Soldiers ordered not to criticize Islam, pedophilia


Veteran Expediter

The new U.S. military handbook for troops deployed to the Middle East orders soldiers not to make derogatory comments about the Taliban or criticize pedophilia, among other Islamic things.

Mass beheadings, gendercide, gassing of girls' schools, mass slaughter of non-believers and less than devout Muslims, attacks on US soldiers, acid attacks on women, brutal burka enforcement ..... must not be criticzed. So speaketh the caliph in the White House.He isstalking these anti-humans for peace, after all.

Bloody hell, bring our boys home. Now.

Photo: Taliban shoot woman dead five times as she was allegedly accused of adultery. Obama say, "respect it!"

How can any America hold our heads high under this monster?

New Army Manual Orders Soldiers Not To Criticize Taliban December 11, 2012 | Judicial Watch

Here is a strong indicator that the Obama Administration’s crusade to appease Islam has gone too far; a new U.S. military handbook for troops deployed to the Middle East orders soldiers not to make derogatory comments about the Taliban or criticize pedophilia, among other outrageous things.

It gets better; the new manual, which is around 75 pages, suggests that Western ignorance of Afghan culture— not Taliban infiltration—is responsible for the increase in deadly attacks by Afghan soldiers against the coalition forces.

The soon-to-be-released Army handbook is still being drafted, but a mainstream newspaper got

a sneak preview and published an article that should infuriate the American taxpayers funding the never-ending war on terror. The manual is being created because someone with authority bought the theory that cultural insensitivity is driving insider attacks on U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

More than three dozen insider attacks have killed 63 members of the U.S.-led coalition this year, according to the article, and some blame “American cultural ignorance.” The bottom line is that troops may experience social-cultural shock and/or discomfort when interacting with Afghan security forces, the new military handbook says. “Better situational awareness/understanding of Afghan culture will help better prepare [troops] to more effectively partner and to avoid cultural conflict that can lead toward green-on-blue violence.”

The draft leaked to the newspaper offers a list of “taboo conversation topics” that soldiers should avoid, including “making derogatory comments about the Taliban,” “advocating women’s rights,” “any criticism of pedophilia,” “directing any criticism towards Afghans,” “mentioning homosexuality and homosexual conduct” or “anything related to Islam.”

At least one high-ranking military official had the backbone to publicly criticize the new manual, albeit through a spokesperson. U.S. Marine General John Allen, the top commander in Afghanistan, doesn’t endorse it and rejected a proposed forward drafted by Army officials in his name. “He does not approve of its contents,” according to a military spokesman quoted in the story.

Earlier this year the Obama Administration changed the way federal agents are trained to combat terrorism and violent extremism by eliminating all materials that shed a negative light on Muslims. Under White House orders, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) destroyed instructional material that characterizes Muslims as prone to violence or terrorism in a government-wide call to end Islamophobia.

Under Obama practically every major federal agency has been ordered to participate in Muslim outreach initiatives, including the Justice Department with a special programto protect Islamic civil rights, Homeland Security meetings with extremist Muslim organizations and the nation’s space agency (NASA) with an unprecedented mission to focus on Muslim diplomacy.

Additionally, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton signed a special order to allow the reentry of two radical Islamic academics whose terrorist ties long banned them from the U.S. and the administration sent an America-bashing mosque leader (Feisal Abdul Rauf) who blames U.S. foreign policy for the 9/11 attacks on a Middle Eastern outreach mission. The Obama Administration even ordered a government-funded meal program for home-bound seniors to offer halal cuisine prepared according to Islamic law.


Seasoned Expediter
I have two boys in the Navy. BOTH are getting out when their enlistments are over. They have told us of some of the new rules that will make you sick. The beloved military has become a PC lab for homosexuality and muslim rights. My God, how can this president have done this in just 4 years? God help us, we won't recognize the US in another four. RIP America. I knew you when you were great.


