Some new drivers


Seasoned Expediter
It amazes me at times when i see new drivers and even experienced drivers sitting in the drivers lounge talking about having to sit or not getting enough miles, then their phone rings and they refuse a load?! I was at my home office sitting in the drivers lounge with other drivers... One guy refuses a load because it was not over 300 miles, then another driver gets a phone call and refuses a monster load because he doesnt "run down south". Why are you in this business I thought? I understand that their can be bad loads, but I tend to get more miles then these guys per week and they wonder why. Yes, I take whatever they throw my way!! The dispatchers, whether you like to believe it or not, do remember who is dependable and who is not. They do remember when you took that crappy load for them!! They talk about that they are "business men" and its a "business decision". Well now a days you have to keep all options open. I dont know how many times I took a crappy load, only to follow up with a nice run!!!


Retired Expediter
age old story..they never tell of the ones they refused...they keep ragging on thier carrier about lack of loads....


Veteran Expediter
""They do remember when you took that crappy load for them!! ""..I don't think so....I took a lot of crappy loads and I waited to somebody remember me the second day....and nothing!
The problem is , they always find a newbie or somebody hungry enough to take this kind of loads....


Expert Expediter
It amazes me at times when i see new drivers and even experienced drivers sitting in the drivers lounge talking about having to sit or not getting enough miles, then their phone rings and they refuse a load?! I was at my home office sitting in the drivers lounge with other drivers... One guy refuses a load because it was not over 300 miles, then another driver gets a phone call and refuses a monster load because he doesnt "run down south". Why are you in this business I thought? I understand that their can be bad loads, but I tend to get more miles then these guys per week and they wonder why. Yes, I take whatever they throw my way!! The dispatchers, whether you like to believe it or not, do remember who is dependable and who is not. They do remember when you took that crappy load for them!! They talk about that they are "business men" and its a "business decision". Well now a days you have to keep all options open. I dont know how many times I took a crappy load, only to follow up with a nice run!!!

Excellent post, but hang on to your hat. You are going to get hit from all sides now.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
When I was on the driver council I had a guy who told me how badly he needed help. He wasn't getting any load offers. How could he sit in Chicago for a day and get no offers? I happened to be on my way to the office so when I got there I got them to look up his truck. He'd had 8 offers and 8 refusals. I'd have taken at least 5 of them without more than seeing the locations and full rate offer. That seems to be the usual with many of those claiming starvation.


Veteran Expediter
I have worked for both. Some companies seem to remember when you take a looser load for the cause and some don't. I always took most loads and only turned them down if I was too tired or it was too far for me to do legally or safely in the time allowed. There is only one place I won't go and I only had one offer I turned down because of that. I guess some guys want to hold out for that super great load but the company can only offer the loads that they get. You can wait until the cows come home and turn down loads but all that will get you is broke and bored.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I guess some guys want to hold out for that super great load but the company can only offer the loads that they get.

Well duh, thank goodness someone else gets it. These folks sit around stating how they know absolutely for a fact that dispatch is playing favorites and passing them over completely or only offering the junk so they can spoon feed all those great loads to their favorites. There aren't necessarily any great loads. There are only the loads that come in. I had a team previously that turned down many good offers waiting on that home run. That usually meant a day of sitting and making zero instead of making some money. I suspect most smart batters would rather hit .400 with a few homers mixed in than be home run leader with a .267.


Seasoned Expediter
We were out by L.A. for a couple of days and we recived a short run that was not real good at all. But I was watching the board and trucks were not moving out and other trucks were coming in. Refusing the load would have taken us to the bottem of the board. I did not like the load at all but I took it knowing I would get a first out after delivery. When we arived at the shipper they were closed called dispatch and got a dry run and a first out. Wile we we were returning to the truck stop we recived a load picking up on sunday delivering on monday to El passo. It was friday, so I took it. Soon after I arived back at the truck stop another driver from our company came up to our truck and was telling me how he had been sitting sence monday. I told him about the short run I took and he said he got the same load and refused it, and he asked my board position, I told him I was not on the board and told him about the El Passo run. He told me well El Passo is not a good place to go. I already knew it was not the best but L.A. was not doing good at that time. We delivered to El Passo and parked, that night we got a run 10 miles away going to MI. I could have refused the short run and still ben sitting in L.A.

In the time we have been driving we have came across many stories like this on. Some drivers will blame any one except them. When a driver tells me things like this or I hear another driver told me .... I remind my selfe of these things. I'm most likely not getting the whole storry.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
That's precisely the reason I have "cranked" on those clowns so much over the years. But, they don't wanna look in the mirror. Jes like ovm types, "batter up". guess we can suggest to them where the water is---- but---, you know the rest of the story.

In hindsight, I shoulda not typed anything to try and help em. Then the ones that learned a bit and survived woulda had their cheap trucks for sale and there would have been just that much more equipment available (real reasonable) for the rest of us.

Aino sense YOU tinkin how stewpud they is, some don't get it figgured how stewpud THAY is. And thats OK. I've come to realize, it's way better for YOU.


Seasoned Expediter
I have seen it work both ways many times. It's just how the loads fall. But I have been hearing rumors of dispatchers dispatching around dsrivers in these tough times. Anyone else hear of this?

The Law


Veteran Expediter
Another factor the whiners often overlook is that every time they call to whine about not getting a load (that they want), they're keeping dispatchers from LOOKING for the loads. Duh?!


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
And Cheri, what's this I have read in the past about being a cumrudgeon?? Kinda comes with seniority in the business, don't it??


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
Ahh, I dunno bout that. The only continent I haven't set foot on is Antartica. Been to all the States AND Provinces with my Expedite business, and, have nothing but time for "fun and games" 24/7 these days. I tink all that is because I didn't take time for "fun and games" when I shouldn't have. Jes my $.02.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
Yer not gonna trick me. THAT kinda sun tan I don't need.


Veteran Expediter
There are a lot of guys turning down calls and then complaining. I know a fela that turned down a shorty run and sat. the guy who took his run not only did that call but followed up with another 3 short hauls and in 2.75 hrs made $200. know of others as well but so many do not want to do the short or bad runs even for a profit. I had one today dispatch definitely went around someone else supposedly because I was in the sprinter, but the load would have fit any van.

Some dispatchers do remember the crap runs you do and others don't have the time to do so and others don't care so long as the run was covered. Mine remembers and it might be a few days before I see a benefit but it comes.

Do dispatchers go around non performers? I beleive they do if they want things done and will go around a complainer or lackluster unit to get results. It may not happen all the time but it does happen.