What can I say, this is a good post to reply to on a Friday night drinking my good German bier and listening to the beeb.
What a bunch of BS! Congress being influenced by "greens" is the least of our worries.
This site is full of bashers. If you are not bashing environmentalist you turn to bashing each other.
Your credibility dwindles with each smear.
You do not want to hear the truth. When others suggest getting away from oil you turn to opinions as a basis for an argument against the suggestions being offered.
Anyone with critical thinking skills left on this site? How about come up with a solution to the oil crisis rather than b--ch and moan about it?
Of course congress is run by the environmentalist, look at the laws that restrict our lives. Don’t be displaced by these things; the congress is not worried about the constituents but the groups that represent special interest. Too funny you don’t see this or the fact that their influence as misplaced as it is, is dangerous to you and I by the mere fact that environmental issues circumvent the foundation of the constitution by undermining our property rights and our right to address grievances among others. We lost the right of proper due process under some of these laws. I am not going to state cases or give examples; I will just say this is not opinion but fact.
No I am not bashing environmentalist, I am bashing ignorance. The difference is that a real environmentalist practices their beliefs; the one that comes to mind is Ed Begley Jr. It seems that he is taking it serious enough to change his lifestyle and all the others are just like ALGORE – hypocrites. I am also against environmental reactivism where everything is bad and every solution is bad.
What smears? Prove that they are not facts.
Of course I want to hear the truth but where do you think that will come from? Youtube? I think I depend too much on my sources, many are liberal but honest. As for oil, you don’t read what I say. Here it is again, read carefully
– in order for us to get off of our dependency of oil, we must first find solutions for our present situation and stabilize our economy. During the late ‘60s and most of the 70’s when we have environmental concerns and energy shortages, we also have an economy that adsorbed a lot of the cost of the changes that were forced on us. Today we can’t afford the cost unless we have a stable economy. The solutions being suggested do nothing to stabilize the economy first and most are too far reaching to help the situation to get us off of oil in the next 50 years. I base that comment on what I am told by the economist at U of M and others who are in the know AND what I learned about our economy from a little department in Washington.
Critical thinking or are you looking for emotional thinking? I have said the solution is simply to get government out of the oil business, nothing else can really be done other than that. Until that happens and the shackles that government has put on the DOMESTIC oil companies, we will always have a serious problem with energy.
This post and others on oil is just beating a dead horse. If you are not willing to get from behind your computers long enough to educate yourselves and do something for your country then stop whining.
I took some time off and I come back to other's posting that I am a racist and that I don't know what I am talking about. Geez. How many books does a person need to throw at you in order for you to understand or comprehend the subject being talked about. My, my, my, someone needs to be slugged with a knowledge stick.
Oh yea, here we sit behind the computer without the knowledge of the world - give me a break. I don’t often put up links to un-confirmable sources, like now this thread was by a credible source. But really who cares anyway, you seem to be digging things up on youtube and other places that many of us discount as made up or twisted to conform to someone’s agenda. Some of us understand how to disseminate information and dig a bit deeper to find facts that are not on youtube.
Oh do something for my country? Well I am. I am telling people what I see is wrong. I am trying to convince others that even though you don’t agree with me, don’t fall for the BS – think for yourself. It seems a lot of people are not willing to take the time to engage people, strangers on subjects that they don’t like to talk about.
Maybe I should start throwing books from my library at you. I posted a few here and there; did you go out and buy them to read? Did you ever bother to look at what I am saying and ask me where I got the information or how to find it? Geez….
I find people that wait for someone to stop posting to criticize them as ignorant. I also think it is childish to complain about a political email being sent, but what can one expect from someone that thinks he/she knows what is truly going on.
I can never understand why it is that people on here assume to know who they are talking to.
I don’t criticize people because they are ignorant; I criticize them because they can’t seem to think for themselves and refuse to see any other point of view. When you post a hundred links about different subjects without interjecting something about it from your point of view it shows you are not serious about engaging people in the forum. Ignorance is defined as lack of knowledge or education about a subject and to fight ignorance, engagement is the only means we have in a forum.
I don’t find it childish, it is to some an invasion of privacy like if I was to track you down and call you to throw my ideology at you. Unsolicited emails are rude and improper netiquette and in order for someone to be taken seriously, it should be fought against.
The forum is an anonymous place, there are no peers here to have a peer review, and we are given the chance to post things at face value, not the have a CV posted on our personal page. If this was a requirement, it would stifle the exchange and take away from the fact that forums are not a place for facts and figures but of opinion more often than not.
Here are some facts to know about me:
I am related to Obama, Cheney, and Bush. Am I proud of this? Hell no.
Can I prove this? Yes sir.
Am I a driver? Yes.
Am I educated? Yes.
Do I have anything to prove to any of you? Hell no. I owe noone nothing.
Why am I telling you all this? So you can stop making assumptions.
So do hundreds of other people.
It don’t matter if you can.
I am a driver too, congrats – drive safely please.
I am too, I was told last week I have almost enough credits to get into a doctorate program but U of M still won’t admit me but Oxford will – go figure.
