care if anything about the President is true or not, as long as it put's him a bad light it's just hunky dory for you. Just because you admit to being an *sshole, doesn't give you the right to be one."

To me it looks like it was to bash Pam Geller which i don't know or read any of her stuff yet . and it looks like you do a good job at "copy" and "pasted" what other people said

""Is that how you think it works.........really? ""
did you even read what i wrote and think about what i was saying .
""bin laden has been a wanted man with a reward .so when the police see a wanted man they need to call their captain to see they should arrest him or not . "" so a known mass murderer should get special treatment

""You don't even know it, but you are making my point. """

so you are also telling me that Watergate never happened . that the Mafia is fake and is only in the movies . that people treat all other people with respect . that the government has never killed anybody to keep things secret .

""So do you think we should've went into a sovereign nation without permission from that Government, and performed a military action on a known mass murderer? ""

well if our law say that we should we should . we followed the Muslim tradition and buried him quickly . so the government only need to follow the law when it suits them . but we the people need to follow it all the time .

buried at sea U.S. moves quickly to bury slain al Qaeda leader in accordance with Muslim tradition


"""Just because you admit to being an *sshole, doesn't give you the right to be one.""'



Veteran Expediter
The New Crazy may be that we as a nation need to know what secret ops have been going on. I seem to miss the point of having people do dirty work and work where a highly trained team needs to be involved while at the same time knowing about the op a few days later.