Solar heater


Retired Expediter
so I have some time on my hands and read this article about things solar that ya can do cheap...

I made me a solar box heater....still tinkering....found a small box about 4" deep and painted it flat black made some wings on 4 sides put 2 small holes in the top and bottom and tempararily with duct tape stuck it to the side window....well lo and behold the heat that comes out!!!!


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
if you can come up with a lunar heater, you'll really have something saleable


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I've seen a write up on building a window solar heater for a room. It uses a fairly good size box of course. One of the things they did was to glue a grid of pennies inside the box before painting it black. As you said, the amount of heat output is pretty amazing. With direct sunlight a unit about the size of the side window would likely provide enough heat even on a freezing day. If there was just a way to capture and store it till nighttime.