Scam Artists


Expert Expediter
Why is it that every truckstop has one day or night, east coast, west coast, North or South. You guys know what I'm talking about, Scam Artists. I swear if I had a dollar for everytime one of these broke basterds have come up to me asking for money, offering to shine my rims with nothing more than a rag and a mouth full of spit, or trying to sell me stolen stuff, I'd be rich, not Bill Gates rich but O/O rich.
True story, I was at the Petrol last friday, just outside Memphis, TN. I had just pulled in, found a parking spot and was getting my things together to take a shower. As I sat down in the drivers seat with my stuff, reaching for the door knob, I noticed a man walking to different trucks looking to see if any drivers were sitting in the drivers seats. I could see that several drivers weren't interested in what he had to say and gave him the finger. Just then he looked around and looked at my truck, I tried to duck but it was too late, he saw me and was heading over to my D-Unit. I've been told by many people(friends, family, ex-girlfriends, chruch pastors) that I was a grade A a$$hole and I got to tell you, they were right. I was bored so I figured what the hell, let me have some fun with this guy, hear what he has to say, string him along like I'm interested and then be a real jerk just as he thinks he's gonna get some money from me.
To make a long story short he starts telling me how he works for Landstar and how his truck is in the shop with a $6,000 problem, Now me being the A-hole that I am I say "dam that sucks, but what does that have to do with me?" He looks at me and says "I have the money to fix the truck, don't get me wrong, but now I'm broke and my wife and I have gone three days with nothing to eat while they are fixing the rig." Again I look at him and say "well where is your wife and why isn't her butt out here helping you beg for money"? Now I know this guy is full of crap because when I pulled into the truckstop I saw him and a couple of guys get out of a car where two of them headed over to the Pilot and he came over to the Petro. I ask what kind of truck he has and he says a Freightliner and its at the Freightliner garage. So I ask him for the number there, and get this, he tells me its closed. I say closed huh? he says yea closed for the weekend. Then he asks what I want the number for, and I say so I can call over there to see if your story is true, besides you still haven't told me what the @#ck you want with me so stop wasting my time with your sob story and get to the point. He looks at me and says "well I was praying that you'd be a kind enough driver to help me and my wife out with some money to buy some food". I tell him that he's in luck because I was just heading inside to get some dinner and if he'd like to join me. He says he has to get back to his wife but some money will be nice. I say don't be silly, I'll buy you and your wife some dinner and you can take it back to her. He says that is very kind of me but his wife is a picky eater and how she might not what is on the buffet. Well then order from the menu, she is your wife, you must know what she likes, right, besides the two of you haven't eaten anything for three days and I'm sure she won't care. Besides beggers can't be choosers.
Before he can answer I say you know what forget it here's $50 its all yours and I start reaching for my wallet, he then asks me if I could make it $200, so I say yea why not and start pulling out somemore money. Now remember I'm in my truck with my doors locked looking down at this guy with my window half up so I'm not too worried about him. I pull out $200 and see this smile on his face like he just won the lottery. But before I hand him the money I start picking my nose acting like I'm trying to grab a bugger that keeps slipping away. Making sure I'm using all my fingers one at a time of course, I'm wiping them on the dollar bills. Them I go all out and blow my nose on it and try to hand it to him but he refuses and walkes off.LOL Oh well his loss.


Expert Expediter
I would of still takin the $200.00 from run into that stuff alot,usually people asking money for gas.They are stuck here etc. on the way home,no gas,no money.

I am a sucker tho.The 1st time,A guy comes over to my van,says ran out of money etc. on the way home,has a wife and 2 little kids in the car,and asked for gas money to help him home.Just looking at them,I could tell they didnt have much.I gave them $10.00.Then I saw him go to the fuel island where a lady was putting gas in her car.
I saw her use her credit card to fill his tank.This guy runs back over to me and tells me that and asked if he could use the money I gave him to get something to eat.I saw them leave and went across the road to a small diner.I think they were on the up and up.

Another time a guy got me for $5.00.Says his wife was inside etc,needed money for gas.I saw him leave alone.Oh well,he will ruin it for the ones that really need the help.
The way I look at it,I am really fortunate in life.I have everything that I need.I dont mind helping people if they need it,I just dont want to support their drinking or smoking habits.


Expert Expediter
Usually I break out the check book, they will always ask whats that? I will say its a check so I can have a record for a tax deduction..always results in a finger....Hey! I'm number 1 again! yay~!


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Navy
i like guy's who will work for food
there are two of them that stand on a corner of shore drive in va ba
va and people give them money i stop one day and offer to share my lunch with them and they got upset that i would do something like that
they said we would rather have the money for food so we can get what we want, now when i see them slow down like i'm going to stop and they wave at me to keep on going


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
>now when i see them slow down like i'm
>going to stop and they wave at me to keep on going

Thats priceless George...

We have offered to meet them at resturant (a short walk away)there we would buy them a meal.

No takers yet.


A long time ago I started carrying several small cans of Beenie Weenies with me and some plastic spoons. Any time I get in situations like this I offer a can of Beenie Weenies and a spoon. I happen to really like them myself, so I always have something that I can eat if I get hungry. I have had a few takers who looked genuinely appreciative, and those experiences have made the exercise worthwhile, but there have been LOTS of guys who didn't want them, even though the stated purpose of their begging was because they were hungry. Sometimes they look at me like "wow, you really think I'm hungry, huh?"


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
What I have seen a lot of is that some guy walks up to the truck with a piece of metal that has a hole in it. "Can you help me out? I had my XYZ bar break on my car and a new one costs $29.99 but I only have $4.88,the kids are in the car and I need to get them home so they can get to school tommorrow as it's a big day for my daughter". Old hardhearted me says "Hey I can fix that XYZ Bar and get you going,where is your car"? That ends that real fast