Searching for the Snow


Veteran Expediter
I have been hearing stories of snow storms this past week and while I have been on every highway on the Hawaiian island of Oahu I can assure you this is NOT TRUE you can even look it up on Urban Legends Reference Pages and you will not see any story about snow storms on Oahu this past week. I even went the extra mile and went 3 miles off shore and swam with the sharks to see if they would lead me to some snow well they couldn’t find any either. So from the 16th floor of the Marriott I surveyed the entire strip and no snow. It was a daunting task looking for the snow but I felt you were all worth it. Aloha


Veteran Expediter
Bookum DanO and charge him with making terroristic threats and having fun in the sun.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I just want to say to you, in the words of my good friend Fred Sanford, "Lamont, you big dummy!". :p


Veteran Expediter
Come Ride with ME. Starting last Monday the 26th 5 inches goinig North plus freezing rain, and sleet. 5 more inches going thru Columbus returning. 28th High winds, rain, sleet, snow. Than I got a break woke up to 8 inches, took off and the trailer at my Exit decided to beat me to it (the Tractor) let off the brakes and waved as I passed up my Exit. Snow turned to rain when I got to WV. 29th Return now it got fun again more Wind, more Snow especially in WV Mts, lots of fun got ski's? My return on Sunday was the only day with dry pavement. WHAT A JOY, and I was able to get the rig washed as well....

I run NC to Mi and back every other day.