Ready for a Career Change!


Expert Expediter
I recently left a career in law enforcement. My assignments included road patrol, criminal investigations and a short time as a Child Protective Services Investigator. I enjoyed being a cop and was more into service than enforcement. My philosophy was if you can't help someone, don't hurt them. I did not take joy in arresting people. I did enjoy solving crimes, recovering property and seeing our justice system work. It always occurred to me that no matter how bad a person becomes, he likely has a father, mother, brother, sister or child who care about him. The only times I felt OK about arresting someone was (1) when the laws did not leave an alternative, (2) when it would create a failure of justice not to arrest and (3) when it would place another person in danger not to arrest, especially in domestic violence situations. I know I failed many times but I always tried not to arrest or ticket someone "because they failed the attitude test". I was especially concerned about any traffic violator with a CDL. Well anyway, I'm burned out with life and death jobs. I don't ever want to see another dead child on an autopsy table. I love to travel and I hear the road calling me. I've passed the written tests and hope to take the pretrip, skills and road test soon. Does anybody want to team with a burned out cynical ex-cop who loves people and the road? [email protected]

Tennesee Trash

Expert Expediter
I too heard the road calling after many years in law enforcement. I was fair and did a good job at it. I have been there done that and have no regrets about leaving to seek a new career.

I will tell you "on the road" is not always great or a wonderful experience. I went out 02/14/05 on my first trip with a new co-driver, company and owner.I did well for the first trip and made money.
I then encountered a problem when co-driver became nervous about a Canadian run. I found out after we left Canada two days ,( he refused to drive, 1st clue), later he had a felony that could've gotten him,and me arrested and truck confiscated or detained.
I was so mad I was going to quit on the spot 1100 miles from home. I called owner and told him what i had found out, owner said for us to return to base and he would deal with it, and he did ,he let ME go, kept co-driver because it sounded to him like I had a grudge against the driver and the driver had called and told him another story.
I was called back later and told whoa and behold the company did have a background check come back and driver wouldn't be ever allowed in Canada again period.
I have tried to go with another co-driver and after only a few days I find out he had a similar problem with drug dealing charges and owner hired him any way. He was put with me and that lasted about 8 days.
I have left expediting due to a terrible owner, lousy co-drivers, and low pay ( never reached any where what I had been told. I learned a valuable lesson , I have no desire to drive with crooks,and get low pay at the same time. My case may be one in 10k but it happened.
I wish you great success and good pay. Take care out there.


Veteran Expediter
I burned out in the business world. This is a good place to get out of the stream for a while and try a different kind of stress. Keep in touch and keep at it. You certainly could do worse.


Veteran Expediter
> I too heard the road calling after many years in law
>enforcement. I was fair and did a good job at it. I have
>been there done that and have no regrets about leaving to
>seek a new career.
> I will tell you "on the road" is not always great or a
>wonderful experience. I went out 02/14/05 on my first trip
>with a new co-driver, company and owner.I did well for the
>first trip and made money.
> I then encountered a problem when co-driver became nervous
>about a Canadian run. I found out after we left Canada two
>days ,( he refused to drive, 1st clue), later he had a
>felony that could've gotten him,and me arrested and truck
>confiscated or detained.
> I was so mad I was going to quit on the spot 1100 miles
>from home. I called owner and told him what i had found out,
>owner said for us to return to base and he would deal with
>it, and he did ,he let ME go, kept co-driver because it

How can this be? How can you take an honest retired Police Officer and put him with the scum of the earth. Why do people like the above mentioned person keep a job driving? You know if the scum would not be hired we could all get the bar raised. Sounds like the owner needs more of a screw tightened than the driver. I ask the carrier how did they ever let him in? I know the company he is refering to.
>sounded to him like I had a grudge against the driver and
>the driver had called and told him another story.
> I was called back later and told whoa and behold the
>company did have a background check come back and driver
>wouldn't be ever allowed in Canada again period.
> I have tried to go with another co-driver and after only a
>few days I find out he had a similar problem with drug
>dealing charges and owner hired him any way. He was put with
>me and that lasted about 8 days.
> I have left expediting due to a terrible owner, lousy
>co-drivers, and low pay ( never reached any where what I had
>been told. I learned a valuable lesson , I have no desire to
>drive with crooks,and get low pay at the same time. My case
>may be one in 10k but it happened.
> I wish you great success and good pay. Take care out there.
> Tn/Trash

Kraig Allen