At the end of the day, it really comes down to who can cut the spending and get the national debt under control.
Agreed. The difference is in which spending to cut, no? So far, the spending cuts have [as always] focused on those who have the least ability to fight back, from local libraries to federal cuts in higher education. Nobody's looking at the money spent for those at the top of the food chain, or complaining about all the welfare that goes to corporations - it seems a tad lopsided, is all.
That effects just about everything. Women's healthcare, unemployment and the rest of it won't matter if our financial situation doesn't start improving.
Our financial situation would improve, maybe, if some of the money that's been thrown at 'business' for the last few decades [which they used to enrich their 'stakeholders, rather than enrich America by expanding jobs with decent wages and benefits for Americans] were instead used to find solutions to the unemployment that is crippling us. Without good jobs, there is no middle class for the poor to aspire to join, no market for the services of the financial, real estate, insurance companies, etc, that dominate the 1%.
At this point, we know Obama wants to continue spending. He has said so himself.
And he has some historical data to show that drastic cuts to services that help people [as opposed to corporations] only exacerbate the problems. More people need unemployment and subsidized health care, rent, food, etc, and we simply can't blame them for being lazy/shiftless/irresponsible and let them die, right?
A LOT of money has been spent to subsidize Big Business over the past few decades, and if it was a good investment, why are there no jobs today?
So that leaves us with someone that at least is talking about finances.
Wait - Obama is talking about finances, too, lol.
We just can't keep borrowing money that isn't there.
We can, if it offers a better chance of repaying it. A lot of people feel that 'business' [eliminating jobs, avoiding taxes, insider trading, creative accounting, etc] played a big part in getting us into the financial hole we're in, and someone like Romney ain't gonna get us out.
Just look at Greece. We aren't far away.
Sure we are - or would be, if American business would invest in America [by paying their taxes, instead of paying accountants to find ways to avoid it] and in Americans by creating and keeping decent jobs here. Americans have always been workers, but then, there used to be jobs that paid enough to live a decent middle class life, until they were traded for more profit to the shareholders.....
No one I know espouses Communism, despite the claims of some - people just want to work and pay their bills and raise their kids and save for the future, mostly, but it can't be done on what jobs pay these days.
Meanwhile, the rich just keep getting richer, the income disparity keeps increasing, and carriers keep making more money, but O/O's are making less.....
Is 'business' going to fix that?