LBD said
"To be classified as a C unit a truck has to be dock high, have 14' of floor space and scale 5k. Sprinters, as good as they are, fall short on all three scales. Should they be another category in between? I personally think so even though I don't run any of them. I think they should be a 90-95cpm vehicle when they are carrying more than a stock E350 can carry, meaning height/weight/number (if it can carry 3 skids) and height/weight if only 2. In other words, any time it has 3 skids, even if they are 50 pounds each, it's 90-95 since a van can't do it and it's either the Sprinter or a true C unit. I'm not sure how much more weight they can carry than an E350 so that may not come into play much. When they carry anything over 48" high that should also be the higher rate regardless of weight because again it can't go in a regular van. My .02 on the subject."
Leo..we are called a small straight at E-1 and get 1.00 - 1.05 FSC
Checked my runs sheets and about alittle over 60% of our trips have been Sprinter classed with the rest except 3 at regular 80 cent rate. The 3 were .70
I've been able to get up to a more constant 23-24 mpg to be able to afford those .70's and be ready for any downturn in business IF it comes.
Leo...most E50's can prolly carry more weight then a Sprinter withfull gear and 2 drivers.
The one BIG downfall with the Sprinter is the weight issue. I've met scores of drivers putting 3-4,000 lbs in them!!!
"To be classified as a C unit a truck has to be dock high, have 14' of floor space and scale 5k. Sprinters, as good as they are, fall short on all three scales. Should they be another category in between? I personally think so even though I don't run any of them. I think they should be a 90-95cpm vehicle when they are carrying more than a stock E350 can carry, meaning height/weight/number (if it can carry 3 skids) and height/weight if only 2. In other words, any time it has 3 skids, even if they are 50 pounds each, it's 90-95 since a van can't do it and it's either the Sprinter or a true C unit. I'm not sure how much more weight they can carry than an E350 so that may not come into play much. When they carry anything over 48" high that should also be the higher rate regardless of weight because again it can't go in a regular van. My .02 on the subject."
Leo..we are called a small straight at E-1 and get 1.00 - 1.05 FSC
Checked my runs sheets and about alittle over 60% of our trips have been Sprinter classed with the rest except 3 at regular 80 cent rate. The 3 were .70
I've been able to get up to a more constant 23-24 mpg to be able to afford those .70's and be ready for any downturn in business IF it comes.
Leo...most E50's can prolly carry more weight then a Sprinter withfull gear and 2 drivers.
The one BIG downfall with the Sprinter is the weight issue. I've met scores of drivers putting 3-4,000 lbs in them!!!