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I have to pull a shameless plug that probably belongs in the truck forum but wanted to get the attention of all Rigmaster owners...My unit went down in Kansas City (2400 hrs on unit)from overheating so I looked up auth serv centers in the area and found Auxiliary Products on the I-35 south of KC exit #215 where I met Matt and Mike. These guy's were straight up professionals cradle to grave and I can't say enough good things about them, they repaired my unit (bad inline fuse behind motor for the elec fan) in 5 min and had me ready to go and didn't charge me anything! I was bored though so I stuck around for a few to ask some questions about the units and they had no problem taking the time to answer same. I found out that they are right next door to the American division of Rigmaster parts and assembly so parts stock is not an issue and if you ever break down they will be more than happy to help you locate parts should the repair facility be at a loss. Again sorry I had to throw this out but I have had some real bad experiences with unqualified service centers in the area of Apu service and repair hence I am real passionate about customer service and these guys rock. Rigmaster is all they do and I believe they do it well so if your in the area stop in and let them serve ya.
Mike and Cyn
Mike and Cyn