Veteran Expediter
The beloved military has become a PC lab for homosexuality and muslim rights.
I remember being in Basic Training in Texas. Every morning as we were assembling on the pad for PC, that screeching Muslim wail would play, calling followers of the 7th century petite bandit and child molester to "prayer." I'm all for freedom of religion, but tolerating it doesn't mean the US military should further it by allowing that noise to be played. I wonder if any recruits were allowed to kneel 5 times a day and pray toward Mecca.
As for your kids getting out, it's good that they are. Before the first communist took office in the White House, :censoredsign:gotry was banned. Under Clinton, it became optional. The second communist might make it mandatory in his second term.


Expert Expediter
The terms of service here state that copyrighted material can not be used. It is overlooked a lot, but at least include a link to the original story. One that actully works.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Everyone I know in the military is getting out. They are flat fed up with the total BS that is being FORCED on them by the Criminal in Chief, Obama. The manchild who did NOT have the stones himself to put his useless life on the line.

IF they refuse to 'go along with the program they face court marshal.

Marxists are evil by nature and Obama is a Marxist.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It is a sad and horrible thing and unimaginable that anyone could have voted for Obama in any of the 4 possible ways of voting for him. It will be a miracle if the nation survives another 4 years of this fool and potentially 4 decades of his SC appointees. It is incredibly sad that every good person didn't do all they could to defeat evil.


Veteran Expediter
Everyone I know in the military is getting out. They are flat fed up with the total BS that is being FORCED on them by the Criminal in Chief, Obama. The manchild who did NOT have the stones himself to put his useless life on the line.

IF they refuse to 'go along with the program they face court marshal.

Marxists are evil by nature and Obama is a Marxist.

Remember ADM BOORDA??

Yes or No.

After Him all the Brass OFFICERS (JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF) Became Yes Men thats all your OFFIECERS.
Rest my Case.

With That Mods close this thread.
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Veteran Expediter
The terms of service here state that copyrighted material can not be used. It is overlooked a lot, but at least include a link to the original story. One that actully works.
That's what I do. The link I posted came from my browser's copy-URL function so I'm pretty sure it works. Here's the shortened URL that took me to that page.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If you edit this part off the end it may work as a clickable link.



Veteran Expediter
It is a sad and horrible thing and unimaginable that anyone could have voted for Obama in any of the 4 possible ways of voting for him. It will be a miracle if the nation survives another 4 years of this fool and potentially 4 decades of his SC appointees. It is incredibly sad that every good person didn't do all they could to defeat evil.

I agree. It's a shame the Republicans nominated someone so easily defeated... as they usually do in that boy's club.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yes it is and I wasn't for him and didn't support him through the primaries but when the only choices became him or Obama I'm thankful I wasn't stupid enough to cast one of the four votes for Obama.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
At this point a independent or republican is likely doomed at the national level. If either, regardless of the candidate has "reform" or "cuts" in their platform, they will lose.
People voted for Obama for the "gifts", or protection from any cuts. Look at how the council woman in Detroit responded after the election. She wants her free stuff.
Odds aren't good when better than half of the population is recieving something from the government and the other half is footing the bill.
Things will change, but it will take running out of money and cutting the gifts before it will happen.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You are probably correct, sad to say. That reality not withstanding, it's still sad when people are stupid enough to throw away their votes rather than using them to at least try to fight for what's right, in this case defeating the evil in chief. We'll keep hearing their excuses and their nonsense as they try to justify the wrong they did.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
You are probably correct, sad to say. That reality not withstanding, it's still sad when people are stupid enough to throw away their votes rather than using them to at least try to fight for what's right, in this case defeating the evil in chief. We'll keep hearing their excuses and their nonsense as they try to justify the wrong they did.

What is right doesn't translate into subsidized housing, free food, free internet, free medical care, free utilities, free phones, free big screens and computers, free...... you get the picture.


Veteran Expediter
I dont go for free hand outs either I think thats wrong. I never did agree with ADC where as the women would get Preg Have kids and collect the money where the Dead beat Men would slith off the free Govt money and never marry the lady. Never Believed in it. I could have gotten out and collected unemployment but didnt. In the Service I qualified for food stamps but Na Im Proud.
What the Fellow Politicians want is for the Retired Military to loose their Pensions till they are 67 and then Give it to them then. Oh - the Severance Pay they will gladely pay us a lump summ then or if we reach that wonderous age 67 -70 then get payments of the remainder calucated . If we dont outa luck. unless you bought that SBP Plan for a 100 amonth for your wife Just in case we kick the bucket before then, this they gladely take outa your Check each month along with Taxes, Med INC Dental INS and of course the Life Ins as well.
Ya that your wonderous Political Agendas for ya. If that happens and they do us to Us Vets You can rest assured every last one of them bums will be Physicaly thrown outa Office.
Note I didn say voted out either did I.

