Territoriality and the Expediter


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Your vehicle is your personal space, but you're out on the public road. The territoriality of the personal space sometimes conflicts with public decorum. To wit:

Bumper stickers reveal link to road rage : Nature News

Colorado State University psychologist William Szlemko headed up a study that recorded whether people had added seat covers, bumper stickers, special paint jobs, stereos, or plastic dashboard toys to their cars. Szlemko found a link between road rage and the number of personalized items on or in people's vehicles.

"The number of territory markers predicted road rage better than vehicle value, condition, or any of the things that we normally associate with aggressive driving,' says Szlemko.

In humans, as in many other species, overcrowding leads to increased territorial aggression, and the team suspected that this was what was happening on the roads.

What's more, only the number of bumper stickers, and not their content, predicted road rage...

"You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers" OR "God is my co-pilot" - doesn't matter.
Be afraid, be very afraid. :D

Szlemko suggests that this territoriality may encourage road rage because drivers are simultaneously in a private space (their car) and a public one (the road). 'We think they are forgetting that the public road is not theirs, and are exhibiting territorial behavior that normally would only be acceptable in personal space,' the researcher says.

It is pretty amazing that whenever someone blows past you or cuts you off, aggressive driving or road rage, that they do, indeed, have a bumper sticker, or fuzzy dice, or fog lights when its clear, or some other marker that stands them apart. It certainly pays to keep a closer watch on these types of vehicles.

Do expediters fall into this same trend? I dunno. Let's find out, shall we? ;)


Seasoned Expediter
Yeah, I heard Rush talk about this on his program today (06/17).
It reminds me of the bumper sticker I saw on a vehicle that read
"keep honking, I'm reloading".
Funny to read but makes you wonder how stable the driver is.


Moderator Emeritus
Do expediters fall into this same trend? I dunno. Let's find out, shall we? ;)

what, you don't have the "go ahead and hit me so i can pay off my truck" bumper sticker??


Veteran Expediter
I see an FMCSA reg. coming up ,
outlawing any sticker on a truck...

I see a smart lawyer in a courtroom
outlining the research , saying :
well the trucker is at fault ,
he is an aggressive driver ,
just take a look on the bumper sticker...

kind of wonder hoe payed for the research ...

a nice bumper-sticker ,
from the back of a cattle houler trailer :
the west wasn't won on salad ...

always confused

Seasoned Expediter
actually i think bumper stickers are a great way to relieve boredom; doing 70 10 ft behind a car so you can read it always gets my attention.... road rage is probably more a function of population density than self expression indicated by bumper stickers. i'm sure some researcher somewhere is proving if you played pickup sticks as a child you're going to commit a crime of violence involving sharp pointy things......


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Navy
one bumper sticker i like was on back of dump truck
keep back 500 feet driver chews


Veteran Expediter
So when Moot slapped a bumpersticker on my truck, (a nonoffensive one, for a pizza place in Minnesota), he was making me look like a driver prone to road rage, eh? Well, good! Maybe it caused folks to think twice about cutting me off, lol. Or not, cause those folks don't think, looks like.
PS The one I put on myself said "If you lived in your truck, you'd be home now!" :D


Veteran Expediter
problem signs

One of the problem signs that I note when driving is the arm hanging out the drivers window. Not as bad as the cell phone driver, but they are usually enough not up to the flow of traffic. Maybe a little too relaxed.

I think there might be something to the bumper sticker thing. Of course I can say that, since I don't have any bumper stickers on my vehicle.



Expert Expediter
Re: problem signs

The only sticker I might consider on my truck is the one I see on some of the big companies: <---- Passing Side | Suicide ---->


Veteran Expediter
a truck is built out of 4 separate yet equality important parts :
the truck
the trucker
the air horn
and the O.O.I.D.A sticker !



Veteran Expediter
i have a sticker on the bk of my truck...
and umm small stuffed panther on my dash...... and ahh ahhh straw hat with mardi graw beads still drapped over it...... i gotta put them away .... lol
soooo does this all mean i have a lot of road rage????

and Turtle ...... where do u find this stuff......... ???? lol


Veteran Expediter
Re: problem signs

The only sticker I might consider on my truck is the one I see on some of the big companies: <---- Passing Side | Suicide ---->

One similar to that said <---- El Paso l El Cruncho ---->

My favorite all time bumper sticker read, "My wife can't wrestle, but you should see her box!"

I bout wrecked my truck over that one! LOL