Thanks for the memories


Veteran Expediter
While laying in the bed this morning with a gift from my better half, not that, the flu bug silly. I was going to start my morning routine, no not that, reading the paper on the internet, checking e-m and then going to EOL and reading the current threads.

But then I thought, why the place is becoming way to combative, not the way it “used” to be. I realize that all things change and this site has changed over the last few months. So I decided to read the threads one more time to see if the direction had changed overnight. I had decided to take a break from the site if it stayed on its latest course. You don’t have to be disagreeable to disagree. I think saying what you think is wrong with some ones’ perception of the industry or the ways to enter it are fine, just state your thoughts on the issue and that will give the users of the site two differing opinions from which to choose.

It seems that some have decided to go the extra mile and post their opinions of not only the posters idea, but of the poster as well. Not only once but repeatedly. The original post seems to take a back seat as the thread degenerates and becomes worthless.

While I think most of the longtime members have good intentions and try to help others on this site some seem to become overzealous. Instead of giving there opposing point of view there seems that we must not only state what’s wrong with their point of view, but what is wrong with them.

So this morning I read that one member seems to want bring back some civility in the posts and I thought cool, maybe a sort of truce, agree to disagree, that is all good. Now maybe we can get back to the heart and soul (always wanted to use that phrase) of the boards, i.e. good questions, many opinions great and not so great info, and some mindless chit chat.

Then I see where we will be rolling in the mud on a different front. I hope not but we will see today how this new uprising goes.

Thanks for the memories.