The edge of insanity


Veteran Expediter
Today we can sue over anything and everything.

Many of the most stupid, dumbest things are brought to court but serious things seem hard to get into court.

So I am reading this;

Man sues IBM over adult chat room firing

And wonder why is this suit being allowed to move forward and is this going to be the next disability to cash in on the welfare system?

"WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. - A man who was fired by IBM for visiting an adult chat room at work is suing the company for $5 million, claiming he is an Internet addict who deserves treatment and sympathy rather than dismissal.

James Pacenza, 58, of Montgomery, says he visits chat rooms to treat traumatic stress incurred in 1969 when he saw his best friend killed during an Army patrol in Vietnam."

Sorry to sound cruel but from a company point of view, Mr. Pacenza poses a threat to security of the company by using a chat room. On the other hand, he should have been seeking treatment and if failing that, go to court to be deemed disabled and quit.

But the idea that a person is adicted to the internet and making it out as a disablity is somewhat far fetched and indicates that the court system has truly broken down.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I'm sure the ACLU will be working overtime on his behalf and a dozen morons who are almost too stupid to be allowed to walk around freely will award him piles of money.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
President Bush recently made a reference to 'junk lawsuits', and this is a classic example - but rather than curtail the rights of people who have legitimate cases, as they usually do, there should be a screening system to filter out the frivolous lawsuits. Maybe a retired judge would handle it, and if a potential suit is considered without merit, the idiot who wasted their time could pay for it. Our courts are way too clogged for this kind of crapola. IBM was within their rights to fire the man for not working on their time, regardless of how he was goofing off, or why.


Expert Expediter
I really think you guys just stepped on my TOES.---Not literally of course---But they hurt anyway! I'm now in a state of confusion and doubt that I have the mental capacity to even ride a bike any more.
My attorney will soon be in touch!


:7 :7 :7

highway star

Veteran Expediter
I think it's already supposed to work like that. After a suit is filed, there is a hearing to determine if it should go forward.


Veteran Expediter

I think that inorder to sue someone the attorneys should have to front the amount of the lawsuit.This guys attorney would have to have $5 million in a fund.Then if they lose the case they would have to pay IBM the $5 million.If they win the attorney gets his $5 million out of the fund and IBM pays the $5million settlement.I bet the value of settlements would drop severly.
I think the attorneys are the problem.If they win just one multi million $ suit they are set for years.If they lose all they lost was their time.


Seasoned Expediter
Leno said something about this last night I believe. His comment was that even the lady who spilt the hot coffee at McDonalds and won a big settlement was saying "Shut up already".