Ron Paul goes after the Lizard


Veteran Expediter
Well between the two, romney and gingrich, in choosing either one the republican party will lose the election without much of a problem.


Veteran Expediter
And your alternative is? One that will win?
Well, since you asked the question (although not of me) I'll answer - and only quote the close of the article:

"One word of warning for pro-war Republicans: if you fail to nominate Ron Paul and instead nominate an establishment neoconservative like Romney or Gingrich, expect Paul to run on a third party ticket, and due to the reasons outlined above, expect him to win a higher percentage of the overall vote than Perot did in the 1992 general election (greater than 18.9%). That would undoubtedly reelect Obama.

Is that what you want?

Save your outrage and answer instead this question: given your less than courteous opinion of Paul, how can you possibly explain your sense of entitlement toward his supporters and their votes? Answer: you can’t.

Besides, even if Ron Paul did not run third party, and even if he were to endorse the neoconservative Republican nominee, his supporters wouldn’t necessarily follow his lead. I know I wouldn’t."

Yeah ...... what he :rolleyes: said .....

It's the political reality ..... deal with it ... or just resign yourself to learning to say:

"...... four more years ....."

Electability: Ron Paul Soundly Defeats Obama for These Eleven Reasons
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Veteran Expediter
And your alternative is? One that will win?

There isn't going to be one, the party has somewhat of a problem. Romney is a liberal and the star of the party which proves that the party is an extension of the democrats. Gingrich is a hasbeen and has nothing more to offer except being a Washington hack but is fighting for a spot which he should have done in 2008 so the only one who may give Obama a hard race is Cain who has crossed the line that Paul should have crossed but Paul was trashed by the party again.

Pretty much the party needs to focus on congress and stop trying to fight something they won't win.


Veteran Expediter
There isn't going to be one, the party has somewhat of a problem.
Don't count on everyone to actually understand this .... :rolleyes:

Those who are so anti-Obama that they can literally hear, see, or think of nothing else are so clueless that they fail to understand the premise that you set forth below, and the effect that it has on those who aren't so much motived by what one is against, but what one is for:

Romney is a liberal and the star of the party which proves that the party is an extension of the democrats.
Bingo !

As illustrated in the political ad I linked at the beginning of this thread, it's going to take somewhat more than a candidate who will spew platitudes, say the "right" things, and whisper sweet nothings in our ears to placate a significant number of some of us.

We're looking for someone who not only talks the talk, but has and will walk the walk ....

It's a point which a growing number of people (on both sides of the aisle) will not compromise on.

A pox on both their houses.

Gingrich is a hasbeen and has nothing more to offer except being a Washington hack but is fighting for a spot which he should have done in 2008 so the only one who may give Obama a hard race is Cain who has crossed the line that Paul should have crossed but Paul was trashed by the party again.
A very wise fellow once said:

"A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house."

Pretty much the party needs to focus on congress and stop trying to fight something they won't win.
They still have a chance ..... but my bet is that they are too stupid to take it ....

I sincerely hope that is not the case - however as a realist, I full well understand that the Republican party is, to a very great degree, responsible for where we find ourselves today.

To some, the above is an utterly abhorrent thought that they dare not entertain ..... unless they can simultaneously cry ".... but the dems/libs/left are worse" ..... (a true fact perhaps - but one which does absolutely nothing whatsoever to address the problem at hand)

A pox on both their houses.


Senior Moderator
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Looks to be shaping up to a year of picking from the lesser of two evils. Pretty much like the last election. As for Ron Paul, don't really see him going anywhere. He did say last week he wouldn't run as a third party guy, but he may flip, who knows.
He isn't showing that bad in IA (maybe third place), but he is barely on the map anywhere else.


Veteran Expediter
Looks to be shaping up to a year of picking from the lesser of two evils.
As usual.

Pretty much like the last election.

A lot of people were pretty happy to vote for Obama, because they hoped he would [could?] change things. Now they aren't so sure, and it's back to the status quo.

As for Ron Paul, don't really see him going anywhere.

