Texas budget draft cuts $13.7 billion in spending


Veteran Expediter
Wednesday January 19 2011 Associated Press= AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A proposed Texas state budget would cut a staggering $5 billion from public schools.

The draft of the two-year budget was released late Tuesday as Gov. Rick Perry and his supporters were dancing at an inaugural celebration. The Legislative Budget Board was required by law to release the budget to leaders on Tuesday.

Public education would bear the brunt of the proposed $13.7 billion in cuts. The draft generally eliminates financial aid for new college students and ends funding for four community colleges.

The proposal reduces state spending in 2012-13 by almost $14 billion over the current budget. It would mean the loss of 9,600 state jobs over the next two years.

The draft is just the beginning of a long process, which probably won't be finalized until next summer


Veteran Expediter
That's the problem. Democrats don't have the cahones to cut anything. That's why we're in the mess we're in. If Republicans cut some pork (and there's a LOT of pork in education) then they're "taking away from children". But if you look deeper, you'll notice the Dems don't give money to a lot of inner city schools. In Detroit, for example, they don't have enough for pencils or toilet paper. Just goes to show you that if you are already a Democrat zombie, they don't care about you.


Expert Expediter
And this will effect you in what way EL????

Kudo's to Governor Perry, of who is now the longest serving Governor in the country right now, for taking a stand against waste.

A couple of things you need to point out, instead selecting your viewpoints, is what these budgets cuts actually are all about.

The draft of the two-year budget was released late Tuesday as Gov. Rick Perry and his supporters were dancing at an inaugural celebration.

Dancing??? Really??? Who actually wrote this article????

The draft generally eliminates financial aid for new college students and ends funding for four community colleges.

Ends "financial aid" for new college students??? Is the author of this article trying push a misconceived fact that no college students in the state of Texas are going to be able to obtain financial assistance to attend college in Texas??? Of course not. Poor choice of wording.

Ends funding for four community colleges?? Got that right.....Not only does it ends the funding, but the State is also going to close those 4 poorly performing small town, out of the way, community colleges. Savings for the overall budget by shutting these 4 community colleges down, $771 Millllllllliioooon Dollars. (sarcasm noted with pinky finger up to lip)

Hell, at this cost, I can guarantee you Perry's office could find and close 4 dozen more little "Community Colleges" all over this state. There is no reason why just about every single community in this state that has a population of 12,000 or more should have a state funded "Community College" in their neighborhood.

Take Howard College for example:
San Angelo Campus
Four Campuses in three different little towns all within 1-2 hours of each other. 2 are in San Angelo, Texas, about an hour from Abilene, Texas.

Now look at all these little state funded Community Colleges in and around Abilene Texas.
abilene texas community colleges - Google Maps

Absolutely boggles the mind......and I bet this is the same amongst all the states out there. I'm not saying we need to eliminate all "Community Colleges" in our states, but we really need to downsize, or centralize, more and more of these little institutions to save state Tax Dollars. I say close down more and more of these off the beaten path community colleges, put a little more money into the larger ones for expansion to handle the students that will come to say, Abilene Texas, and cut our budget even more. Hats off to Governor Perry for starting just this.

The proposal reduces state spending in 2012-13 by almost $14 billion over the current budget. It would mean the loss of 9,600 state jobs over the next two years

9600 people in the state of Texas are NOT about to be unemployed. About 70-80% of this 9600 number are "Positions" within the state of Texas that are currently not filled. Perry's budget is eliminating those "positions", those vacancies, that's all. If the state has been operating effeciently without those people in those vacant positions, then why waste state money to fill those positions??? Major cities all over this country, including right here in the Dallas-Ft Worth area, have been doing just this for the last 2-3-4 years now.

Hawk said:
Just goes to show you that if you are already a Democrat zombie, they don't care about you.

And that is exactly what EnglishLady is........

Why else would he/she be starting up threads concerning issues that does not effect their everyday life, or have any say so whatsoever in, unless their main goal was to discredit successful Conservative agendas every chance they got.

EL took an article that was clearly written by a Perry hater, snipped it to her satisfaction, and posted it here to continue his/her Liberal opinion, that's all. Try another state EL, OK.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
And that is exactly what EnglishLady is........

Why else would he/she be starting up threads concerning issues that does not effect their everyday life, or have any say so whatsoever in, unless their main goal was to discredit successful Conservative agendas every chance they got.

I can think of several reasons, actually, few of which are political. One may be interested in educational budgets in general, especially in light of the current economic climate with regard to state budgets, and how things may affects different states in many ways.

EL took an article that was clearly written by a Perry hater, snipped it to her satisfaction, and posted it here to continue his/her Liberal opinion, that's all. Try another state EL, OK.
In your never ending quest to win friends and influence people <snort> you've once again managed to come to a conclusion based on little or no actual facts. The article posted by EnglishLady was not edited, and was posted in its entirety, precisely as it was published in several newspapers and online media outlets. The article was written by April Castro of the Associated Press. As is often the case with news articles, there are short, headlined versions as with the AP release printed in USA Today, Forbes.com and many others, and there are longer, more in-depth versions as printed in the Washington Post.

If you try and stick to what was posted, rather than to who posted it, or why you think they posted it, you can win friends and influence people with ease and aplomb.
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Veteran Expediter
And this will effect you in what way EL????

And that is exactly what EnglishLady is........

Why else would he/she be starting up threads concerning issues that does not effect their everyday life, or have any say so whatsoever in, unless their main goal was to discredit successful Conservative agendas every chance they got.

EL took an article that was clearly written by a Perry hater, snipped it to her satisfaction, and posted it here to continue his/her Liberal opinion, that's all. Try another state EL, OK.

I can assure you that I NEVER, EVER snip an article to MY satisfaction, I try & post what I think will be of interest to EO Members.
If the piece is too long I will copy a prargraph or two and then I will insert the page that I have been reading.

As for my "liberal" opinion you couldn't be more wrong.

If you were a gentleman you would apologise for attacking my integrity!
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Perry is a successful somewhat right of center moderate but certainly not truly conservative as the ridiculous Trans Texas Corridor support shows. Be that as it may, I don't see any attack or agenda in this thread by EL, just another of her many and varied postings. For that matter, I don't see a focused agenda in any of her postings, just a wide variety of topics to give a number of options to those who enjoy debate/comment and an opportunity to catch some news that might otherwise be missed.