Sleeping Bag TIP


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Before climbing into that bag for the night try this... Slip your thermos of HOT coffee down by your toes. Your coffee will stay hotter and your toes wont fall off. It wont feel toasty, but the little bit of heat the thermos throws off will last all night. A hot water bottle can also be used but it gets cold real fast.


Seasoned Expediter
It is also recommended by most manufacturers to take Gas X prior to entering the sleeping bag, or zip it up tightly around your neck.:)


Veteran Expediter
I rarely get a thermos of hot coffee prior to going to bed. But, I've been known to be lazy about that last trip into the men's room. A discarded cola bottle filled with what I would have deposited in the men's room might provide some warmth for a while, too.

Just be sure the cap is tightened securely.