Ron Paul Leaps Past Bachmann in Latest Poll


Veteran Expediter
One can only imagine the utter horror of such a thing to some ... say, to those attempting to pass themselves off as long dead Greek philosophers ... :rolleyes::

Ignored by the media and dismissed by the Republican Party in general, liberty-minded Congressman Ron Paul leaped into third place today in the Gallup Presidential Nomination preference poll.

Paul jumped over Michele Bachmann, the Tea Party darling/lunatic, relegating her to fourth-place in the current poll. Here's how the numbers shake out today.

Rick Perry, Texas Governor: 29%
Mitt Romney, former Massachusetts Governor: 17%
Ron Paul, Texas Congressman: 13%
Michele Bachmann, Minnesota Congresswoman: 10%​

That's right. Ron Paul jumped into third place...and the media continues to ignore his candidacy. I can't explain it as anything other than outright bias against the man and his ideas.

One thing to take away from the poll is that it only includes current, declared candidates. It does not, for example, include potential candidates Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, Chris Christie, Rudolph Giuliani, or George Pataki — all of whom have made noise about possibly jumping into the race at a later date.

One of them could possibly be very successful following a later-entrant strategy. As of today, a full 17% of respondents indicated "no preference" in their vote.

Think about that for a minute. "None of the above" essentially takes second place right now, ahead of everyone but Rick Perry — and even Republicans aren't crazy enough to nominate Rick Perry :eek: This means one thing: there is room for either one of the marginalized candidates (like Ron Paul) to gain a lot of support, or a new candidate to emerge and become an instant challenger.

Given his three percent jump in the polls (despite the entrance of former Democrat and popular Texas governor Rick Perry into the race) shows that Ron Paul's numbers are steady and rising.

Are we witnessing the promised Ron Paul revolution, or has the Texas congressman maxed out his voter numbers? I suppose the analysis depends on who you ask.

Certainly experts are beginning to see the benefits of signing on to Team Ron Paul. The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign announced today that constitutional and international law expert Bruce Fein will join the campaign as senior advisor on legal matters.

“Bruce Fein's participation adds to our campaign's already intellectual heft, enabling us to more broadly engage the conversation about constitutionality, civil liberties and the dangers to national security of an increasingly interventionist foreign policy,” said Ron Paul 2012 Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.

According to the Ron Paul for President Website (, Mr. Fein served as associate deputy attorney and general counsel to the Federal Communications Commission under President Ronald Reagan. He served as Research Director for Republicans on the Joint Congressional Committee on Covert Arms Sales to Iran, and on the American Bar Associations Committee on Presidential Signing Statements. He has been a Visiting Fellow for Constitutional Studies at the Heritage Foundation and an adjunct scholar at American Enterprise Institute. He has advised numerous countries on constitutional reform, including South Africa, Hungary and Russia.

Apparently the American people are starting to take notice, too. According to the most recent Rasmussen survey of likely voters, Ron Paul is a mere one point behind President Obama in a head-to-head matchup — a better result than any of the other GOP contenders received.

This is despite the media blackout around Ron Paul's campaign, and despite the media's insistence that Ron Paul can't beat Obama. This poll suggests he can.

If you're interested in the Ron Paul campaign, and tired of the general media ignoring the campaign, stay tuned to and/or specifically, find my personal story page here.

If you want to volunteer for his campaign, you can find his website here.

Link to original article: Ron Paul Leaps Past Bachmann in Latest Poll

Fringe ? ..... shyeah, right ......


How's that list comin' ? .... have ya even made it to a paltry 5 yet ?
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Veteran Expediter
AND many still seem to be in denial that it possibly isn't those great conservative values that people want but somewhat of real libertarian values. I wonder how Paul's meeting went with those religious leaders at one of them conferences?

I don't get what the age has to do with it, we have had old people as president. IF there is an issue, maybe we need to reexamine age limits for our industry and limit them to say 65 before complaining about something else.

By the way, I could not put my finger on the reasoning behind why people are saying the republicans need to pick someone and stick to them but this little bit helps -

Lack of GOP Front-Runner for 2012 Is Atypical


Veteran Expediter
I don't think Ron Paul jumped ahead of anyone, his percentage is about the same but Bachmann dropped to fourth.

Posted with my Droid EO Forum App


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Who cares which ReBumLiCan runs? I don't. I am left with the EXACT same choice I had in the LAST Election. I can vote for terminal brain cancer, (Obama) OR, drug resistant tuburculosus. (The ReBumliCan) NOTHING new, same ole, same ole. I will vote ONLY to maintain my right to complain.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
In another poll, Ron Paul ranks 4th, right behind pepperoni, cheese, and sausage, as a favorite topping for pizza. Anchovies ranks 5th.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It's funny how someone posts that Ron Paul leaps Michelle Bachmann in latest poll and then later in the post describes her as a lunatic. So your saying that Ron Paul passing a "LUNATIC is one heck of an accomplishment. A story that should stop the presses.:rolleyes: What a hoot.:D


Veteran Expediter
In another poll, Ron Paul ranks 4th, right behind pepperoni, cheese, and sausage, as a favorite topping for pizza. Anchovies ranks 5th.
I'm glad to see you putting your newly acquired "status & authority" to a good purpose and worthwhile use ..... to keep this and other threads on track .... and not letting them wander off-topic with the frivolous introduction of fictional inanities ... :rolleyes:

Great job !


