Canada Smoking in Ontario


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
I just read in the Landline Mag that the "Smoke Free in Ontario Act" went into effect on 1 June. Some folks, perhaps including the OPP, have interpreted this 'no smoking in the workplace' law to include truck cabs. They go on to imply that a solo driver is exemt bu if there is another person sharing the workspace, i.e. a co-driver, the smoker could face fines of $5000 to $300,000.

The moral of the story is for smokers to postpone exhaling when within sight of the law enforcement officer.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I don't believe that this law applied to Non-Residents.
I think it applies to company trucks, based in and not operating outside the Province.
The law actually states that enclosed "work places" must be smoke free.
Cabs of trucks are "work places".
I wouldn't worry too much about being "busted", though.

Q: HOW WILL THE ACT BE ENFORCED?A: Enforcement officers with Ontario’s local public health units will enforce the act.


Veteran Expediter
Unfortunately the law does apply to owner/operators as the truck is a workplace. Therefore if two ppl in the truck and one does not smoke then the smoker has to butt out. The law bans smoking completely in company trucks such as a fleet like BDI.
Also another regulation they have brought out this year and are enforcing is the lower speed limits in construction zones when there are construction crews at work. Most sites have a 20kph lower speed limit and the cops are not giving reduced tickets (meaning if you're doing 25 over the ticket will be for 25 over rather than lowering a little).
Rememeber also that Ontario has deals with many states for driver record updating for tickets received in Ontario and it is reciprocal. Meaning if an Ontarian gets a ticket in the U.S. it shows on their ontario licence record and same for you. Get a ticket here and it will be on your U.S. driving record.
Enjoy the drive!!!!
Rob Fis