
Veteran Expediter
WELL what i am about to ask here i know there is going to be a lot of shots but at 5.57am local time here in pa i recieved a call informing me that my mother passaway from a long fight with cancer what i am on here for now is to find out if anyone can help me out with the airfare to australia $1665.00 i cannot go to the bank i am into them for money i been off the road due to a tree doing damage to my unit 2 weeks ago & all i can do on here is give my word that i will somehow return the money if anyone can help me out,
i know i should not be posting this kind of thing but put yourself in my shoes this lady gave me birth and raised me sat up when i was sick care for me back in the mid 90s when i have a serious accident in my rig back in australia and numerous ( alot ) of back surgery nurse me totally back to health & i cannot even attent my mothers funeral well this is not going to happen other that that if anyone is interested in buying my truck i will even resort to that just so i can be there to kiss my mum goodbye but i been part of this industry now for 37yrs and i am hoping there is at least one person out there that understands why i am doing this ,

if not please do not make fun of this post if not for me but in respect of LORRAINE GROAT



Veteran Expediter
Wombat, I extend my condolences and sympathy to you for the loss of your mother. Being away from home when something like this happens is always in the back of the mind of an over the road trucker. In your case it is exceptionally difficult when family is in another country so far away.

My advice would be to use a credit card to purchase airfare and worry about paying it off later. If that is not an option, then possibly a fleet owner my be willing to take your truck and hold as collateral, depending on how much equity you hvae into it.

I know you don't want to hear this, and it is too late for you, but everyone should have access to a cash reserve for situations like this.

All I can do is again offer my sympathy and good luck to you.


Veteran Expediter
well thanxs moot i did have a cash reserve but i flew back to aust back in may but them have to return back here to usa then the tree indicent and other expenses on the home front thinking it would not happen this quick and i would be able to get a few loads in but murphy law seem to have said it for me instead , but thankyou for your kind understand words


Veteran Expediter
well i am posting one final post here i have manage to find the money so i thank everyone here and further more if anyone know of a team or single driver needing a truck leased onto fedex cc for a few weeks so it is not sitting idle contact me at my email [email protected] or my other one [email protected] or my cell # 716.570.1170 or home # 814.723.6669 if i am not here speak to pam understanding it will be only for a month or two till i take care of business in australia and what you consider a fair % not that i have ever done this before other than myself behind the wheel ..
peter groat


Veteran Expediter
Wombat, another thought is contact the airline. Sometimes they help out with hardship cases involving the death of an immediate family member. This is true for domestic flights, not sure about international. Check with that cute little fuzzy Koala bear airline.


Veteran Expediter
Wombat, one more idea is to call the Australian embassy in D.C. and check with them. They should be able to advise you as what to do. If Mel Gibson should read this post and offer you a lift in his private jet, you should decline.


Veteran Expediter
i would rather fly with nicole kiddman as for that koala bear airline and all the american does not do these kind of fares no more as for the aussie consul i guess my name is not john howard sorry but nothing we can do not even a F111 got a safety hat i told her but nope


Veteran Expediter
two suggestions

1 - Call Northwest and see if they can help you with a flight from where ever you are at to Tokyo (or Singapore) and from Tokyo or (Singapore)to Australia. I know that they don't fly directly there but they do fly into Tokyo and JAL (Singapore airlines) has daily flights to Sidney.

2- call a travel agent and ask them to see what they can find for you. I can't find the one I used, they were in NYC and got a great price for my family when we had a death to deal with. You got to tell them you are looking for a bereavement fare.

I wish I could help you with the money part, sorry.


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member

I'm glad you found a way, best of luck to you, and you have our sympathies and prayers. I lost my own mother 2 years back, and am still dealing with it.

Forums Administrator


"The present is what slips by us while we're pondering the past and worrying about the future."

- Ziggy
