HI. for those of you who live in certain states who have there own Insurance Marketplace are a follows. Washington state, Oregon, California, Nevada, Idaho, New Mexico, Colorado, Minnesota, Kentucky, New York, Vermont, New Hamphire, Mass, Conn. Rhode Island, MD. and DC. YOU MUST GO TO YOUR INSURANCE MARKETPLACE WITHIN YOU STATE TO PURHASE THIS INSURANCE there are 4 types of Coverage no matter whether you go though my website; http://drakehealth.com/site/svc/egateway?sid=16163, or the individual state the coverage's are the same Bronze pays 60%, Silver Pays 70%, Gold Pays 80%, and Platinum pays 90% determining the greater of Flat Dollar/Family Cap Amount vs Percentage. The example of what your premium on $52.000 income be on the FLAT rate for a family of 4 is $95.00 per person or $285.00 per month. On a Percentage basis for MAGI $52,000, Deductions (20,500), Net Income $31,500 and figured approximately at 1% would be $315.00 per month. 2% for 2015 and 2.5% for 2016 based on the Percentage of income. And the flat dollar will start at $ the $285 quoted above to $2,085 in 2016 these are just examples of what you premiums will be. they are not including the government help depending on your income and the government considered Federal Poverty Level . if you have any question please do not hesitate to call or email me at the information below Franklin Katz, RTRP, ATP, PA, PB
Frank's Tax & Business Service
315 E. King St.
Kings Mountain, NC28086
Local # 704-739-4039 Toll Free# 877-857-1040
E-Mail: [email protected])
Web: Filing Services
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Frank's Tax & Business Service
315 E. King St.
Kings Mountain, NC28086
Local # 704-739-4039 Toll Free# 877-857-1040
E-Mail: [email protected])
Web: Filing Services
IRS Circular 230 Notice: Unless expressly stated otherwise inthis
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