I don’t either, so let’s not prove to each other anything.
Honestly it shows a bit of insecurity and anger – two traits you don’t need but that is my opinion.
Do I have Jew in my family? Yes.
Am I a Christian? Yes, although I have lots of faults, but we all do.
Can I admit when I am wrong? Yes.
Am I a racist? Hell no. I love all people.
Am I against Zionism and Communism? Yes.
Am I against big government? Yes
Am I against the political parties? Yes
I also have a lot of Jews in my family, also Masons, also blacks and also Swedes oh let’s not forget about them Canadians but I’m not trying to make a point.
Sort of so am I but I don’t prescribe to the Jesus loves you or you got to forgive people, I fall on the side of fire and brimstone with little forgiveness.
Everyone is a racist, we are human. IT means that we cling to people who make us comfortable, and fear people we are not acclimated to. Much of this has to do with the differences we perceive about people, be it a disability or the color of their skin. It also is a real truth with the new definition of racism, the everyday words being used that have no bearing on race or even gender has now new meanings and offended people without real justification – the thought police are here. Like it or not, we are in a new era of politics, the politics of redefinition.
Well I don’t know about Zionism, I only spent a year or so studying it but communism, I spent a lot of time on it. How many real communist do you actually know? I don’t mean the kid’s in the hall communist but the real thing, the ones who sold their family out of for the party?
I too am against big government, I like to return to a better time before Wilson.
Well I see a purpose for a party but that’s a long post.
What is it that I am trying to accomplish by posting books, sites, videos, etc.? That not everything that you see on TV and read in glossed over books is real or true.
What do I do on my off time? I am an activist. I shop at antique stores. I walk instead of drive., etc.
I have done enough research to write a book, am I doing this? Yes.
Have I learned anything but opinions on here? Some, but mostly opinions.
Did I serve during the Gulf War? Yes.
Did I have to fight my own gov't to get my benefits after I was out? Hell yes, for two years.
Am I aware that our gov't used uranium in Iraq? Hell yes.
Have I held many death certificates in my hand of fallen soldiers? Yes.
So am I, did you look at anything I posted? Did you go out and buy the Forgotten Man? I know from my experience at one of the TV stations how the news is made to order and not a lot of real facts get into it – at age 16.
Everyone is an activist. I can’t afford antiques and I am limited walking thanks to the d*mn French and their need to screw every American that lands on their soil.
I too have done a lot of research but I also wrote a book.. ah two books and training material – the subject is disaster recovery and business continuity.
I have learned a lot here, yes it is about opinions but also there is a lot of fact about how people think, what they think and especially why they think – nothing wrong with any of that.
I didn’t but I did serve as support in SC – something I don’t talk about for a lot of reasons.
I didn’t have to fight for my benefits but I went to bat for a bunch of Navy people who were screwed out of retirement. This was the start of my being a pain at Levin’s office. I would have done the same for you too.
I know about a lot of things that ain’t right in the military that is not public knowledge.
My responsibility in the military was to update the database.
Did I lose my dad to agent orange? Yes. He was only 61.
My dad was an operative and did two tours in Vietnam.
Everyone has a part.
I am sorry for your lose.
My father was too old to serve in Vietnam, he did the Korean bit. He was drafted, shot at, almost froze to death and then transferred to Germany to be shot at, almost blown up by some Pro-Nazi group and then ended up with the French who almost sent him with a contingent of Nato to French Indochina. I know this has little to do with the horrors of Vietnam.
What do I think overall of this site? The articles written on the home page are informational, however, I think that there are a few on here that run others off this site. I won't name names, but these individuals monopolize this site and they feel they are the only ones with the rights that our great Constitution gives to all which is the freedom of speech.
Do I care what others say about Bush, Obama, McCain, etc.? Hell no. Just back up your statements with real facts.
Here is a biggie, I am a woman, however, Rob has commented from time to time.
Now if any of you like to comment instead of criticize please feel free to be an adult.
Yea I see that some will say I am the one running everyone off the site but maybe I don’t really do that myself? Maybe it is people don’t want to bother replying or say something intelligent. Some get too emotional and others think they have to replay.
I don’t I am the only one to reply, I just have a lot of time on my hands, especially lately with my doctor telling me I am off the road until my tests come back so what am I supposed to do? I welcome people to comment I look for replies so not to go nuts doing this other stuff so I look like I am always there but I am not. Honestly I am trying to figure out why my posts are so high and I am thinking that someone made a mistake in the upgrade.
You should listen; it helps to understand the candidate by what others say. I don’t like Obama, I compare him to Lenin (actually Zinoviev) through his rhetoric. Too much sounds like a Marxist, too much and hearing the horrors of people who escaped the soviet union first hand, it scares me.
Oh wow, so is my wife. The confusion is you never have a signature line.
I am and I am taking my time doing so.
If you want to know more just let me know. I feel this covers most so that you can stop assuming. When you know a little bit about someone I think you can understand their views. So here it is for all you bashers, go at it.
Well thanks, you shouldn’t have…. I only assume when people make it a point not to talk about themselves.