Because the talking heads [mainstream media?] don't? You might all be surprised - Ron Paul is winning a lot of people over because he talks sense. And he just LOOKS like a POTUS, ok? :D

He did say last week he wouldn't run as a third party guy, but he may flip, who knows.
He isn't showing that bad in IA (maybe third place), but he is barely on the map anywhere else.

If it isn't Paul, Obama will be reelected. Not because he is that good, but because the opposition is that bad. Enough [actually, way too much] of the SOS 'leadership' that has led us to the brink of disaster in several directions at once, we need someone who has that quality of leadership that's been missing in DC for practically ever now.
Somehow, I don't see Congress & the Senate being as big a problem for Ron Paul as they were/are for Obama, lol.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If it somehow ends up Paul against Obama Paul may win. Not because he is good, but because people are fed up with Obama.

I will be voting against Obama, not for anyone that I see running against him at this point. They all suck, including Paul.


Veteran Expediter
Looks to be shaping up to a year of picking from the lesser of two evils.

When I read the above I was just absolutely astounded - it's literally true brilliance in terms of a successful political strategy .... particularly when considered in light of the results it produced the last time, when y'all decided to run with it.

In a similar vein, I would suggest either of the following:

1. Repeatedly beating one or more fingertips with a hammer to see if it still results in pain and the loss of fingernails.


2. Poking out one's eyes with a sharp stick, to see if it still results blindness.

There's some maxim I seem to recall about ... continuing to do the same thing and ..... something .....

Oh well, I can't quite recall it .... I'm sure it probably isn't really important anyways ..... :rolleyes:

Pretty much like the last election.
Certainly no lessons to be learned there .... :rolleyes:

As for Ron Paul, don't really see him going anywhere.
Well, being the man of vision you clearly are, I'm sure that's something to take to the bank .... ;)

BTW, what was your call on the last presidential election, at a similar point prior ?

He did say last week he wouldn't run as a third party guy, but he may flip, who knows.
Your characterization above is not quite accurate.

Paul has repeatedly stated that he has no plans (at present) to run as the third-party candidate. (Which of course is true - he's going for the Republican nomination in earnest)

He has also said on a number of occasions that he hasn't ruled it out either.

There has been much political commentary noting the above facts ...

He has also stated unequivocally he will not support a nominee which does not share the same fundamental principles as himself.

IOW, if it's a neo-con, Paul walks - with his supporters.

You may as well just start practicing now: "..... four more years ....."

He isn't showing that bad in IA (maybe third place), but he is barely on the map anywhere else.
You might want to recall the history of past presidential elections when taking note of the above.

You also may wish to that a look at what certain folks (not necessarily Paul supporters) who are saying it's a very real possibility that he may take Iowa.
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Expert Expediter
I don't believe there are any good choices. I am very conservative. I can not and will not vote for Romney, or Newt. They are like Obama lite to me. I might be able to vote for Cain. I am very serious that the border needs closed completely. I think that we are spiraling down the drain. It may be time to buy the subsistence farm and put a do not disturb sign on the gate. If Ron Paul is the choice, I may just stay home and watch reruns of MASH and then pray for guidance to the nearest bar. I don't drink but I may start. Another sucky year for the political choices.


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I think it is a hard call to say it is any ones election at this point when looking at the current top three. Much can happen in a year. You are also right in that we may have Obama again. Probably a better chance of that then Paul winning.
Obama has the unions, occupiers, minorities, media and a ton of money to get there even as pathetic as he is.
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Veteran Expediter
If it somehow ends up Paul against Obama Paul may win. Not because he is good, but because people are fed up with Obama.

I will be voting against Obama, not for anyone that I see running against him at this point. They all suck, including Paul.

...and some are pleased none of the time.


Veteran Expediter
It's amazing that a sitting president with a lower approval rating than Jimmy Friggen Carter has a chance to win reelection. To me, it shows a new low in American stupidity, that not only do we fall for the old "Hope and Change" trick, we're now going to fall for it a second time? Fool me twice, kiss it goodbye. I have no faith in America rebounding. It's too full of circus-watching (MSM) imbeciles. Even when naked truth is staring them in the face, they'll still be transfixed on the pretty, sparkly things.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
...and some are pleased none of the time.

