Recession or Depression?


Veteran Expediter
I was listening to one of the beb’s channels on the internet about finance and the a ‘scholar’ from Oxford or Cambridge was talking about the parallels of today’s US economy problems and the triggers of Great depression. No great conclusions were really discussed when I was so rudely interrupted by a telemarketer – so I missed the end of the program.

I am wondering if we are actually headed for a true depression opposed to a recession. With the money supply being inflated, the debt load we all have being really high and the fact that we are still actually moving a lot of our manufacturing off shore and ending up with less tangible industry (service) on shore.

And for those who think it is about a repub v. dem thing, I got to remind everyone that the three most recent presidents are all to blame for this mess but not as much as the people in Congress (keating 5 comes to mind).


Veteran Expediter
>If you bought whatever the telemarketer was selling you may
>have helped to stimulate the economy....:)

Now come on, they are calling me from India and represent a company out of Mexico.


Veteran Expediter
Sorry to see that my comments about leaving the expedite business were just a little to much for some sorry soul to swallow.Pulled my little message as it is to offensive?Gee,sorry if the truth hurts.Perhaps it's just better to plow on and keep only the postive news in front of this community.I have no sour grapes,I did what was best for me,and I offered my advise to others who may find themselves in a similar situation.According to the banks,I'm certainly not alone.Big difference is I did not have to file and go I got out sooner rather then later.


Veteran Expediter
I just got back from a load in Toronto and was looking for the post, what happened? - who was offended?

I wrote a sincere note to you, and I am put off by pulling the entire thread.

Anyone? (hint Moderators)


Veteran Expediter
No biggie Greg,it just speaks to what I assumed about this site these days.There's big trouble in this industry(not for single owners who do a great job)but for small fleet owners who have been the back bone of this troubled business for the last 5 or 6 years.Nobody wants to invest in new equipment with the turmoil and deeply discounted rates.This site will now bend over for the carriers,and dissmissing any hint of bad news about run counts etc is good reason to pull a thread.I seem to remember when this forum was free of the heavy hand of the carriers.Oh well,glad I'm on the other side now.
Take care.


Veteran Expediter
I would like to hear more about your new venture when ever you get a chance - it sounds interesting.

The industry is changing but so is everything else. I know many are worried because they have large payments for their trucks but for some reason I am not. Maybe I took the used vehicle path funded cheaply and I can dig myself out easier than most.

I don't know.

What I do know is the state I live in is going down the tubes and today I heard that there are some people who want to divide the state up, the upper peninsula goes to Wisconsin, the lower split down the middle and each half given to Ohio and Indiana.

I wont comment on the sites need to pull things, no one has yet said a word which lets me form my own assumptions and is not for public viewing. I was disappointed that it was pulled before I got to read any reply from you.

Well good luck in your new venture.


Veteran Expediter
I'm not really doing anything new,I always did it,I'm just much more focused then before.I'm now freed up from the distractions of a fleet.The timing seems to have been good,as mining is booming.There are only so many really high calibur mining managers and engineers around,so everybody is going after the same talent.Since I have been moving miners for 25 years,and they tend to skip around,I've moved most of them 2 or 3 times.They know me and trust the company I work for.It feels a little like I took a 7 years vacation (minus the bikinis and surf)and landed back where I was.Instead of selling I was servicing the accounts.Being back out selling,on the raod and drumming up new business is exciting.I covered 7 states and 2 provinces over the last 2.5 weeks.Canada in paticular is thriving right now.The prospects look good for mucho business for the next 2 to 3 yeras.
In hind site,other then the joy of being a business owner,I probably should have not strayed,but it does no good to look back now,it's healthier to hit the accounts hard and stay positive.
I'm looking forward to some overseas trips in the near future as the need arises.Probably Argentina and Chile this years with Asia next year.
Coppoer and gold live together,so there's lots of mergers and aqusitions going on between copper and gold companies.Silver is also booming in Mexico right now,lots of exploration and new projects nearing production phase.Being the mover guy gives me the opportunity to talk to many people in the know as they prepare to leave one site and move to another.Gotta go.
How about the crazy world of the politico!!Wild man.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
Wow, I thought all was well for you with your expedite fleet. All the best and glad to see you posting again.


