

Expert Expediter
Ok, i am sittin here waiting for the February surge of load offers.I guess I'll go back to the buffet. Tommorow must be when the surge begains.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
I've seen an increase of prolly 500% in available load emails in the last ten days. Maybee she's waking up for you folks out there.


Veteran Expediter
With lower rates and superior service we just might be striking the balance between shippers and consignees. Perhaps a 15-20cpm reduction in freight rates will tempt more traditional non-expedite shippers to come over to the expedite side and experience superior customer service. It's just food for thought.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
But our rates are NOT lower, if anything they may be a bit higher than last year. I will check it our more when this week is over. Got another run in the morning so we are going to watch a movie and then turn in. Layoutshooter


Expert Expediter
Lets not put all our eggs......... no....... lets not bury our...... no thats not it either......... oh yeah lets not count our chickens before they hatch as my grandpappy always used to say.

But is there a light at the end of the tunnel? Sure, there always is just depends on how good your eye sight is.


Veteran Expediter
the only load offer i have gotten that was below rate in the last 3 weeks was the 1.20 a mile moderate FSC load that canceled right after we accepted. FSC is hovering around 20-21 CPM


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Just had a chance to do a little checking on our stats. All of our numbers are up over the same time last year except total revenue and number of runs. That is due to issues involing the new box. Now, it is early in the year but so far I can't complain. I do hope this trend continues for us and spills over to the rest of you. I won't go into the exact numbers but we are very pleased at this point in time. Layoutshooter