Stepping Back


Staff member
I am reading about the doom and gloom and I think wow everything is really really really bad....

We came through one of the worst economic times to happen in the trucking industry and we are still surviving.

I step back away from the doom and gloom and look at my spreadsheets, our bank account, and our new truck and think hum I am really missing something.

We did a lot of figuring before we purchased a new truck and I have to admit the doomsday people had me nervous. I would once again look at my facts, spreadsheets and bank account and we had the confidence in our carrier to buy a new truck.

We are constantly changing our business to keep up with the changes happening in our industry.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The business IS changing. Not all trucks are doing as they did before. I too have spent a LOT of time watching our accounts and stats. EVERY stat we use has gone down, lower than when the recession was at it's worse. That is removing problems cause by repairs etc. Fewer loads, shorter loads and lower rates. Across the board.

I am happy that it is not affecting your business. It is affecting ours. IF the trend continues we will have to reconsider what we are doing. I would prefer to stay where we are, BUT, if we can't make enough to cover costs we will move. That is business. Nothing personal.

Why is this happening? Not sure. Luck? Maybe a part of it, but not all. Fact is, the loads being offered no longer pay what they did just 6 months ago. I hope the trend reverses. It's not doom and gloom, it is the facts on our spread sheets talking.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
I am reading about the doom and gloom and I think wow everything is really really really bad....

No. Of course not everything is really really really bad. We have our health. We are in a paid for truck. We have money in the bank and better opportunities ahead.

Our complaint is that our revenue is declining because freight that percentage-paid trucks used to haul is now being preferentially dispatched onto company-owned trailers and flat-rate trucks. We used to fight the good fight and help our carrier triumph over the competition. Now our carrier is the competition, passing our trucks over with a rigged dispatch system to put freight on carrier-owned equipment.

Everything is not really really really bad, but this development at our carrier is. It gets my attention and affects my mood because I did not get into expediting to join the ranks of the working poor and I aspire to be more than the happiest one in the bread line.
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