When a candidate with experience, solid ideas, and good leadership qualities comes forward I will get excited over that person. I don't care if they are a Democrat, a Republican, they start a third party. I don't care if they are white, black, green or yellow with purple polka dots either. I have yet to see that candidate from either party. Right now, all I see are a few clones, all owned by the same people and a couple of strange dudes. I see zero leadership qualities from anyone.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It's amazing that a sitting president with a lower approval rating than Jimmy Friggen Carter has a chance to win reelection. To me, it shows a new low in American stupidity, that not only do we fall for the old "Hope and Change" trick, we're now going to fall for it a second time? Fool me twice, kiss it goodbye. I have no faith in America rebounding. It's too full of circus-watching (MSM) imbeciles. Even when naked truth is staring them in the face, they'll still be transfixed on the pretty, sparkly things.
Consider this: why do we think the Obama will be really hard to beat and has a chance to win re-election in spite of his lousy record, rock-bottom approval ratings, and scandals like Solyndra and Fast & Furious about to reach boiling point ? Because the mainstream media tells us so. This is the same media that told us George W. Bush wouldn't stand a chance running against Al Gore, the master debater and intellectual giant:rolleyes:. The same media told us on election day in November 2003 that the early exit polls told us John Kerry would win in a landslide.

How about another viewpoint based on his record and objective statistics available at this point in time - he's going to lose, period. The simple fact is that nobody but a small cadre of liberals and socialists plus most blacks still like Obama and think he deserves re-election. The majority of others simply will not vote for him under any circumstances - he's been a really bad president. Given a decent alternative candidate from the GOP they will vote for him. In the highly unlikely event that someone like Bachmann or Paul would get the nomination, they'll stay at home in spite of the fact that any of the GOP candidates would be a vast improvement.


Veteran Expediter
Consider this: why do we think the Obama will be really hard to beat and has a chance to win re-election in spite of his lousy record, rock-bottom approval ratings, and scandals like Solyndra and Fast & Furious about to reach boiling point ? Because the mainstream media tells us so. This is the same media that told us George W. Bush wouldn't stand a chance running against Al Gore, the master debater and intellectual giant:rolleyes:. The same media told us on election day in November 2003 that the early exit polls told us John Kerry would win in a landslide.

Well it isn't because the mainstream media tells us so, it is because many don't care. There are more important things in their lives to worry about the guns in Mexico or some solar company going belly up. I think to put this in perspective, the republican party, like the democrats have courted the Latino vote at the expense of the citizen's trust, so looking around, with stupid comments about letting people stay when they broke the law by coming here in the first place leaves a lot to be desired in the republican line up.

The media, which includes Fox, Washington Post among others, doesn't always fail to tell us what's going on with both sides - like the dems in congress are having a hard time with obama and some of his wants.

Those two issues have not boiled over, there isn't riots in the streets over them nor do they actually affect people directly no matter how it is portrayed in any press. What does concern most of us is the economy and still the republicans don't get that part even now, just the same as the democrats.

How about another viewpoint based on his record and objective statistics available at this point in time - he's going to lose, period.

I can't agree with this for a number of reasons.

The first one is his record is not all inclusive to the problems we have today, you can blame him but it is congress and always was. Many who will vote for him see it either one of two ways - the congress is at fault for most of the problems (which he has started to get that in the heads of people) or he inherited a lot of this not just from Bush but from Clinton.

The second thing is that what the republicans have is no better than what he is and what is in the congress.

The other thing is unless the economy tanks, seriously tanks, he has the upper hand - "see my policies do work". The republicans CAN NOT go back and point out some of the things he did because they were done with their blessing. One thing that they should have done (and many tea party house members thought enough to complain openly) was to stop the government by not allowing a debt ceiling increase or passing 2011 budget - both were done without much of a fight from the republican party. So this can be used against them many different ways.

