save what


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The hurricane did a major job on our house. When it was on the way and appeared to be unavoidable I got to thinking about what was in there and what I'd want out. My wife, being the smart one, saved the pictures of the girls. That's the one irreplaceable thing I would mourn losing. The rest is bricks, sticks and stuff. The bricks and sticks are still in place but a lot of the stuff got ruined. It doesn't matter. The insurance will take care of that. The rest is just a house. Where those pictures are and where the family can gather together again is home, regardless of where that is or whether it's that house or someplace else. So, my rambling leads to the question, not for you to have to answer aloud but just to yourself, what would be the most important thing to save if you knew disaster was pending and had to choose something.


Expert Expediter
Leo I am sorry to hear about your home. The good thing is your family is ok. The only thing worth saving to me is my wife and the dog.


Veteran Expediter
Pictures, important documents that might be needed, and for me, a small collection of jewelry that was passed to me from my grandmother


Not a Member
As long as my family was safe and my grand kids are ok I guess I would be satisfied..
On that note
Even though we have butted heads Leo and I have yet to receive your apology I hope you are able to pull things together quickly and that you and yours are able to remain in elevated spirits during this trying time..
In short I am glad you guys are ok.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Thank you to those offering good wishes. This thread wasn't set up to solicit them, just to initiate thinking about what things are truly important while there's time to do so. I hope everyone stays safe and well.


Staff member
I think that my picture albums would also be what I would want to save first then my practical side would win out and I would go for my business records.

The above two things though without saying are after the family and Molly are safe and sound they are the most important of anything.

Leo I also hope when you get home and see what all has happened there is less damage then you expect.


Seasoned Expediter
My son and his family live in Missouri City, Tx (southwest of Houston) and we were glad to hear they made it without any damage, just 3 days without power. Hate to see the destruction ion the area, especially Galveston.


Veteran Expediter
Thought about the storm yesterday, and realized you were from Houston. Hope it's not that bad, Leo.

Heard Galveston is a wash (no pun intended).


Veteran Expediter
Women and children first,but since I live alone,I'd take my Dale Earnhardt Sr collection,from 100 hats to an autographed race ticket from Phoenix in 1998


Veteran Expediter
Pictures, definately.
I spoke with one of my other sisters down in Houston. She said they were told they wouldn't have power for probably 2 weeks. They just got water, and they've been grilling meat as it thaws out. She said no one even has seen the damage since there's no power to watch tv or internet. I was telling her about it. She said they heard sirens, and there was a police escort with a truck carrying ice. Ice is a hot commodity right now. My parents have been out searching for 3 hours for some today. The gas stations have hundreds of people lined up down the freeways to get some. It is litterally like a warzone. My brother in law works for a refinery, and they are giving him 2 bags of ice, and giving him gas to get there. The grocery stores are running low on things. I'm so glad we weren't down there when it hit. A lot of friends and family have really lost a lot from this.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Linda would snag pictures, I would grab my guitars, Hooch would bring that **** squeeky


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
what would be the most important thing to save if you knew disaster was pending and had to choose something.

Leo this is one of the most thought provoking post I have ever read on this or any other Forum.

I asked Carol For her thoughts and she agreed pictures are the most important thing. I would also add that, important documents one would need to put ones life back together, should be in a safety deposit box long before disaster strikes. (Just hope the bank doesn't blow or float away)

Also Trusted sites on the Internet can be used to store pictures, and other vital information that can be retrieved from any computer.


Veteran Expediter
Godspeed on the repairs to your home and getting the home life back to normal. As residents (home owner) of central Florida ourselves, we are all to aware of the power of hurricanes and the damage they can do. Our largest water oak fell during a hurricane three years ago and almost killed two of our next door neighbors as it fell through their home. Fortunately they survived, unfortunately their house was a total loss.

For us we would save family and pets first, photos and important documents secondly, and the HHR. The house would be boarded up and we would be left to hope for the best. We still have a lot of those water oaks left! If we were there with our truck and trailer we would most assuredly relocate it out of the area since it is our livelyhood and cannot afford to be without it.


Expert Expediter
After loosing everything I owned to a fire, many years ago, I miss my pictures the most.:(

So for me, once the family (including my dogs) were safe, I would definitely grab my albums and photos that are spread throughout my home and my safe with all the important papers in it.

Everything else can be replaced.


Staff member
Ike in Kentucky? It happened this week, 50 -85 MPH wind. We just wanted safety for people. Friends and loved ones specifically. Reality check.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Been through several hurricanes and I would say the pictures and business records first. If there is time then pick and choose through the rest.
Last week was a hell of a week of weather in so many places.