Summer Bounty


Expert Expediter
I can really tell it is summer when the fresh corn hits the stores. Bought our first corn of the season today. Corn is made for fixing in the truck! Leave it in the shuck (silk and all) and microwave two ears for 5 min, turn them over and microwave another 2 min. When you peel back the shucks the silk sticks to the shuck giving you a perfect ear of cooked corn. We love ours without butter. The store also had fresh green beans and carrot sticks in a "cook in the bag" thing. It took five minutes to steam and was perfect with the corn! It is summer and the fresh fruit and veggies are ready to eat!!!

India Hamner
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D Unit
He who hesitates is not only lost, but miles from the next exit.


Staff member
Thanks for that idea India I had know idea you could do corn like that. There is nothing better then getting fresh vegetables.