Veteran Expediter
I don't care WHAT you're doing (for a living, I mean), I hope you'll keep popping in & posting when you can - you keep it lively and interesting around the Soapbox. Your point of view is always worth reading, and I look forward to more of it.


Veteran Expediter
Thank you folks,I really appreciate the support.If I hit any exotic ports I'll give a road report with pictures.Rich,the first round maybe in CA,so you better let me know when your out this way,the same applies to any of you.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
>It feels a little like I took a 7 years vacation (minus
>the bikinis and surf)

That's minus the best part! It's good to do what you enjoy and want to do though. It's what we all want and thankfully many of us manage to do. Good luck.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB
OOIDA Life Member 677319, JOIN NOW
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Back to the original posting "Depression or Recession". A recession is when YOU lose YOUR job. A depression is when I lose MY job.
:+ :+


Veteran Expediter
Not sure 'bout poor accountants, but this prof was the victim of our governor wanting a new dome stadium for the overpaid athletes to frolic in. They cut the education budget to help pay for the stadium, the university cut my budget, eliminated my program and said "bye, bye, theoldprof".
:+ :+


Veteran Expediter
I sort of sympathize with you but on the other hand I am put off by the most recent rejections from the three major universities in the state while being accepted by Oxford. I even have a recommendation from a department chair and they didn't get me enough 'points' to get in. What I am told that killed it for me at all three was the fact I am not from another country - go figure that one out.

I don't make any bones about the fact I firmly believe that if the institutional of higher learning is a publicly funded institution with tax money of the people, it has a clear obligation to education any and all students of the state who want to go there with in reason of space - not be selective on who they accept based on race, citizenship or anything else for that matter. There is no reason to have the institution on the public teet when they are discriminating against the very people who pay the bills.


Seasoned Expediter
if it is funded by tax dollars then citizenship should most definitely considered, why should American tax dollars pay for foreign students education, let their own country foot the bill!!!!


Veteran Expediter
Greg, are you applying to attend or teach at a university? Sorry either way. Many years ago my daughter drove about two hours in a snow storm to register her second semester at Indiana University. She couldn't get some of the classes she needed. They were full. She could take basket weaving or shoe polishing or something like that. Instead she came home and registered at another college where she eventually graduated. At the same time the head honcho at IU was in Japan or some such place recruiting for foreign students. Yet, they couldn't find a place for local kids to attend classes. Go figure that one.

:+ :+


Veteran Expediter
To attend.

I understand where you're coming from, don't take this personal but I find the system that these public institutions have created is based only on money and not the betterment of the people who pay their wage.

I wanted to finish my degree, maybe going after a law degree or a basket weaving degree after I get the first ticket - which ever is more useful.

The really odd thing for me is with one school (I won't mention any of them just in case) who has me on their doctorate alumni list for some reason, completing their program in 1996 and receiving my title in the latter part of that year according to their records. I have had discussion after discussion with the people who run that list to get me off because they hound me for money, I even had a frank discussion with the president of the school and he said that they don't make mistakes so I asked for a copy of my diploma and I have yet to receive it. I took two graduate classes there as a requirement for the school I was attending at that time. Since I was laid off, I applied to this school and showed admissions the letters I received from the alumni saying I completed their doctorate program in Physics in 1996 and that got me 4 points - even after I told them I never applied for a graduate program there - but I was not accepted. Oh I know why I am on the alumni list, when they transfered the school records from paper to electronic, my name and the name of a few hundred people were mistakenly screwed up and they never caught it - even today I got my quarterly newsletter and pledge statement in the mail which means I will get my department specific monthly tomorrow.

You know thinking about it, I honestly think it would be cheaper to work with the school on this alumni thing and raise a lot of money for them so I can get my ticket on paper - they do hand out honorary degrees for some who help the school. I know of three who now have Doctor in front of their names (legal here) and phD at the end. Hum..... Maybe that will work, got to find out who to bribe.