Before I was forced into getting into another business I was paying $40,000. a year in state, federal, and socil security, this year I owed $1000. I would much rather pay what I was paying and make what i was making than pay the little bit i pay now and what I make now. It has been a struggle but i have kept my bills paid and did not go into debt. Between fuel prices and Mechanics rates and mechanics that rip you off or don't do the job right the first time it's a real disapontment to me. I'm away from home for month's at a time, work my tale off to give most of the money i made to someone else and i get left with change. i don't blame the carriers I know they are under the gun and doing the best they can to keep o/os going. but I always have my eyes open for something else. I fault myself mostly for not getting a good educaion and cosequences of past decisions. My advice to youngsters STAY IN SCHOOL! you don't want to do this the rest of your life.
I'ts going to be a beutiful day here in Va Beach so i'm going riding with the brothers.