Seasoned Expediter
Do all companies only pay 50% for the 2nd half of a round trip?
This may be news to some and old hat to others but just in case You aren't familiar with this you may need to read page 62 of the 2006 PII driver manual. (I shared this w/drivers who had been around longer than us and they weren't aware...and unless its changed since last year)
We were offered a round trip load, p/u and point "A" delivering at point "B", p/u at point "B" and going back to point "A". the load was 792 mile each way (not bad), fsc only 0.13, not so great and it was reduced rate at $1.10, not too crazy about that either. that's only 0.55 cpm for return trip. according to my math, that wasn't such a great deal so we turned it down. i shared this with a friend and they thought i was crazy til i told them about the 50% return trip. we have had round trips that pay full rate both ways, but they told us up front it would pay full rate. if that isn't mentioned i would ask before accepting round trip run. like i said may be old news to many but it pays to READ THE MANUAL. ;
This may be news to some and old hat to others but just in case You aren't familiar with this you may need to read page 62 of the 2006 PII driver manual. (I shared this w/drivers who had been around longer than us and they weren't aware...and unless its changed since last year)
We were offered a round trip load, p/u and point "A" delivering at point "B", p/u at point "B" and going back to point "A". the load was 792 mile each way (not bad), fsc only 0.13, not so great and it was reduced rate at $1.10, not too crazy about that either. that's only 0.55 cpm for return trip. according to my math, that wasn't such a great deal so we turned it down. i shared this with a friend and they thought i was crazy til i told them about the 50% return trip. we have had round trips that pay full rate both ways, but they told us up front it would pay full rate. if that isn't mentioned i would ask before accepting round trip run. like i said may be old news to many but it pays to READ THE MANUAL. ;