Even now, Obama can point out a few positive things his administration has done, one is a very contentious point with me - retirement accounts invested in the stock market. He can easily point out that he single handedly saved millions of people's retirement through his policies that kept the stock market up - Even though anyone who is smart knows that the stock market is the last place to put retirement money.

The simple fact is that nobody but a small cadre of liberals and socialists plus most blacks still like Obama and think he deserves re-election.

I don't think so, I feel a lot of libertarians and undeclared independents will also vote for him if there is a Gingrich or a Romney on the ticket. A lot like McCain getting a lot of votes because of Palin and only Palin.

The majority of others simply will not vote for him under any circumstances - he's been a really bad president.


Even Reagan in some regards, Nixon, Clinton, Bush and Eisenhower ... all have been bad for the country in one sense or another.

Given a decent alternative candidate from the GOP they will vote for him. In the highly unlikely event that someone like Bachmann or Paul would get the nomination, they'll stay at home in spite of the fact that any of the GOP candidates would be a vast improvement.

I don't see a decent anything outside of Cain or Paul, all the others are somewhat scary. I think you will have many republican voters who will vote for the party no matter who the candidate is but it isn't those who many should be concerned with, it is those independents who don't fall for the conservative BS line that they need to capture and by the looks of it, they may end up voting for Obama.


Veteran Expediter
It realy doesn't matter does it. They are going to put on a realy good show and give the public what they want. But in the end because as one here put it you got a has been who should have run in 2008 and then you got another thats been said here will run like Ross Perot well. In the end the Encumbant will most likely win. Herman well all that Hoop ta on him being a ladies man to be polite. Ya Realy Big show kinda reminds me of the WWE. If you get my Drift.
Battle Royal it will NOT BE.
As Vince MCMan says no chance thats what ya got.
None of them.
The Incumbant will win anouther term most likely that will be. The writting is on the Wall and U America have already Voted.
Its all in the making just like it was in 2008.
Barock will take it and Wear the Title another term.
Sorry but thats just the way it is. Fare or not.
But one things is for sure Im not going to let it or anyone else runion my Christmas So that being said
Merry Christmas to Everyone and Happy New Year as well !!


Veteran Expediter
Greg... you underestimate our level of disgust with Obama. We have never had a President who proved to be so divisive and so indifferent to the will of the people. Look at how Obama forced the socialized healthcare down our throats. At his direction, several wavering Senators were brazenly bought off( with hundreds of millions of American taxpayer dollars) ... poll after poll showed the majority of Americans opposed the Obamacare initiatives. Still, Obama and Harry Reid plotted to force passage of the bill through gimmickry and deceit. Using every dirty trick and manipulation available, Obamacare was shoe-horned into law in spite of great outcry.

Obamacare came at a dear cost to Obama and the Democrats. The Tea Party movement rose up to stem any further advances of Obama's agenda. The Tea Party organized a huge get-out-the -vote tsunami which produced the largest GOP takeover of the House of Representatives in 60 or 70 years. Moreover, as a direct result of Obama's vanity in defying the will of the American people, he lost Congress and any further chance of passing meaningful legislation for the remainder of his term in office. Obama will never again be able to force his will through the legislative process. Now, Obama rules through Executive Orders and directing changes in administrative law through the regulatory agencies such as the EPA. We are going to see a lot of EO and regulatory mandates. It is all he's got.

Even worse, Obama has been the biggest wet blanket the world economy has ever seen. He began bad-mouthing capitalism and American business as soon as he declared his Presidential aspirations. So far as I can remember, Obama remains the only person to get elected talking down his country. It is absolutely stupefying any rational person could have supported this man. He does not love this country. That is why he promised to fundamentally change America. Obama's "hope and change" have brought us to the egde of national economic suicide.

We are in a very dark period of American history. If the 2012 election is a referendum on Barack Obama's record, he cannot win. If the Democrats and their accomplices in the media succeed in making the race about something else, it will be a much closer contest. God help us, Obama has to go.