Sleeping or Sleeping Aids?


Veteran Expediter
In regards to the Sleeping in the Truck for Teams and an intresting topic of this came up?

Do you ever use them?

In this industry trying to sleep during the day can be difficult or is difficult. Everyone has been in the situation (have you not). That you unload early in the AM 6 or so, knowing that your gona get a load that evening or are pre-dispatched. And your tired but falling asleep with the Truck Stop Noise, or Parking lot of 4 wheelers testing there alarms well good sleep is impossible. That is without some aid.

I have used Exederine PM twice now out there and when I awake no Drousey feeling like some other things leave me feel. 10 hours off not two or three.

As for staying awake, staying in decent shape helps alot. Eating light foods, fruits, vegs also helps. A Caffine Pill 100% Natural gives me a great Boost when I notice I am getting tired, the usual indicator is when I put one hand on top of my head while driving (Why?) I have no explantion but I know this is when I find myself in need of a change or energy boost like a walk, a good song, a drink, or the Pill.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Good earplugs work for me. Second best listening to an Audio Book on the I-Pod. I always choose one listened to many times so you don`t get so interested that it will keep you awake. Now if I could only find earplugs that you could lay on,I wouldn`t have to switch ears every time I roll over.

Can`t comment on taking sleeping aids or stimulants. Don`t believe in them.

My trick for revitilation is just a cold wet rag applied to the forehead and the back of the neck.


Expert Expediter
I have never really had trouble sleeping during the day. I used to work third shift and had to sleep during the day all the time with neighbors mowing their lawns and what not. I think driving all night is the best sleep aid there is. By the time I deliver in the morning, I can't get to the truck stop fast enough and sometimes will just hit the closest rest area. I'm usually out like a light within five minutes.


Veteran Expediter
In my defense I am with both of you. My problem is staying asleep, seems like at 11 am if I am woken up it is difficult to get back to sleep, all those sheep and there problems just keep going thru ones head, gotta do this, remember that, call him about that etc....when I am gona get the Christmas Shopping started?