Sex abuse in Schools


Veteran Expediter
I just read this,

Sexual misconduct plagues US schools

and wonder after 40 years of teaching and being accused of sexual abusing kids, why even after losing his license, does these teachers allowed to keep their pension?

I can't help but have a desire to see laws passed that strips them of their pension and profession at the same time. I don't mean the guy who has one complaint but the ones who are caught. AND when you read the article, and they get to the principle who got his 14 year old student pregnant I want to know why isn't he automatically charged with a crime like rape?


Veteran Expediter
We had a teacher in high school who owned a big place in the country with a pond and whole nine. My senior year I was in his advanced placement enviromental science class. He would load the class up on the bus and we go do experiments on his place. Test pond water and soil mostly. All kinds of stuff we couldn't do at school. Anyway. He let this girl drive his 4 wheeler he was on the back. She gunned it and he wasn't ready and almost fell off. He grabed her to keep from falling out of instinct. Well he accidently grabbed her chest. I knew this guy from church, and saw the incident with my own eyes. I knew it was an accident, everyone did. But the girls dad was the principal at the jr high, and she really didn't like the teacher. He went to court and plead guilty instead of risking going to prison. He was one year away from retirement. He lost everything over an accident. Now he is old as dirt still working, at a sporting goods store for i'm sure peanuts. All because some little brat wanted to turn something into something it wasn't. He was to old to go to prison. I don't think he would have been able to do time. I do think he made the best choice, but he shouldn't have had to make it though. In all honesty I would have done the old man's time if I could have. There were no prior incidents.