Straight Trucks


Seasoned Expediter
I have been talking to a recruiter at Panther about becoming an o/o.
This is a career change for me.I have two questions so far.
1. How is Panther to work with ?
2. They have lead me toward running a straight truck, I was thinking
more of a sprinter. Can I get more work with the straight ? If so,
which are the most cost effective to run ? I do have a team I can
put in the truck.
Thanks in advance for your thoughts



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Before you do anything you need to read back at least 1 full year in the general, newbies, and recruiter forums as well as reading the entire newbies faq section. Doing that will provide a wealth of information, far more than this inquiry could possibly generate in replies. After you've read back at least 1 full year in those sections you need to at least consider driving for someone else for 6-12 months to determine if this is for you and also learn the ropes on someone else's depreciation and maintenance bills. Good luck.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB
OOIDA Life Member 677319, JOIN NOW
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Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
I would agree that plenty of research is necessary. As to which situation is better, it depends on what you are looking at. In general, a straight has more available freight opportunities, but at higher costs. Again, I would follow Leo's advice.

23 years
EO moderator


Veteran Expediter
After you read back in the forums, remember the ones that say two or three or four people can NOT make a living off of the Income of a van.

People # 1. PII
People # 2. You
People # 3. Driver
People # 4. Co-driver if not some form of H/W team

Say the average is $1.00 per PAID mile (expect 20% DH) not a whole lot to go around.

Just my 0.02Cents