Slooooow and liars


Veteran Expediter
Why does it take over an hour to get a Bol signed?
Speaking of liars I had to throw a broker/pimp under the bus again for telling a shipper I was 15 miles away when I was over 100 and that this shipment was being team driven as per clients request,the only team about me is I have a bigger pair than this broker and shipper wasn't happy
They also lied to me about delivery time


Veteran Expediter
I had no trouble tossing them under the truck!
I never heard of them nor care to do another job for them I'm sure the shipper didn't call me to the table
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Veteran Expediter
It took an hour and 45 to get signed as they had to do a piece count on account of previous shortages with the 4 th person down the shipping chain