Scrambled Eggs!


OVM Project Manager
I've been doing it wrong all these years! Just caught a quick segment of David Letterman last night as he was telling how he scrambled eggs..everything was the same until he said he put mustard on his eggs! (I was a staunch ketchup user) Well this morning I tried a wine mustard that Ken brought home and I'm sold! It was delicious! So what do you put on your scrambled eggs?:D


Veteran Expediter
Hashbrowns , light sprnkle of pepper.and 4 pieces of bacon

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Nothing. Then they taste like eggs not something else. My granny told me the only reason to put anything on food was if the cook wasn't any good and needed to hide the fact they can't cook.


OVM Project Manager
Nothing. Then they taste like eggs not something else. My granny told me the only reason to put anything on food was if the cook wasn't any good and needed to hide the fact they can't cook.
Ken's granny told him you didn't need but 4 ounces of meat in a day too..she was a bit of a small sparrow in stature..But you can't argue with Grannies! :)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Nothing. Then they taste like eggs not something else. My granny told me the only reason to put anything on food was if the cook wasn't any good and needed to hide the fact they can't cook.
How about that! Something we agree on! My gram told me the same thing.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well, I wasn't suggesting the dollars come from you and while I might not retire rich I'd have a fair amount of money, especially if it included the not publicly acknowledged agreements.


Veteran Expediter
Anything more than salt and pepper you have an omelet. What do I like?, it depends on the mood I'm in.

Right now the combination that hits me is, of bacon, sweet onions, red and green sweet peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, and a some diced jalapeno. And it must be cooked in real butter not the ticking time bomb margarine.
A side of fried potatoes, and a good multi grain bread for toast. Top with some garlic salt, black pepper and just a dusting of cayenne pepper on the spuds.

Bob Wolf


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Just scramble styrofoam, and freeze driad water, YUM! :mad: I am losing weight but it sucks. Eating wrong can kill you, eating right just make you feel dead.


Veteran Expediter
All in moderation.
Might as well enjoy something while we are on this rock.

Bob Wolf.


Veteran Expediter
scrambled eggs al a mode! eggs, hot spicy chorizo sausage, covered with fried rice, now thats goooood!