Remember how Clinton gutted our military and intelligence agencies? It takes a long time to rebuild intelligence personnel, especially in Arab areas that are so sensitive to outsiders. Considering what the Obama administration is now doing we may never get back to where we should be in intelligence capabilities.
Crap Clinton? try again... try Carter and Reagan.
It seems that even IF Clinton could be blamed for a lot, it was a republican congress who went along with it - Newt ring a bell?
Congress has a direct say in these departments and organizations and it is easy to blame Clinton or Obama but when a republican president has a republican congress but nothing seems to get really fixed, then what does that say - 9 years to find one guy living at one place for 6 years.
AND beside all of that, the one problem we still have is the egotistical groups within the federal government who still don't share intel like then should. Clinton and those who put up the wall of silence still have their imprint in these agencies and all Bush did was make a larger mess of all of it.
Rebuild? we never had a strong Middle East operations and we are still struggling to get something solid there.
How many enemy combatants did the Bush Admin. deposit in Gitmo for the purpose of being held there indefinitely or tried by military tribunals?
AND how many have been released to fight again?
Bush and the DoJ could have worked with congress to put a stop to every lawsuit that was filed on behalf of every person in Gitmo but they didn't. They let things progress to the point that the terrorist still has rights.
Remember the ACLU and the other liberal groups rushing to defend the rights of terrorists, and in doing so held up the process indefinitely?
It wasn't just the liberals and the ACLU who were rushing in, a lot of people on the republican/conservative side of things were not too keen on what was going on and they too voiced their opinion - let's see ... didn't John McCain sponsor a bill on some torture issues?
Pandering to the local group was certainly part of their game plan in anticipation of the SC primary. Regarding Cain, he's certainly got a good resume as an executive who gets things done and makes good decisions. Also refreshing that he's not a career Washington politician. However, that could be his downfall unless he hooks up with somebody that's been effective getting things done in Washington.
I think, like Ron Paul, he is speaking to the people like they want to hear people speak to them. Cain, like Paul has an attraction that may have something to do with the fact they are not speaking the same way and saying the same thing like the others.