Socialist or Fascist?


Veteran Expediter
I know many of you will not agree with this but after reading the list of things that Hillary wants to do in this country, like expand control of industries, health care for all and all that other rot, I am coming to the conclusion that what she stands for is not socializing the United Stated but bring it into a fascist state not unlike a cross between Mussolini’s Italy Hitler’s Germany of 1936/37.

Ok to support my position she has not talked about nationalizing anything outside of health care services, especially the oil and pharmaceutical industry. I would think that we would follow what other countries have done by taking industries over by the state if we are going to have a socialist leadership in that White House.


Veteran Expediter

OK if you compare the history of Germany during the rise of the NAZIs in the 30's and their reforms both on the business side and social side and do the same for any real socialist country, and compare all of that to Hillary's ideas there seems to be a leaning of Hillary in her rhetoric toward fascism and not socialism, especially with the fact that outside of a health insurance take over she plans on doing, she is not nationalizing big industry like oil, pharmaceuticals, auto companies or anything else for that matter but taxing the cr*p out of them - which was what was done in Germany in the mid 30's.


Veteran Expediter
Difference between socialism and fascism... Socialism is for the "good of the people", while fascism is for the "good of the state". We already know Hillary doesn't give a damm about the country. If she gets in, we'll be getting in line for our International ID chips anyways. So there goes the idea of nationalism.

BTW... there aren't any international id chips. I'm using that as an example to explain her lock-stepping with the UN.

-True independence can only be gained if you're trully independant.


Veteran Expediter
But see T-Hawk,

It will be for the good of the state. If you look at her speeches and follow them carefully, the basic theme is control, not for the benefit for all but control by the state of everything.

The Soviet's took over businesses, they created collectives and they wiped private ownership off the face of the earth in Russia - leaving state run everything, this is not what she is after. What the Nazis did was to let private ownership continue, taxed the h*ll out of the rich and booster the lower classes up to the middle class through government sponsored programs, like work camps.

(By the way, the way the NAZIS funded their system by deficit spending which was being used in the 30's under FDR and continues today as a form of monetary control. The soviets on the other hand borrowed the money and just simply never paid it back.)

To illustrate the difference, she said that she is going to take the oil profits away from the oil companies not take the oil companies over. My contention is this means she wants to further control the industry by mandates, litigation and laws, maybe adding price controls that would not really benefit the public but if she was taking the socialist point she would add to the equation subsidies that would benefit the public at the expense of all.


Veteran Expediter
What she says now is to get her into office. What she really wants is socialism. Fascism is far right. Socialism is far left. Communism is REALLY far left. People who didn't have a pot to pizz in were put to work in Nazi Germany. People who couldn't work (cripples, mentally disabled) were sent to die. People worked for their pay, while the premise was to make the state strong. Do you see the Dems doing this?

I see more like Sweden's philosophy, of 75% taking care of the 25% thru welfare. I also see a bit of Hugo Chaves' philosophy of get rid of capitalism and make everyone reliant on the government.

Regardless of deciding if she's socialist or fascist, I think we can agree she has aspirations of being a dictator.

-True independence can only be gained if you're trully independant.