I dont agree with free stuff special handouts, I say work or you dont get didly for those that dont want to work. Get a job get off welfare. But then again I dont agree with Companies not wanting to higher workers full time and provide Benefits either.

I dont agree with Jobs going overseas to china or japan or what not. I think those companies should get slammed and their products be taxed so the extent that they cant compete with companies that make the products in America.
I dont think we should ship our oil outa the country so it has to be refined, We should Build the plants here and put Americans to work.
Enviromental send them bunny huggers packen!!! Are we that stupid that were gona dump a quart of oil on the ground vice putting it in a pan??? No were not.
Once we get rid of all the stupid red tape Prices will come down big time.
Govt taxe & taxe oil, tobacco & alachol (Federal and State) no wonder its so high Tax TAX TAX.
More Political Agenda. The Govt blames the oil companies. Shoot blame the Political agenda that sits in their seats and plays card games on the computer. Blame them.
By the way one man weather it is OBAMM or ROMNEY or Who ever THEY cant change it all by the selves. Its takes everyone of those bums in the Senate and Congress to enact the Laws Make things happen.
If they cant work together for the good of all then throw them Bumms out on there butts.
Because you are right it will be another 4 years of the same crap if they dont work together for the good of the people.

One question for Company's do you give your Employees 40 hours a week or more and Provide bennifits or do you run the other way and give your Employees 38 hours a week & give them Pamplets telling them how they can live off the GOVT and get free hand outs Med Dental ect ect ect if that strikes a nerve then so be it.

I Say look at their (Politicians) Saleries and you tell me their earning there money Right Playing cards on GOVT Time.
I see the real Fat that needs Trimmed!!!


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Veteran Expediter
Motor Carrier Executive
US Army
My mother always side if you don't have something nice to say, say nothing at all. My tongue is bleeding.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Remember ADM BORDA??

after Him all the Brass OFFICERS (JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF) Became Yes Men thats all your OFFIECERS.
Rest my Case.

With That Mods close this thread.

I sort of remember the name. ALL officers yes men? I doubt that. MANY MANY officers are getting out now, just as they did under Clinton. Just as I did under Clinton. I would not serve under that scum and many today feel the same. Just as many noncoms are either now getting our or being forced out for not 'going along with the program'. Not even all on the Joint Chiefs are 'yes men'.

Why close the thread? :confused:


Veteran Expediter
I sort of remember the name. ALL officers yes men? I doubt that. MANY MANY officers are getting out now, just as they did under Clinton. Just as I did under Clinton. I would not serve under that scum and many today feel the same. Just as many noncoms are either now getting our or being forced out for not 'going along with the program'. Not even all on the Joint Chiefs are 'yes men'.

WTH you sorta remember that Name ???
You got to be Kidding.
Every man that Served Under Boorda Respected Him.
Every Army Navy Marine AirForce
He was head of the Joints Chief of Staff.
Now you Remember.
Pause for Rememberance and Pay Respect.
To the Great ADM Boorda a True Mustang who made it all the way.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I sort of remember the name. ALL officers yes men? I doubt that. MANY MANY officers are getting out now, just as they did under Clinton. Just as I did under Clinton. I would not serve under that scum and many today feel the same. Just as many noncoms are either now getting our or being forced out for not 'going along with the program'. Not even all on the Joint Chiefs are 'yes men'.

WTH you sorta remember that Name ???
You got to be Kidding.
Every man that Served Under Borada Respected Him.
Every Army Navy Marine AirForce
He was head of the Joints Chief of Staff.
Now you Remember.
Pause for Rememberance and Pay Respect.
To the Great ADM Borda a True Mustang who made it all the way.

I did not serve under him. I was not Navy and did not answer to the Joint Chiefs when I was a civilian. I don't not detract from him and admire his service. I do remember the name but that is about it. Sorry.