

Expert Expediter
Would really like to know what kind of split other drivers are getting from truck owners. I have been told that fuel surcharge is figured with a complicated formula and that is why owner cannot pay it to me. It is easier to just keep it along with detention pay and any other misc charges and just split the whole thing. Comments ????? Thanks.


Expert Expediter
FSC is usually figured as either a flat rate per mile, or a percentage of the total tariff...neither is very complicated to figure...and if they're holding your detention as well, you are probably getting the shaft in many more ways...



Expert Expediter
I started driving out for an owner, or owners. Some are honest and some are just plan greedy and would love for you to stay on the road 365 days out of the year. If an owner is honest then he'll pay you two ways, fist being if he's going to pay for the fuel and tolls then its going to be a 40/60 split. If you have to pay for fuel and tolls, then it's gonna be the other way around 60/40 with you getting 60 percent. I wouldn't work for anything less than those numbers if I were you, unless of course they had a REALLY nice VOLVO 770, 780, or the new 880 with all the bells and whistles, 39/61 or 59/41 spilt.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Can't speak for other carriers but with Panther it couldn't be simpler. The job goes across the QC and a few seconds later a msg detailing fsc. When it's payday the settlement lists extras like the fsc in their own section with the amount to four places such as .1806cpm or .0900cpm so there should be no question of it.

Personally I think the detention should be split the same as the base pay because both sides are stuck by it. The driver is physically sitting there but the owner's truck can't move and generate any revenue either. Hand load/unload should all go to the driver, unless the owner rushes down to help. Most other accessorial pay probably should be split. It's not difficult to take each one and apply common sense to it as to whether it affects the driver only or driver and truck.

truck 4958

Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
FDXCC breaks the fuel surcharge in a separate section for each run paid on your pay settlement sheet. For each run paid there is a notation as to what fuel sucharge was billed and paid to you. If you are buying the fuel you should not have to split the FSC. However you have to see the settlement sheet to determine this. The trip offer does not break it down,you could probably call and have the dispatcher give you the FSC.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Some of your question would depend on the carrier and type of freight that you are hauling. If it is all LTL or brokered loads, much is just a flat rate. $1000.00 to go from point A to B.

However, just about every other carrier seperates the fuel surcharge from the rest of the rate.

Your bigger issue is to demand a settlement statement that the carrier sends to your owner. This will indicate his honesty in dealing with you.
We send a copy of the weekly statement issued to us by the carrier to our drivers. This is sent via email. That way, everyone is looking at the same numbers.

If your owner generates his own, and refuses to show you the original that is generated from the carrier, you are most likely getting taken.

Sadly, many owners don't even provide a settlement statement to their drivers.

There is no excuse to waste time with a dishonest owner.
They give us other owners a bad name.

20 years


Expert Expediter
Is a 65/35 split normal for a team these days? I know some owners cry that they are not making enough money. The problem is, if the team is grossing 2000 a week but spending 1500 on fuel, they are not getting rich either.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
As mentioned, a 60/40 split is the most common.
Again, make sure you are getting a copy of the carrier's settlement statement from your owner.

100 percent of zero, is still zero.
Percentages are of little value unless you really know what the beginning totals are.

If he is taking a percentage of the fuel surcharge, you may be running at less than a typical 60/40 split and paying surcharge plan.

As Ronald Reagan once said, "Trust but verify"

20 years