Georgia may be onto something. It certainly needs to happen somehow.
Georgia Takes First Step to Stop Oppressive Federal Government
Georgia Takes First Step to Stop Oppressive Federal Government
SOMETHING has to be done to cut down the Federal government. They are out of control and oppressive. They must be forced back into the bounds of the Constitution, or removed and replaced.
Hey Old School this is the new Amerika this is what the new Amerikans want, we are the minority we don't count so if we don't like it we can leave.
There is no where to go. THIS is my home and my way of life. My way of life is my RIGHT!
I'm feelin ya but majority rules so watcha gonna do?
Turtle, don't try to say I said (I'm feelin your butt)
You don't think the "Gimmi Goobers" are the majority?There is no majority rule in the United States, getting to be less so with each passing election.