Staff member
Retired Expediter
As opinion polls by their very nature are frivolous inanities, and are meaningless except to those who attempt to attach some fictional importance to them, my comments are consistent with that theme. On the other hand, an off-topic sarcastic personal snipe about my newly acquired "status and authority" is not only out of line, but blatantly hypocritical in this context.


Veteran Expediter
As opinion polls by their very nature are frivolous inanities, and are meaningless except to those who attempt to attach some fictional importance to them, my comments are consistent with that theme.
Nice try, but I think not ..... :rolleyes:

Fact is, you essentially took a dump all over a thread that I had started, by attempting to reduce the thread and it's subject matter to frivolity, by injecting a fictional inanity - and although you get points for trying to be cute in doing so, it was entirely off-topic of the subject matter of the thread.

BTW - if what you state above regarding opinion polls were actually true (which apparently it isn't for a vast segment of the population) it would reduce the entirety of civil society, based on democratic (small D) governance, to frivolity ...... since elections, at their very essence, are really nothing more than an opinion poll ...

On the other hand, an off-topic sarcastic personal snipe about my newly acquired "status and authority" is not only out of line, but blatantly hypocritical in this context.
Well .... like yourself, I always appreciate the irony of someone engaging in the very behavior that they have condemned others for .....

And my comments were directed at your conduct .... not at your person ...
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Staff member
Retired Expediter
Nice try, but I think not ..... :rolleyes:

Fact is, you essentially took a dump all over a thread that I had started, by attempting to reduce the thread and it's subject matter to frivolity, by injecting a fictional inanity - and although you get points for trying to be cute in doing so, it was entirely off-topic of the subject matter of the thread.
The subject matter was the result of an opinion poll, was it not? Both in the Subject Title and in the body of the quoted text. You gave one example of a poll, I gave another. I'm sorry if my dumping all over a thread in which you started (and therefore understandably take ownership of) hurt your feelings or something, but my comments were simply nothing other than a humorous way to indicate my thoughts as to the worthlessness of opinion polls (especially this early in the electoral process).

It's funny how people agree with the results of opinion polls place great significance on them, far greater than they deserve, as the results of such polls often change dramatically in short periods of time, and those who disagree with the results will dismiss it as flawed for one reason or another. In the end, the only poll that matters is the one in the voting booth, because it's largely honest and secret.

BTW - if what you state above regarding opinion polls were actually true (which apparently it isn't for a vast segment of the population) it would reduce the entirety of civil society, based on democratic (small D) governance, to frivolity ...... since elections, at their very essence, are really nothing more than an opinion poll ...
I find it difficult to believe that you place the same weight on the results of an opinion poll and the results of a voter election. They clearly have very different significance. But if you want to reduce an election to that of a mere opinion poll, have at it.

Well .... like yourself, I always appreciate the irony of someone engaging in the very behavior that they have condemned others for .....
Exactly, which is why I pointed out your hypocrisy. My opinion above didn't change or alter the tread in any way, it was merely my opinion of the validity of opinion poll results, a door which you opened with the posting of: "Given his three percent jump in the polls (despite the entrance of former Democrat and popular Texas governor Rick Perry into the race) shows that Ron Paul's numbers are steady and rising. Are we witnessing the promised Ron Paul revolution, or has the Texas congressman maxed out his voter numbers? I suppose the analysis depends on who you ask." The sampling error for that poll is +/- 4%, which means Ron Paul's 3% is meaningless by +/- 4%. It was you who took it off-topic to attack me personally by including my newly acquired "status and authority", as if that had something to do with what I posted. <snort>

And my comments were directed at your conduct .... not at your person ...
If that's true, which I don't think it is, then please explain how my newly acquired "status and authority" could possibly have anything to do with my "conduct" above, considering, you know, nether my status nor my authority played a role in my comments or my conduct.

Go ahead, take your time, rationalize it like crazy, and then get back to us. I'm sure it will be something as profound as me having "Moderator" under my avatar. But it certainly appears by this and several other postings that, as an apparent Ron Paul fanboy, you take great exception to those who criticize Ron Paul for anything, and you are very quick to discredit the poster in the hopes of discrediting what they posted. That's an ad hominem attack, and my advice would be to not do that.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
As opinion polls by their very nature are frivolous inanities, and are meaningless except to those who attempt to attach some fictional importance to them, my comments are consistent with that theme.
An opinion poll only represents a snapshot of the feelings of a certain group of people at the point in time it was taken. On Aug 28, 2007 the Real Clear Politics avg. ranking GOP nominees was:

Rudy Giuliani 27.8%
Fred Thompson 17.2%
Mitt Romney 13.3%
John McCain 11.3%
RealClearPolitics - 2012 - 2008 GOP Presidential Race 4 Years Ago

Of course we all remember the end result of that primary process. Fast forward to today (Aug 28, 2011) and the RCP avg is:

Rick Perry 21%
Mitt Romney 18.5%
Sarah Palin 11% (and she's not even a declared candidate)
Ron Paul 9.7%
Michelle Bachmann 9.5%
Rudy Giuliani 9.3% (he's not in the race either)
RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination

One could speculate that both Paul and Bachmann are wondering how they could be trailing somebody that's not even a declared candidate - especially someone like Palin who has been trashed relentlessly and unmercifully by the mainstream media for the past four years. There's no telling what the end result of the primary process will be, but I'd be willing to bet a gallon of diesel fuel that both Romney and Perry will run their campaigns better than Rudy did in 2007, and will likely begin to pull away from the rest of the pack as we approach Spring of 2012.