Some Opinions just do not belong


Veteran Expediter
There is an intresting for reading debate about a major carrier going on. Could not help but notice one person who has nothing good to say sticking his opinion where it just does not belong... I have no part of Panther or Conway so my opnion would just show that I am to nosey to keep to myself if I were to intervien. AS some should NOTE.

If you have no expierence, with this situation or company than why would ones opinion matter in the subject at hand? Maybee to try to recruite some of them over to ones itty bitty tiny company that has no Track Record? Mind ones own business this is between no out side carriers that I can see.


Not a Member
Lets not pull punches or sleep between the sheets or for lack of understanding, whatever do you mean Wyatt? The Savy would understand but not I.
Why do you want to pick on the little guy?
Your argument is that they or he does not get the big picture or has a hidden agenda, my argument is the guy is as new as we were 2 years ago and has much to learn....David thru a stone at goliath and to his amazement found he could bruise....BOOHOO.
Bruises heal and life is an ongoing lesson so let him learn....
If goliath is who he is by his own volition then live by the sword and die by the sword, we all make choices and if I have to stake my future on the competent and confident direction of said goliath let him not toil on childish confrontation.
Post script, My business is important to me, I live in a truck and I want it to be as important to my peers as expedite is to me. If they do not try to understand who I am, or what I go thru how can I possibly put my self in thier shoes...for that matter why would I want to? Really who do I communicate with on a daily basis that has as much at stake? Or even better you or Dave? I have witnessed alot of changes over the last few years, you being no exception but aren't we all trying to do the same thing?


Seasoned Expediter
Some opinions don’t belong? Thought it was an open forum? If its not open it should say you can only give your opinion if you have direct experience with what’s being said so is it or isn’t it a open forum?

And sounds like you are being nosey just decided to put your 2cts worth in another place so you think you don’t look like you are adding fuel to the flame.


Veteran Expediter
Broom was talking about ONE individual trying to shanghai the thread.

"If I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don't know." - Kansas


Expert Expediter
>Broom was talking about ONE individual trying to shanghai
>the thread.
>"If I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don't
>know." - Kansas
Hawk: Shouldn't we call that THREAD JACK THE THREAD ?????

Whitewolf 53


:p :p :p :p :p :p :p
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