a little factoid to start your day...
RE: Seahorses.......Once the females eggs are mature, the mating pair with grasp on to each other's tails while slowly floating and spinning to the surface. During this time, the mating pair will align which will allow the female seahorse to insert a tube known as an ovipositer, into the males pouch. The eggs will now travel through this tube and into the pouch. Once the eggs are in the pouch, the male will now sink to the bottom into areas of coverage and fertilize the eggs by release sperm into the surrounding area, and not directly in the pouch. The male seahorse now become the main caretaker of the eggs. After the ritual, the female leaves and in some cases, the female will return the following morning and perform some of the beginning stages of the ritual.
The female seahorse may lay her eggs in other male seahorses eggs have been laid.
the male does all the work while the female goes around having all the fun.....LOL